"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Monday, July 9, 2018

NOVUS ORDO: A parish ceded as a dressing room for a 'drag queen' gala

NOVUS ORDO: A parish ceded as a dressing room for a 'drag queen' gala

The parish priest of Lomo Magullo and de la Breña, Fernando Báez, as reported by the Province, gave the parish church to be used as a dressing room for the Drag Queen Gala held on Saturday - for the first time - during the festivities in honor of Saint José and the Virgen del Pino, in the neighborhood of Telde, east of the island of Gran Canaria.

The church was used as a 'backstage' to change the 10 'drags' participants, the members of the Los Diamantes troupe and the invidious changeist to the gala, Ibón de Cuba, artistic name of Iván Melián.
Father Báez allowed the entrance of these people, at the request of the festivities commission, and for this reason he was applauded when this decision was communicated to the people who participated in these festivities. The presenter of the act, José Peñate and the president of the committee of celebrations, Carmelo Rodríguez, informed the audience of what the priest had done, present at the party, and the ovation was not long in coming.ADVERTISING
The president of the festival commission asked for permission to use the backstage church, since they did not have a place for the candidates, the comparsa and the transformista to put on make-up and change. In addition, he asked for the possibility of using the pews of the church as a complement to the chairs, given the large number of visitors.
According to the Province, the parish priest acceded to the requests of the organizers of the celebrations with an eloquent "would miss more", that there was no problem, not even the slightest - so he rejected the request to remove the cult images from the temple - that The Church welcomed them with open arms as it is, as if it were any other act or action. In the end, the members of the festival commission opted to remove the images to avoid any damage.