Note not an endorsement for any candidate
Those of you who have had some degree of understanding about the New World
Order -- that fiendishly clever conspiratorial movement to slowly bring about a super-centralized one world dictatorship
-- have no doubt experienced the frustration of trying to convince family and friends that A: You are not
"crazy". And B: The
trans-generational monster plot to take down America is real and not all
well-concealed any more.
The torment that comes
with seeing the world as it really is, while the willfully blind
you, is a terrible burden that we "truthers" have
always had to bear, in spite of the world's stupidity
and hostility. After all, "He who dares not offend cannot be honest."
(Thomas Paine).
what if one of the 20th
Century's best known and most trusted news media
"rock stars" was to confirm, on camera, the validity of our
nutty "conspiracy theory" TM. And what if an equally famous woman, the First
Lady of the United States at the time, then congratulated that same man for his honest remarks while expressing full
agreement with his totalitarian world government scheme? Would the doubters still be laughing? Try using this
piece on them, and let us know what kind of reaction you get.

logo of Cronkite's CBS depicts the same all-seeing
eye as the logo for the "Novus Ordo Seclorum" (New World Order
for the Ages) found on the back of a $1 dollar bill.
CBS propaganda had dubbed the legendary anchorman "the most trusted man in
America” and the people believed it. From those early 1962 days of TV News (when there were only three networks and
no cable stations) through 1981, Cronkite's carefully cultivated marketing image as a grandfatherly sage was unquestioned.
In those naive pre-Internet, pre-talk radio days, "Uncle Walter's" leftist propaganda
was difficult for amateurs to detect -- but it was always there.
In 1999, Cronkite, who was by then retired, appeared at a United Nations room
to accept the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award from the openly pro-world government World
Federalists Association. He told those assembled, including First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton
(watching by video feed), that he had always believed in world government but could not say so openly because of his
position as CBS Anchorman.
Some excerpts, coupled with editorial analysis:
Cronkite: I
am greatly honored to receive
this award for two reasons: first, I believe as
Norman Cousins did that the first priority of humankind in this era is
establish an effective system of world law that
will assure peace with justice among the peoples of the world; second, I
sentimental about this award and this organization
because half a century ago Norman offered me a job as spokesman and
lobbyist for the World Federalist organization,
which was then in its infancy.
Analysis: Norman Cousins
was a Jewish-American journalist,
author, professor and tireless activist for world
government. The fact that Cousins offered young Walter a job with the World Federalists a "half century ago" confirms that Cronkite was always
a Globalist-Socialist, if not a full blown "McCarthy-era" communist.
Cronkite: For
many years, I did my best to report on the
issues of the day in as objective a manner as
possible to achieve. When I had my own strong opinions, as I often did, I
not to communicate them to my audience.
Nonsense! Cronkite's reporting was always heavily slanted leftward. It was harder to notice in those days because
the viewing public had few alternatives to compare with.
Now, however, my circumstances are considerably
different. I am in a position to speak my mind. And by God I'm gonna do
(loud applause)
Analysis: You see, now that the retired
old man has got nothing to lose, he can finally and completely drop his mask of "objectivity."
Cronkite: Those
of us who are living today can influence
the future of civilization. We can influence
whether our planet will drift into chaos and violence, or whether
through a monumental
educational and political effort we will achieve a
world of peace under a system of law ...
Analysis: A "monumental educational and political effort." -- Cronkite is talking about
mass brainwashing, beginning in grade school, such as is now the case with the Global Warming TM
hoax to usher in world taxation.
Cronkite: ... where individual violators of that law are brought to justice.
An "individual violator"
is any foreign government that dares to defy the
New World Order. The term "brought to justice" means that the "violator"
is to be killed.
For how many thousands of years now have we
humans been what we insist on calling "civilized"? And yet, in
total contradiction, we also persist in the savage
belief that we must occasionally, at least, settle our arguments by
one another.
Classic projection tactic. It is the warmongering "one worlders" who have, directly or indirectly, engineered
just about every major conflict of the past two centuries! (Read: "Planet Rothschild")
1- "Peace...Peace ...Peace" -- the phony
mantra of Globalists like Norman Cousins.
The "Planet Rothschild" two-volume set blows the
cover off of this monster plot to turn humanity into a global bee-hive
of raceless alienated tax and debt slaves.
