"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth.... [Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]
Over the past four years, the most prominent leaders of the Resistance
have been Bishop Williamson and Father Pfeiffer. These priests have led
by example, bringing the Sacraments all over the world to many different
Mass Centers, taught clearly the proper Doctrine and warned of the
errors of the new direction of both the nSSPX and their new masters in
the Vatican. Unfortunately, both have made serious prudential errors,
resulting in the undermining of the Resistance, making it a minefield
both for those in the Resistance and for those who are considering
joining it.
BW has consecrated two bishops who teach solid Doctrine and are
committed to preserving the legacy of Archbishop Lefebvre. For this, we
are most grateful.
In the absence of solid clerical leadership, members of the laity have
risen to the task. The “Leader of the Resistance” is a key threat to the
effectiveness of Father Pfeiffer. Some members of the laity have
heavily promoted the acceptance of an irregular “bishop”. Others have
written on the acceptability of the NOM under certain circumstances, and
many cannot see the wisdom of the Red Light Position, recommending that
they can, as BW put it, “nourish their Faith” in Masses offered by
priests in an organization that is headed in the wrong direction. So
much for lay leadership.
We are encouraged by the actions of other priests of the Resistance. A
few priests are offering the Sacraments to people formerly served by
OLMC. Fr Ortiz authored comprehensive documents exposing the irregular
“bishop”. The Dominicans are continually teaching proper Doctrine. The
Franciscans have criticized the nSSPX and might join the Resistance (we
hope). Bishop Faure has set up a seminary and, within the past few
weeks, a new association for priests.
Contrary to the position of a loose association of independent priests,
we maintain that the Resistance needs stronger leadership from the
priests and bishops. Standards have to be defined by and for the priests
to adhere to in order to help the laity to save their souls. The laity
need to know which priests can be relied upon now and how to determine
over time if the priests are still reliable. The excuse of a lack of a
canonical status is unacceptable – strong moral leadership and properly
defined standards are needed for the Resistance.