Lefebvre & Benedict XIV on Lent
the Second Vatican Council, the bishops requested such a reduction of
fasting and abstinence that the prescriptions have practically
disappeared." It must be recognized that the fact of this disappearance
is a consequence of the ecumenical and protestant spirit, which denies
the need for our participation for the application of the merits of Our
Lord, to each one of us, for the forgiveness of our sins and the
restoration of our divine sonship In the past the commandments of the
Church prescribed: obligatory fasting every day of Lent, With the
exception of Sundays, during the three days of the Temporas and for many
vigils, the abstinence was for every Friday of the year, on Saturdays
of Lent and, in many dioceses, every Saturday of the year. prescriptions
are: the fast of Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and the abstinence for
the Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent. " (Bishop Lefebvre, sermon of 02-14-1982).
"The observance of Lent is the link of our militia; by it we differ from the enemies of the Cross of Jesus Christ; through it we dodge the lashes of divine wrath; for her, protected with the heavenly help during the day, we strengthen ourselves against the princes of darkness. If this observance is relaxed, it yields in derogation of the glory of God, dishonor of the Catholic religion and danger of the Christian souls; and there is no doubt that this neglect is a source of misfortunes for the people, disasters in public affairs and misfortunes for individuals. " (Benedict XIV, Constitution Non Ambigimus, 05-30-1741)