Cronkite: While we spend much of our time and a great
deal of our treasure in preparing for war, we see no comparable effort in establishing peace.
Here is the "inside joke." -- In
the Globalist code language, "peace" is defined as
the absence of resistance to the Globalists. When all nations
finally and unconditionally surrender to the New
World Order (a global EU), then and only then will
the Globalists
finally stop their endless bombings, sanctions,
bribing, blackmailing, coups, assassinations, "color revolutions,"
wars, and proxy wars against the "violators" --
thus bringing about "world peace." See the
Cronkite: It seems to many of
us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict
we must strengthen the United Nations
as a first step toward a world government with a
legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its
laws and keep the peace. ... We Americans are going
to have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That's going to be
to many a bitter pill. It would take a lot
of courage, a lot of faith and a lot of persuasion for them to come
with us on this necessity. ... But the American
colonies did it once and brought forth one of the most nearly perfect
the world has ever seen.
Cronkite leaves no doubt. He and his ilk seek the end of America (and all nations) and the emergence of
all powerful one-world-super-state to be erected behind the phony platitudinous facades of "federalism"
and "democracy" and "peace" and "human rights." And if they don't get it done "peacefully,"
they will have no choice but to unleash an "eventual catastrophic world conflict." (World War III)
Cronkite: Today
we must develop federal structures
on a global level. We need a system of enforceable
world law --a democratic federal world government. ... Today the notion
of unlimited national sovereignty means
international anarchy. We must replace the anarchic law of force with a
force of law.
National sovereignty = chaos and anarchy. Nations = bad. World Government = good.
Ours is never going to be perfect world, nor a world without
and occasional violence. But it will be a world
where the majority of national leaders will consistently abide by the
of world law, if we have our way, and those who
won't will be dealt with effectively and with due process by the
of that same world law.
Those who dare to defy our New World Order will be "dealt with" (Hussein of Iraq, Chavez of Venezuela,
Qaddafi of Libya, Assad of Syria, Putin of Russia et al.)
Cronkite: Consider...
the possibility of a more representative and democratic system of
decision making at the U.N. This should include
both revision of the veto in the Security Council and adoption of a
voting system for the General Assembly. The World
Federalists have endorsed Richard Hudson's Binding Triad proposal.
By removing the veto of Security Council members (US, UK, France, China, Russia) each
of the major powers
will be powerless before the General Assembly's mob
rule -- a mob directly controlled by the top Globalist mobsters who
have by then discarded "hit man" America like a
used-up lemon.
Cronkite: George
Soros, in his recent book "The Crisis of Global Capitalism,"
has given serious attention to this concept which
would be based upon not only one-nation-one-vote but also on population
and contributions to the U.N. budget.
Analysis: There it is! Mafia journalist
Cronkite and George Soros (a "capo" of the Rothschild gang) dream of
a "one-nation-one-vote" system
in which hundreds of Turd World
mini-gangster states get to rob the "evil rich White people" of America
and Europe blind while flooding the West with their
dirt-poor and criminal elements -- all done "democratically,"
of course. (rolling eyes sarcastically) Mind you, this was stated 20 years before the Soros-funded immigration
invasion that we are witnessing today!

nearly 40 years, the notorious billionaire
George Soros has been pumping hundreds of millions
of dollars in radical leftist causes, Globalist political campaigns
worldwide, and
world government groups. Gangsters like Soros make
and promote men like Cronkite.
Cronkite: Resolutions adopted by majorities in each of these areas would be binding, enforceable law.
"Binding, enforceable law"
that no power on earth, including the de-balled USA
of the future, will ever be able to rebel against the New World Order.
And that is why "liberals" are so obsessed with disarming all those millions of American "good ol'
boys" who might find world government to be "a bitter pill to swallow." And you thought
"gun control" was about "saving children." Ha!
Cronkite: Within the powers given to it in the Charter, the U.N. could then deal with matters of
reliable financing,
"Reliable financing" means a system of world taxation. That's what the Global Warming TM hoax
and its proposed "solution" of imposing "carbon taxes" on "wealthy nations" is really
all about.
Cronkite: ... a standing U.N. peace force, development,
the environment ....
Cronkite envisions a multi-ethnic global goon squad enforcing tax collection and compliance with the world system.
... and human rights.
Analysis: More
code language!
