Only a Fool Would Leave His Money in the Bank?
Dave Hodges
The next false flag event will likely collapse this fragile economy, if not, then a cyber attack upon the banks will do quite nicely. When this happens, food will not be shipped to your neighborhood grocery store. The American economy will come to a complete standstill. Economic collapse is imminent. The Baltic Dry Index, is below 500, an all-time low. This is the end!
Michael Snyder wrote an excellent analysis related to the true state of the economy. He was quite clear and convincing in his presentation that America is already in free-fall. Every economic indicator says the economy is collapsing like a house of cards except for the Stock Market. When the Stock Market crashes, that will be the final straw. Oil has crashed as it is now selling for less than $40 a barrel. Further, Snyder writes that the cash is being sucked out of the economy. Available cash on hand is at an all-time low. America is like the punch-drunk boxer that is ready to take a tumble with the slightest amount of pressure.
There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See
I feel like it’s the Monday before Black Tuesday in 1929. I know that many of you have family members who think you are insane to suggest that your bank could fail. My heart breaks for many of my fellow Americans who will never know what hit them.Despite several and multiple warnings coming from both this publication and dozens of others that the crash of the U.S. economy could come at any time, some people continue to go through life as if nothing is wrong.
More Fear Mongering Wrapped Within a Conspiracy Theory
Since the $19 trillion dollar debt, the $240 trillion dollar unfunded liabilities and the $1.5 quadrillion dollar derivatives debt, the all-time low ratings of the Baltic Dry Index, the massive amounts of food on the docks of several of our ports, the fact that the Trans Pacific Partnership is poised to seize control of both the US economy and the political process in America means nothing to the flocks of sheep in this country, perhaps there is another number which will capture the attention of these people. The number is $80 trillion dollars.The United States taxpayer is on the hook to JP Morgan and Bank of America for nearly $80 trillion dollars, apiece, in order to cover their share of the derivatives debt. Raise your hand if knew that. We must have a lot of broken arms in America this morning. Amazingly, very few have mentioned this in the three years that this “silent” bail-out has been in effect.
First of all, if you are one of the millions of customers of these banks, you need to realize that the entire GDP of the planet is under $70 trillion dollars and your bank owes more money to the originators of the Credit Swap Derivatives than the entire value of the planet, per mega bank! Take your time, I will wait right here as you rub your eyes and reread the previous passage… The facts are so indisputable, that even mainstream publications such as Bloomberg are reporting on this reality and have been since 2011 when the Federal Reserve and the FDIC guaranteed the derivatives debt for JP Morgan and Bank of America for derivatives debt up to almost $80 trillion dollars each.
Even Robert Reich previously wrote an editorial piece expressing grave concern over the state of the derivatives debt, the U.S. mega banks and how the U.S. taxpayer is now on the hook to support the trillions of dollars of derivatives debt. The situation is so dire that Bank of America shifted its derivatives debt, previously located in its Merrill investment banking unit, to its banking depository arm, which magically was given access to the Fed discount window and is protected by the FDIC (i.e. that would be you).
Unmistakable Implications
In 2013, Bank of America had a little over one trillion dollars in deposits. The FDIC is guaranteeing the derivatives debt for this bank to the tune of almost $80 trillion dollars. And the entire GDP of the planet is less than the FDIC guarantee. This is a prescription for economic Armageddon.1. The national debt.
2. The national deficit.
3. The stock market bubble.
4. The MERS mortgage fraud which has stolen an estimated 13 million homes.
5. The 1.5 quadrillion derivatives debt.
6. The record low Baltic Index which speaks to the health of the global economy.
7. Record consumer credit debt.
8. 5o million Americans on food stamps.
9. Shadow Stats which states that 23% of Americans are unemployed and underemployed
10. A weakened military as we sit upon the edge of World War III at a time when Obama is downsizing our military and firing its leadership base.
11. Increased foreign reliance of food imports (20% of the total).
12. The FCC is trying to gain control over the Internet in an attempt to silence the opposition of the independent media. Google and Facebook
13. Food inflation which some estimate to be at about 18%.
14. The media is owned by six corporations who have helped to create this problem.
15. Christians and their religion are now under attack while other religions are being glorified in contrast (see Rocky Mountain High School, Ft. Collins, CO).
16. The oil bubble has burst.
17. The housing bubble has burst.
All hell is ready to break loose. I am absolutely convinced that it will be a cyber attack that will take down this economy. Yet, nothing seems wrong to the millions of sheep which are still enthralled with the mainstream media and their false doctrine based upon elite servitude.
For millions of Americans, it is time to go through a personal debt and personal resource allocation. It is time to get one’s spiritual house in order. It is time to reorganize your life in order to meet the challenges of the new reality which is upon us. It is time to lock arms with fellow Christians who refuse to comply with illegal orders, laws and executive orders.
No one organization has all the correct answers about what to do with one’s resources because America is in uncharted waters. However, there are some common sense things that you can do to help improve your chances of survival and that will be the topic of the most requested article that people want me to write which asks the question “What should I do with my (spiritual, physical and financial) assets?
Oh, by the way, is your money still in the bank?