'And the Virgin's name was Mary. Let us speak a few
words upon this name, which signifieth Star of the Sea, and suiteth very
well the Maiden-Mother, who may meetly be likened unto a star. A star
giveth forth her rays without any harm to herself; and the Virgin
brought forth her Son without any hurt to her virginity. . . O thou,
whosoever thou art, that knowest thyself to be here not so much walking
upon firm ground as battered to and fro by the gales and storms of this
life's ocean, if thou wouldest not be overwhelmed by the tempest, keep
thine eyes fixed upon this Star's clear shining. . . In danger, in
difficulty, or in doubt, think on Mary, call on Mary. . . If thou follow
her, thou wilt never go astray. If thou pray to her, thou wilt never
have need to despair. If thou keep her in mind, thou wilt never wander.
If she hold thee, thou wilt never fall. If she lead thee, thou wilt
never be weary. If she help thee, thou wilt reach home safe at the last:
and so, thou wilt prove in thyself how meetly it is said, And the
Virgin's name was Mary.'