When Globalists speak of "human rights," they are
referring to the "rights" of their paid trouble-makers
within any "violator" nation to subvert that
particular government. When the target government is forced to crack
down on the CIA-NGO backed agitators, saboteurs,
terrorists and subversives, the Globalist media, led by the New York
Slimes, will immediately accuse that nation of "human rights violations" and call for sanctions, bombing,
war etc.
Cronkite: As
with the
American rejection of the League of Nations after
World War I, our failure to live up to our obligations to the U.N. is
by a handful of willful senators who choose to
pursue their narrow, selfish political objectives at the cost of our
conscience. They pander to and are supported by the
Christian Coalition and the rest of the religious right wing.
In order to avoid
the sound logical and moral arguments against One
World Government, Cronkite is setting up the straw-man of the goofy
Pat Robertson.
Cronkite: Their leader, Pat Robertson, has written
that we should have a world government but only when the messiah arrives. "Attempts for world order before that time
must be work of the Devil." -- Well, join me, I am glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.
Analysis: Given
the freaky
fascination with the occult that many of these
elites have been known to dabble in, Cronkite's shout-out to Satan might
be literal. Indeed, Cronkite was, for many years,
the voice of Molech the Owl for the creepy-as-all-heck
"Cremation of Care" ceremony at the secretive annual gatherings at the Bohemian Grove in Northern
California. (here).
The only way we
who believe in the vision of a democratic world
federal government can effectively overcome this reactionary movement is
organize a strong educational counteroffensive
stretching from the most publicly visible people in all fields to the
individuals in every community.
We still have got a lot of brainwashing to do before the American people will accept the New World Order as a good
here's the kicker. After Commie Cronkite wrapped up his open call for
treason and full
NWO "democratic" takeover, First Lady, future US
Senator, future Secretary of State and 2016 Presidential nominee
Killary Rotten Clinton appeared on the big screen to congratulate
"the most trusted man in America" on his treason award.
(Full Cronkite & Killary video is linked at the very end of this piece)

evening and congratulations, Walter, on receiving
the World Federalist Association's Global Governance Award. For more
a generation in America, it wasn't the news until
Walter Cronkite told us it was the news. Every night at 6 o'clock, we
listened as you explained the complex events of the
day. ... You became a trusted member of my family and the families
America. For decades, you told us "the way it is,"
but tonight, we honor you for fighting for the way it could be.
.. So thank you, Walter. Thank you for inspiring
all of us to build a more peaceful and just world. We are still
to your every word. And with your continuing
leadership, we can sail across these un-navigated seas into the 21st
and there is no better captain that I can imagine
than you."
and Clinton --- "the most trusted man in America"
and the neurotic hag who would be "the first woman
President" -- just a couple of meaningless
and non-influential "conspiracy
theorists TM," eh? Believe it, there are plenty more big names who think just
like them. Actually, the entire PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) is on board with the America-busting New
World Order, or at least afraid of bucking "the tide of history."
Now, as much as the pro-Globalist prostitutes of the Piranha Press, Hollywood, Corporate
America (and Europe) and Academia all love Killary and Walter (who died in 2009), that's as much as
they hate Trump and Putin. So why do the
"great and the good" of the bought-and-paid-for pseudo-intelligentsia
all hate on Trump and Putin so much? Read the
quotes below, and the world situation will begin to make more sense to

“We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false
song of globalism. My foreign policy will always put the interest of the American people and America
security above all else. That will be the foundation of every single decision I will make.”
First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration,”
"What is a unipolar world? However one might embellish
this term, at the end of the day it refers to one
type of situation, namely one centre of authority, one centre of force,
one centre of decision-making.
It is world
in which there is one master, one sovereign. And at
the end of the day this is pernicious not only for all those within
system, but also for the sovereign itself because
it destroys itself from within....I consider that the unipolar model is not only unacceptable but also impossible in today's world. "
Putin and Trump
certainly sound like "violators" who need to be "dealt with" -- eh Walter? If you still
the New World Order is just "paranoid conspiracy
theory," then there is little else that can be done to enlighten
you --- short of an economic calamity and/or World
War III with Russia and China (which kingpin George Soros has already
strongly hinted at (here)). But if you are intrigued by this subject and would like to learn more, then please have a look at "Planet Rothschild" (also linked below). Your world-view will never be the same.
TradCatKnight's position is that Trump is "in on the game too" and a Zionist shill being used to stage Revolution in this country.