"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Fr. Campbell, The True Mission of the Church

The True Mission of the Church
Fr. Campbell 

Tonight at Midnight people all over the world, in one time zone after another, will wish one another a Happy New Year, as the old year passes away and the New Year begins. The strains of “Auld Lang Syne” have already been heard in Australia and the Philippines and the other countries around the far Pacific Rim, and are spreading across Asia, Europe and Africa, and will finally be heard in the Americas within a few hours. The world looks forward in hope to a year of peace and prosperity, but the euphoria of New Year’s Eve will probably not last beyond the first day of January, 2018.  

We have reason to take St. Peter’s advice: “Be sober, be watchful! For your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goes about seeking someone to devour” (1Pet.5:8). People must be warned that their souls are in extreme danger. They have not found the narrow path that leads to eternal life. And those who should be reminding us to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil.2:12), are totally preoccupied with making this world a better place. Benedict XVI called Jesus Christ the Savior of all men, but his idea of salvation is different. In his writings the heretical doctrine of Universal Salvation is taken for granted.

Speaking to the crowds on Christmas Day, Benedict described an earthly salvation – salvation from war, poverty, hunger, slavery, and injustice. Jesus Christ has already taken care of the salvation of souls. All the Church has to do is to preach peace and justice for all men. The condition for peace, says Benedict, is the integral good of the human person, respecting each man and every woman and their proper dignity. We can work out our earthly salvation, and that without fear and trembling.     

Incredibly, there is no mention whatever of eternal life, nor is there mention of the saving of souls. But whatever is left of “human dignity” after humanity’s fall from grace – Original Sin – does not absolve us from the need for Baptism and membership in the one, true Church of Jesus Christ. Original Sin has no place in the New Theology, and the boundaries of the “church” are expanded so as to include the whole of humanity.

“With the Incarnation, as the Second Vatican Council stated,” says Benedict, “the Son of God has in some way united himself with each man and woman (cf. ‘Gaudium et Spes’, 22)”. How many souls are being misled and will be lost eternally because of this false teaching?

In his January 1st message for the World Day of Peace, 2007, entitled “The Human Person, the Heart of Peace,” Benedict is convinced that respect for the person promotes peace and that, in building peace, the foundations are laid for a serene future is for coming generations. Respect for the person? True respect for any person is to call him to faith in Jesus Christ, and to Baptism “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”

Because human beings are made in the image and likeness of God (Gen.1:27), they are endowed with human dignity, says Benedict. This may be true. But Human Dignity takes the place of Sanctifying Grace in the New Theology. Human Dignity is all men need to do good works that are pleasing to God. Because of their Human Dignity men can cooperate in creating peace in this world and can build a “civilization of love”. Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and Muslims, even atheists, have Human Dignity. They have no need of Baptism, Sanctifying Grace, or the Catholic faith. 

In the same New Year’s message, Benedict referred to the United Nations Organization and the Declaration of Human Rights which it published in 1948, asking that the rights described in the Declaration be held to be based “on man’s very nature and his inalienable dignity as a person created by God.”   

Why do we turn to human organizations that base their philosophy on secular humanism, when we already have in the Holy Gospels the key to peace and justice in this world, and eternal life in the next? Our Lord told His Apostles:

“Go into the whole world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized shall be saved, but he who does not believe shall be condemned” (Mk.16:15,16).      

The Holy Father, Pope Pius XII, speaks to the faithful in St. Peter’s Square after a Lenten Mission preached in the Diocese of Rome:

“These preachers, like their predecessors in past centuries, have impressed upon you with a burning zeal, and sometimes also with a loving severity, the duty of giving serious thought to and providing for the ‘unum necessarium’ (Luke, x, 42), the one thing necessary – namely, your own personal spiritual salvation and sanctification…

“In this blessed time, the Divine Sower has passed amongst you and has abundantly sown the seed of His word in your souls, which by constant prayer and penance, had been made ready to receive it as upon good and fertile soil. And now, in the presence of the true Cross, from which Christ with arms extended invites and awaits you, we, His unworthy vicar, beseech you, beloved sons and daughters, ‘that, denying ungodliness and worldly desires, we should live soberly, and justly, and godly in this world, looking for the blessed hope and coming of the glory of the great God and Savior Jesus Christ’ (Titus, ii, 12-13)” (Pope Pius XII, Address in St. Peter’s Square, March 18, 1945, The New York Times).

St. Peter, our first Holy Father, speaking to the crowds on the first Pentecost, gave us the true Gospel message he learned from Jesus Christ Himself: “Brothers… Save yourselves from this perverse generation” (Acts 2:29a;40b).


