Excommunication latae sententiae for abortion could soon be abolished due to the "progress of life".
Franziskus with Curia Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia: Excommunication latae
sententiae for abortion could soon be abolished due to the "progress of
Msgr. Paglia of the Community of Sant'Egidio (Assisi interreligious meeting) was until 1 September President of the Pontifical Family Council. Then the family council was disbanded and the Department part of the new dicastery for the laity, family and life.
On August 15, Pope Francis therefore rendered Msgr. Paglia new remit and made him the Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical Institute John Paul II. For Studies on Marriage and Family and President of the Pontifical Academy for Life . Since then, both institutions that had opposed the papal price of "new mercy" when it comes to divorce and abortion, undergone a radical transformation and upgrade to "Bergoglio Course" (see "stormed and humiliated" - The rebuilding of the Institute John Paul II . by Francis and the "sexual revolution in the Vatican" and rebuilding the Pontifical Academy for life - Member status is set to zero at the end ).
On Monday, Pope Francis Apostolic Registered Misericordia et misera. The media interest of this document, especially the part on abortion (see "Drives quietly from the Pope forgives you" - Distorted representation without denial of the Vatican ). Several Italian newspapers (Il Resto del Carlino, La Nazione, Il Giorno), belonging to the media group Il Quotidiano Nazionale published in yesterday's edition an interview with Msgr. Paglia. It is also about the excommunication latae sententiae, which is enshrined in the Code of Canon Law in Canon 1398 of the sin of abortion.
Excommunication latae sententiae
Il Quotidiano Nazionale: Is it possible that you will come in the near future to overcome the excommunication for abortion?
Vincenzo Paglia: Yes, this is not excluded. Whether it will be Francis, who abolishes the Canon, I do not know, one would have to ask him himself. It is certain that the Code has been revised dozens of times over the past decades. It would not be surprising that the progress of life would lead to an aggiornamento [updating] of canon law. This is the essence of reality. The tradition of the Church is a living body, not a blocked code.