the second part, they quote the words of St. Pius X, which can not
bother too much the liberal Hierarchy that governs the Church.
Double language for a double message :
Message ad intra
(to the liking of the members of the SSPX and its faithful): "We
maintain the principles of St. Pius X and of Msgr. Lefebvre, that is why
we quote them, nothing has changed in the SSPX".
Message ad extra
(to the liking of apostate Rome and the liberals and modernists in
general): "We have matured, now we are civilized people with whom we can
talk and negotiate." The times of intransigence, outbursts and the
disqualification, that is why, in citing the declaration of 1974, we
have dismissed the excessive words of Bishop Lefebvre and we have made
an appointment of St. Pius X who does not hurt anyone, note that we have
placed the focus of the declaration on the priesthood and in the mass,
and not in the fight for faith, now we are harmless, now we are ready to
be integrated into the official structure. "
NP adds, in red, the parts of the 1974 declaration omitted by the FSSPX.
Source: official site of the FSSPX
Declaration of the General Chapter of the Society of Saint Pius X
the General Chapter, the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X recalls the
importance and relevance of the declaration of its founder, Bishop
Marcel Lefebvre, of November 21, 1974 - more than 50 years of
"self-demolition of the Church" allow us to fully appreciate its
accuracy. The Fraternity makes it its own in its entirety. "We
adhere with all our hearts and with all our soul to Catholic Rome,
guardian of the Catholic faith and of the traditions necessary for the
maintenance of that faith; to eternal Rome, teacher of wisdom and truth. (...)
the contrary, we refused and we have always refused to follow the Rome
of neo-modernist and neo-Protestant tendency that was clearly manifested
in the Second Vatican Council and after the Council in all the reforms
that came out of it.
these reforms, in fact, contributed and still contribute to the
demolition of the Church, to the ruin of the Priesthood, to the
annihilation of the Sacrifice and the Sacraments, to the disappearance
of religious life, to a naturalistic and Teilhardian teaching in the
universities , seminars, catechesis, education born of liberalism and
Protestantism, condemned repeatedly by the solemn magisterium of the
authority, not even the highest in the hierarchy, can force us to
abandon or diminish our Catholic faith, clearly expressed and professed
by the Magisterium of the Church for twenty centuries. (...) [the 1974 statement says " nineteen centuries" and not "twenty centuries". Why this alteration? Do capitulants want to imply that Vatican II and the "post-conciliar magisterium" do not cause serious damage to the faith?]
it should happen, says Saint Paul, that we ourselves or an angel from
heaven will teach you something different from what I have taught you,
let him be anathema" (Gal 1, 8).
Is not this what the Holy Father repeats to us today? And
if a certain contradiction manifests itself in his words and acts as
well as in the acts of the dicasteries, then we choose what has always
been taught and we turn a deaf ear to the destructive news of the
It is not possible to profoundly modify the "lex orandi" without modifying the "lex credendi".
catechism, new priesthood, new seminaries, new universities,
charismatic Church, Pentecostal, all things opposed to orthodoxy and to
the teaching of always, correspond to the new Mass.
Having this Reformation born of liberalism, of modernism, it is totally poisoned; it comes out of heresy and ends in heresy, even if all its acts are not formally heretical.
is therefore impossible for every conscious and faithful Catholic to
adopt this Reformation and submit to it in any way whatsoever.
only attitude of fidelity to the Church and to Catholic doctrine, for
our salvation, is the categorical refusal to accept the Reformation.
is why, without any rebellion, any bitterness, no resentment, we
continue our work of priestly formation under the star of the
magisterium as always, convinced that we can not render a greater
service to the Holy Catholic Church, to the Sovereign Pontiff and to the
future generations.
this reason, we firmly adhere to everything the Church has always
believed and practiced in faith, in customs, in worship, in the teaching
of the catechism, in the formation of the priest and in the institution
of the Church, and that he has codified in the books published before
the modernist influence of the Council, in the hope that the true light
of Tradition will dispel the darkness that obscures the eternal Rome of
heaven. "
doing this, with the grace of God, the help of the Virgin Mary, of
Saint Joseph, of Saint Pius X, we are convinced to remain faithful to
the Catholic and Roman Church, to all the successors of Peter, and to be
the " fideles dispensers mysteriorum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi in
Spiritu Sancto ". Amen.
Priestly Fraternity Saint Pius X intends to follow its main purpose,
the priesthood as our Lord Jesus Christ wanted it, always directing it
to what essentially constitutes its reason for being: the holy Sacrifice
of the Mass. It
is animated by the same sentiments as Saint Pius X, his patron saint:
"We firmly affirm that we do not want to be anything, and with the grace
of God we will not be before humanity but minister of God, on whose
authority we are instruments. God's interests are Our interests; We have decided to consecrate our strengths and life itself. Hence,
if anyone asks us for a currency, which expresses Our purpose, we will
always give him only this: Establish all things in Christ! "(E supremi
apostolatus, October 4, 1903)
by the same faith and the same hope as this holy pope, the Fraternity
of St. Pius X, by his preaching and by his works, vindicates for our
Lord Jesus Christ the fullness of his dominion over all men and all
nations, so that their rights and their authority be recognized by all
with veneration. For
this reason, she continues to work for the triumph of Christ the King
and invites all souls of good will to join her in this supernatural and
sublime work.
Sorrowful and immaculate heart of Mary, pray for us that we turn to you.
Ecône, July 21, 2018