"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Saturday, November 5, 2016

His “holiness” the Dalai Lama in Prague and Minister Herman (Open letter)

His “holiness” the Dalai Lama in Prague and Minister Herman (Open letter)


On Monday 17 October, an uninvited guest – his “holiness” the Dalai Lama – arrived in Prague. The President and the Government had not invited him and refused to meet him. He was greeted only by the former spokesman of the Czech Bishops’ Conference (CBK), now a Minister, Daniel Herman. Herman said hypocritically: “I will receive him as a religious representative of one of the Churches.”


1) Herman is guilty of manipulation. Tibetan Buddhism is no Church; moreover, other Buddhists consider it a sect.
2) Herman abused his office in the government against the interests and the good of the Czech Republic. The Dalai Lama’s visit had a harmful ideological background. President Zeman in this situation represents and defends the interests of the Czech Republic. Herman, on the other hand, ideologically defends anti-patriotic interests of someone whose aim is to cause moral and economic harm to the Czech nation. Even in the media he does not try at least to give the impression that he regards national interests, but he reveals that he pursues his own interests and the interests of his uncle in Canada. In addition, he is trying to compromise the President in a cunning way. Probably he wants to divert attention from the reality that he no longer holds office in the government.
The Dalai Lama previously visited Poland and Slovakia. In Slovakia, he stated in his speech that people must learn to be empathetic and he ideologically supported the Islamization of Christian territories when he objected to labelling Muslims as terrorists.
1) Who is the Dalai Lama?
2) Who opened the way for him?
3) What is the objective of his “mission”?
Ad 1) The Dalai Lama is the head of the Tibetan pagan cult. He is considered the 14th reincarnation of the deity Avalokiteshvara, i.e. a reincarnated god. Tibetan Buddhism does not worship the one true God but it worships deities which the Catholic Church and the Holy Scripture call demons. Early Christians refused to worship the pagan gods. Many preferred to be tortured and to die rather than drop a single grain of incense before the idols.
To worship the Dalai Lama and to create spiritual unity with him is a sign of apostasy, i.e. falling away from the true God. The Dalai Lama hypocritically talks about freedom and love of neighbour – empathy. Facts from Tibet testify of using tools to cut noses and ears, to break hands, to cut the tendons on the legs, to pour hot glue… The victims were blinded, mutilated, deprived of limbs…
Ordinary Tibetans therefore did not view the Chinese as occupiers but rather deliverers from slavery and merciless cruelty that ruled there. One of many examples: Serf Z. T. Wang, suffering great hardship, stole two sheep belonging to a monastery. For this offence he was deprived of his sight and had his hand mutilated so that he could use it never more. He ceased to be a Buddhist and said: “When the holy lama ordered that I should be blinded, I came to understand that there is nothing good in this religion.”
Another example from the last century is a well-known evangelist Singh. He was sentenced to death by the lama in Tibet for evangelism and thrown into a dry well where there were several corpses rotting. This is a good example of “empathy” and “tolerance” to Christians!
The Tibetan “Red Hat” sect has always developed in young lamas the ability for telepathic contacts; in fact, it means contact with demonic energies. In order to improve “roaming” of demonic connection, Tibetan monks used a cruel practice: they bricked in a young lama under the foundation stone of the new monastery. They first made the young man enter into the “samadhi” state. They claimed that the corpses of young lamas emitted radiation facilitating the telepaths’ access to the requested object.
It is the height of blindness of the Christian West that it builds up the image of the Dalai Lama as a moral idol and spiritual personality. It is sinful idolatry, in fact.
Ad 2) The Dalai Lama’s path to glory was opened by the apostate Viennese Cardinal Franz König, who also in the last days of the Council (1965) cleverly inserted into the document Nostra Aetate a heresy of a regard for other religions, i.e. for their demons too. But this is a disregard for God and a sin against the First Commandment which forbids the worship of other deities – demons – and states: “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve … you shall have no other gods … you shall not bow down to them (worship them) nor serve them.” (Deu 5:7-9)
