Francis to Make ET Disclosure at World Religion Conference?
There is some speculation as to whether this propaganda will fly out of the mouth of this modernist destroyer or not. We shall wait and see. Maitreya, UFO's, "aliens" and the New Age all work together.
Dave Hodges
Dave Hodges
Note: The Real False Prophet "Master Jesus" comes after Antipope Francis "bails out"
One thing that we can say for certain, is that the "Pope" is the central figure in this event and as we know from his past statements, he will not be representing Jesus at the conference. In fact, the Pope likens the spreading of the word of Jesus to a form of Jihadism. Many Christians have already dubbed the Pope the new leader of Chislam, which is a made-up term to describe the blending of Islam and Christianity into one religion.
Catholoic Doctrine has Been Morphed Into the Perverted Practice of Global Religious Unification
The leaders of the multi-religious, pagan event, have named this unholy gathering as “Mekudeshet”. They have announced plans to perform an 11 day consecration. This can only mean one thing. This is the beginning of the mandatory One World Religion. This is something that Francis has been working towards. However, this is not the only thing that the Pope, or more accurately, the anti-Pope has been pursuing over the last couple of years. He has seemingly been on a man crusade to promote belief in the notion of the existence of extraterrestrial life.The "Pope" and ET’s
Before I discuss Operation Blue Beam, it is important to note that the predictive programming for this event goes far beyond Hollywood as we are seeing predictive programming in many segments of our society.
Key General Predicts that Graduating Officers Will One Day Fight Aliens
The following video depicts General Mark A Milley, mentioning “little green men”, and he’s not joking”, as being one of the potential adversaries in the lineup of enemies that a graduating class of military officers will one day have to fight.Is ET Disclosure On the Table for This Conference?
Some people that I have spoken to are fearful that Operation Blue Beam will be the end result from this conference. A Catholic Bishop, speaking on condition of anonymity, reached out to me and referenced what I have written in the past regarding a false flag event that is referred to as Operation Blue Beam. He told me how close to the truth I have been in the past and that he wanted me to keep intense attention on this event.ET Fact or Operation Blue Beam?
Hillary Clinton and the UFO Question
Hillary Clinton was viewed at the Rockefeller Ranch holding a book by Paul Davies regarding the implications of extraterrestrial life.Interestingly, Vince Foster, friend and advisor to President Clinton, was tasked with two missions upon Bill Clinton’s election. First, find out who killed JFK. Secondly, find out the truth behind the alien question. Foster, as all will recall, committed “suicide” under some very mysterious circumstances.
“President” Hillary Clinton would be ideal to usher in this new theology in response to a manufactured ET threat. The Clintons have been obsessed with the topic of ETs for a very long time.
Dr. Carol Rosin and Wernher Von Braun
Dr. Rosin recounts her four year association with Von Braun, and she is quick to point out he predicted that mankind would have a series of “boogey men” designed to manipulate mankind on the way to a New World Order.First, Von Braun said we would fear the Russians followed by terrorists and then we would fear asteroids and then, finally, mankind would be manipulated into believing that the earth was going to be attacked by aliens. The end game from this reign of terror would be planetary unification.
When and if this plan materializes, don’t believe a single word of it, no matter how real ET seems to be. Why not? Because this event fits under the Biblical category of “Rumors of War”.It is my sincere belief that we are not going to have to wait very long for this false doctrine to appear because we have already been pre-programmed for this event.