  1. Great message!! I am finding it very hard in my New Year's salutations to my friends and family to know what to say. In past years it was easy to wish everyone the usual good cheer, etc. Many of my family have no clue what is coming ahead, and if I've even tried to warn them they think I'm crazy and have just gone on with their lives, many without Christ. Those who I associate with on Facebook, who already know what's happening and what is to come...I still had trouble knowing what to say except just to wish them a Happy New Year. This is just what's needed to understand that 2018 will be a roller-coaster and many, sadly, unfortunate man-made and God-made disasters, wars, etc. are to come. Having your soul ready is so important now. ALL ELSE I CAN REALLY DO IS PRAY FOR THOSE SOULS WHO ARE MOST IN NEED OF CONVERSION AND/OR SALVATION...AND KEEP MY OWN SOUL READY FOR ANYTHING THAT GOD APPOINTS! MAY GOD BE WITH US ALL!

  2. Great points, Annette. It's hard to know what to say to atheistic types in regards to the new year except for the classic "Happy New Year!" BTW, all the best and may Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Blessed Mother Mary watch over us all in 2018! #theeaglesarecoming

  3. Jeremiah 23:1 Woe to the pastors, that destroy and tear the sheep of my pasture, saith the Lord. (This verse sums it all up in one big nut shell) The majority of this world has been lulled to sleep, a sleep called delusion according to scripture....Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false,
    2 Thessalonians 2:11. (Majority of this world is partying with drunken rivalry at the midnight hour, laughing now but will weep later because they have no discernment of the signs all around them, neither did they heed the signs in the heavens September 23, 2017) Luke 21:34 And take heed to yourselves, lest perhaps your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness, and the cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly. Matthew 24:39 And they knew not till the flood came, and took them all away; so also shall the coming of the Son of man be. (We must keep praying and warning these lost sheep to the very end so their blood will not be upon our hands) Ezekiel 33:6 And if the watchman see the sword coming, and sound not the trumpet: and the people look not to themselves, and the sword come, and cut off a soul from among them: he indeed is taken away in his iniquity, but I will require his blood at the hand of the watchman. (We must not get weary, we must keep warning everyone we can to the very end of time)

  4. Well said, Trish; God Bless you in 2018 & beyond!

  5. outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation! Archbishop Lefevre did not believe this and neither does Eric but the true Catholics must believe this dogma and profess it, or they are not true Catholics at all! This dogma does not say that outside the Catholic Church one cannot be sure of their salvation, or that as long as a person dies with a so-called clean conscience one might be saved (Lefebre's position). In our Diocesan Catholic Church this doctrine is taught and held by our traditional Catholic Community as we worship God with the traditional rites of the Sacraments and the traditional Mass celebrated almost daily. The Masses of the Society are illicit and problematic. The Restoration of the Catholic Church will come from within not without!

  6. outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation! Archbishop Lefevre did not believe this and neither does Eric but the true Catholics must believe this dogma and profess it, or they are not true Catholics at all! This dogma does not say that outside the Catholic Church one cannot be sure of their salvation, or that as long as a person dies with a so-called clean conscience one might be saved (Lefebre's position). In our Diocesan Catholic Church this doctrine is taught and held by our traditional Catholic Community as we worship God with the traditional rites of the Sacraments and the traditional Mass celebrated almost daily. The Masses of the Society are illicit and problematic. The Restoration of the Catholic Church will come from within not without!

  7. outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation! Archbishop Lefevre did not believe this and neither does Eric but the true Catholics must believe this dogma and profess it, or they are not true Catholics at all! This dogma does not say that outside the Catholic Church one cannot be sure of their salvation, or that as long as a person dies with a so-called clean conscience one might be saved (Lefebre's position). In our Diocesan Catholic Church this doctrine is taught and held by our traditional Catholic Community as we worship God with the traditional rites of the Sacraments and the traditional Mass celebrated almost daily. The Masses of the Society are illicit and problematic. The Restoration of the Catholic Church will come from within not without!

  8. Prayer for all the members of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, stay true to Tradition!

  9. Is this Fr. Edward Campbell or Fr. Benjamin Campbell?

  10. Is that the Fr. Campbell at St. Jude's in the Houston, Texas?

  11. I am sorry, now I have realized that there are quite a few priests who serve Traditional Mass under the surname of Campbell... This is probably Fr Louis Campbell from Texas...

  12. I'll take you on right here. However, I'll do it in a respectful way, without throwing insult or trying to cause disrespect. I expect the same, if you really are Christians.

    If you've ever sinned, raise your hand. If anyone is not raising their hand, you have just lied, and lying would be a sin, therefore proving my point. It is nearly impossible to never have sinned.

    Here's one for the record. Jesus said that anyone who was mad at his brother had already committed murder. Let me simplify this: If you've ever been aggressively angry or murderous to anyone; gays, muslims, mormons, whatever, you've sinned. It is impossible for someone to never sin.

    To say that you are "without sin" makes you equal with God. That is blasphemy. https://jiji.ng/surulere/42-mini-flats-for-rent

  13. God Bless you for the new year! Get your orca agate freeform now.

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