After the Council, liberal theologians constantly repeated like a mantra the slogan of a regard from “Nostra Aetate” and thus covertly destroyed the very essence of the Christian faith. In 1986, the Dalai Lama was in Assisi, and became a symbol for liberal Catholics of the incarnation of the Nostra Aetate programme – in fact, of the internal self-destruction of the Catholic faith.
The way for the Dalai Lama in the Czech Republic after the fall of the Communist government was opened by the apostate priest T. Halik who manipulated the old Card. Tomasek. Card. Tomasek allowed the Dalai Lama to put a yoke on his neck – the “wreath of friendship”. That gesture was intended to make the Church in the Czech Republic submit to the Dalai Lama, a pseudo-god! Soon after that the Cardinal died. Halik and President Havel often invited the Dalai Lama to Prague thereafter.
Ad 3) The Dalai Lama arrives in the Czech Republic on the eve of the meeting of the Visegrad Four who are exposed to great pressure from Brussels whose aim is the Islamization of the Christian nations. Why does the Dalai Lama not make his missionary journeys in neighbouring Pakistan or Saudi Arabia? Let him say there truthfully that he is regarded as the incarnate god, in other words that he is on the same level as Allah, and hence higher than Muhammad. Obviously he would not come back alive from his peace mission there.
We ask: Is the Dalai Lama’s “mission” in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland for their moral, spiritual and economic good or is it to their detriment? Is the Dalai Lama’s mission in the interest of Brussels and the United States, or is it against the interests of these NWO globalists? When the Dalai Lama left Tibet and settled in India, the Tibetan expatriate community received $ 1.7 million from the CIA per year, as stated in a document published by the State Department in 1998. So America pays richly for the services of the 14th reincarnation of the deity Avalokiteshvara until this day!
Czech President and the politicians have enough common sense to refuse to meet with the Dalai Lama; however, the Catholic Christian Democrats in the government have shown that they are traitors not only of the Church but of the nation too!
This “reincarnated god” was officially welcomed in the Czech Republic by a “reincarnated angel”, Minister Herman. Paradoxically, Herman comments on his pharisaic act by saying that he “moved the Czech nation to stand with its back straight again”. How concretely does Herman himself present this “straight” back? He bows and scrapes before globalists and Brussels, though it is to the detriment of Christianity and the Czech nation. His “straight” back is remarkably elastic.
Let us point out that when Herman was the spokesman of CBK, Catholics as well as moral citizens were outraged at and protested against posters insulting our Saviour in subways and other places (the posters displayed a naked woman on the cross). The man with the “straight“ back laughed at those people and said arrogantly that they had nothing to do with Christianity and moreover did not understand contemporary art.
Another sign of his “straight” back is the fact that when he assumed the office of the Minister of Culture, he stopped the process of registration of the Ukrainian orthodox Greek Catholic Church (UOGCC) shortly before its completion. Demagogically, without a single argument and despite expert opinion, he absurdly justified it by saying that there was a kind of danger of “terrorism” and “extremism” on the part of the UOGCC. Let us point out that a religious society of Muslims is registered in the Czech Republic and Herman has no objections to it. His stopping of UOGCC registration was illegal!
Abusing his office by officially welcoming the Dalai Lama, he made it manifest that he does not recognize the territorial integrity of the one People’s Republic of China. This renegade priest has the same spirit as the heretical priest T. Halik. Both of them do harm to Christianity and the nation. His dismissal from the post of Minister of the Czech Republic has been logically suggested and justified by the presidential spokesman.
The Dalai Lama, “his holiness”, the 14th incarnation of a pagan deity, is no symbol of empathy or spiritual revival for Christian nations. He is a servant of religious and political globalization which leads to autogenocide of Christianity and European nations. We, orthodox Catholic bishops, fully support this statement!

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate
+ Methodius OSBMr                         + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

 Psalms 95:5
For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: but the Lord made the heavens