"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Saturday, February 17, 2018



Bishop Marcel Lefebvre has repeatedly denounced the infiltration of Freemasonry ideas within the Church. We reproduce a chapter where he talks about the importance of knowing the plans that the sect has for the Church.

The so-called "Catholic liberalism" was penetrating, like satanic smoke, within the Church but this has been with great help from the Masonic sect. Let's see what the Masonic plans consisted of to infiltrate their ideas in the ecclesiastical hierarchy.


Here we are, in our brief historical sketch of Catholic liberalism, on the eve of the Second Vatican Council. But before analyzing the victory achieved by liberalism in the Council, I would like to go back in time to show that the penetration of liberalism throughout the hierarchy and even in the Papacy itself, which was unthinkable two centuries ago, was nevertheless thought , announced and organized since the beginning of the last century by Freemasonry. It will be enough to reproduce the documents that prove the existence of this intrigue against the Church, of that "supreme attack" against the Papacy.

The secret papers of the Alta Venta de los Carbonarios that fell into the hands of Pope Gregory XVI, span the period from 1820 to 1846. They were published at the request of Pope Pius IX, by Crétineau-Joly in his work L'Eglise Romaine et la Revolution [The Roman Church and the Revolution] [1] . And by the Brief of approval of February 25, 1861 addressed to the author, Pius IX confirmed the authenticity of his documents, but did not allow the true names of the Alta Venta members involved in this correspondence to be divulged. These letters are absolutely frightening, and if the Popes asked that they be published, it was for the faithful to know of the conspiracy against the Church concocted by the secret societies, to know their plan and to be warned against its eventual realization. At the moment I do not say more, but with tremor these lines are read. I do not invent anything, I only read, but it is not a mystery that today they are fulfilled. I do not hide that even his boldest projects are outdone by the current reality! Let's read, then. I will only underscore what should impress us the most.

"The Pope, whatever he may be, will never come to the secret societies: it is up to them to take the first step towards the Church to defeat both.
"The work we are going to undertake is not the work of a day, a month, or a year; it may last several years, perhaps a century; but in our ranks the soldier dies and the fighting continues.
"We do not want to win the Popes for our cause, make them neophytes of our principles, propagators of our ideas. It would be a ridiculous dream. Whatever the turn of events, the fact that cardinals or prelates, for example, have knowingly or unwittingly entered a part of our secrets, is not at all a reason to wish their elevation to the Chair of Peter. This elevation would lose us. Only ambition would have led them to apostasy and the need for power would force them to immolate us. What we should ask for, what we should look for and expect as the Jews expect the Messiah, is a Pope according to our needs ...
"Thus we will march more surely to the assault of the Church than with the libels of our brothers of France and the same gold of England. Do you want to know the reason? It is that with this, to destroy the rock on which God built his Church, we no longer need the anibalino vinegar, nor the gunpowder of the cannon; we no longer need even our arms. We have the little finger of the successor of Peter engaged in the plot, and that finger is worth more in this crusade than all the Urban II and all the Saint Bernard of Christianity.
"We do not doubt that we will reach that supreme term of our efforts, but when and how? The mystery is not revealed yet. However, as nothing should deviate from the plan outlined, but on the contrary, everything must tend to him as if from tomorrow the success came to crown the work just outlined, we want in this instruction that for the simple initiates remain secret, give those in charge of the Supreme Sale, advice that should inculcate the universality of the brothers, in the form of teaching, or of memorandum ...
"Now, to ensure a Pope of due proportions, it is first a question of carving that pope a generation worthy of the kingdom we dream of. Put aside old age and mature age; address the youth and, if possible, even the childhood (...) you will earn without much effort a reputation as a good Catholic and a patriot without duplicity.
"This reputation will make our doctrines arrive both in the hearts of the young clergy and in the convents. Within a few years, this young clergy will have invaded all functions. It will be he who governs, administers, judges, forms the council of the sovereign, and will be the call to choose the Pontiff who will have to reign, and this pontiff, like most of his contemporaries, will necessarily be more or less imbued with Italian principles and humanitarian that we will begin to put into circulation. It is a mustard granite that we entrust to the earth; but the sun of justice will make it grow to the highest power, and one day you will see what abundant harvest this granite will produce.
"In the route that we draw to our brothers, there are great obstacles that we will have to overcome, many types of difficulties to overcome. We will succeed thanks to experience and insight; but the goal is so splendid that it is necessary to hoist all the sails to the wind to reach it. If you want to revolutionize Italy, look for the Pope that we just painted. If you want to establish the kingdom of the elect on the throne of the prostitute of Babylon, let the clergy march under your banner, believing always to go behind the banner of the apostolic keys. If you want to make the last vestige of tyrants and oppressors disappear, cast your nets like Simon Bariona; throw them into the sacristies, the seminaries and the convents rather than the bottom of the sea; and if you do not hurry, we promise you a fishing more miraculous than yours. The fish fisherman became a fisher of men; you will surround yourself with friends next to the Apostolic Chair. You will have preached a revolution for the tiara and the cloak, marching with the cross and the banner, a revolution that will need no more than a spark to set the four corners of the world on fire. " [ 2]

Here is an extract from a letter from "Nubius" to "Volpe", dated April 3, 1824:

"A heavy burden has been placed on our shoulders, dear Volpe. We must do the immoral education of the Church and arrive by small means, well graduated although poorly defined, to the triumph of the revolutionary idea thanks to a Pope. In this project, which always seemed superhuman to me, we still marched ... " [ 3]

"Superhuman plan" says Nubius, and it means diabolical plan! Since it is to plan the subversion of the Church by its same head, what Mons. Delassus [4] it calls the supreme attack because you can not imagine anything so subversive for the Church as a Pope seduced by liberal ideas, a Pope who uses the keys of St. Peter in the service of the counter-Church. Now, is it not what we live today since Vatican II and the new Canon Law? With this false ecumenism and this false religious freedom promulgated in Vatican II and applied by the popes with cold perseverance, despite all the ruins they have caused for more than twenty years!

Without the infallibility of the Magisterium of the Church being compromised, perhaps even without ever having sustained a proper heresy, we are witnessing the systematic self-demolition of the Church. Self-demolition is a word of Paul VI, which implicitly denounced the true culprit, because who can "self-immolate" the Church but whose mission is to keep it on solid rock? ... And what acid so effective to dissolve the rock as the liberal spirit that penetrates the same successor of Peter!

This plan is of diabolic inspiration and diabolical realization! Not only have the enemies of the Church revealed it, but also the Popes have revealed and predicted it. It is what we will see in the next chapter.

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre , taken from " Le detronaron ".

[1] 2 volumes, 1859; reprinted by the CRF, 1976. Mons. Delassus reproduced those documents again in his work The Conjuration Antichrétienne [ The Conjuration of the Christian ], DDB, Paris, 1910, T. III, pp. 1035-1092.
[2] Permanent Instruction of 1820, op. cit., T. II, pgs. 85-90.
[3] Op. Cit. p. 129
[4] Le Problème de l'Heure Présente [The Problem of the Present Hour], DDB, Paris, 1904, T. I, p. 195