POEM: We Are Not Afraid
By: Eric Gajewski
John 6: 20 But he saith to them: It is I; be not
Please enjoy my latest poem from the work "Fortress of the Soul"
Press play and listen as you read along...
Please enjoy my latest poem from the work "Fortress of the Soul"
Press play and listen as you read along...
Let not your heart be troubled nor
let it run astray
O’ Lord I hide in You
O’ Fiery Fortress of Love
Deep in Your Heart where I chose
alone to stay
Wherein only You remain and all things else melt away
Wherein only You remain and all things else melt away
For You go before me and preserve me
Safely I stay hidden behind Your
Wherein an eagle feeds off Thy grace
Count now a third heart which enters
Thy ThroneRoom
It is here in Your most intimate
This mortal heart adjoins Thee, my
Wherest Our Lady takes my hand and goes
onto to say
Fear, no more
With Faith to silence the doubt
With Hope’s waters overrunning worries
With Charity in the end to settle
the score
Your elect rest in You, O’ Lord!
For we are not our own, Thy Bride
Attacked now on all sides
Pressed down in this inward combat
But never overcome…
Strengthening our minds and wills
As we move onward in perfection and
further transform
I hear Your Voice yet again from on
high in these skies
Tell me what is it you fear?
Is it the night? Or is it the noise of this Storm?
Does not My heart bring thee cheer?
Forget about yourself and you will
How unto My Heart to conform
Yea, For Thy Heart is our Source
Who could ever make it through the Night
Without trusting in Thee, O' Lord?
Yea, For Thy Heart is our Source
Who could ever make it through the Night
Without trusting in Thee, O' Lord?
Yea, for with the sign of Thy Cross
The devils dispel…
And all the enemies go and run
For with the recitation of the Rosary
They are ALL driven back into hell
It is by the intercession of Thy
That the whole world will be clothed
in her new day
Nay, what more must Our Mother say?
Wasn’t Fatima enough?
We eagles in grace can avoid the poison and strike down the snake
We eagles in grace can avoid the poison and strike down the snake
For we Knight and Handmaids
Will not be moved…
Nor are we amused for we are not
Ps. 102:9 He will not always be angry: nor will he
threaten for ever. Do not let the devils
dishearten you! For there can be no beginning
without a passing of the old. Though ten
thousand should fall to your left and right you are protected. You are an eagle of these endtimes hidden
away in the Great Tree, Our Lady, who protects you for the Divine Justice
outpouring from the Rays of the Son above.
He will not always be angry and mankind will reconcile. Those whom He has chosen shall pass through
this new Red Sea and shall help to restore all things in Jesus through
Mary. Therefore, turn your hearts now
unto them. Deny thy self, embrace your
daily Cross and be attentive to His Voice.
Please God in all the movements of your heart and satisfy the Divine
Will. He has not given up on us but is
calling us to new heights in Love.
Detach your hearts from this world and all creatures and prepare your
wings to spread in Faith and Hope.