When Americans Shall Say ‘Peace And Safety’…
Millions of Americans are expecting a new “golden age” for America under Donald Trump, but is that what they are going to get? There is always optimism when a new president is elected, but I don’t know if I have ever seen anything like the euphoria that many Trump supporters are expressing right now. Look, I voted for Donald Trump and I want him to be as successful as possible. But when Donald Trump becomes our next president on January 20th, that does not mean that all of the great problems that our nation is facing will somehow magically disappear. If you listen to some people, they make it sound like America is going to experience nothing but peace, prosperity and blessing for decades to come. I would love it if that was indeed going to be the case, but unfortunately that is simply not the truth.
We are currently on a path that leads to national suicide, and unless we change our ways it isn’t going to matter who is in the White House.
I keep hearing about how our new president is going to “unify” the nation, but that is going to be extremely difficult to do considering the fact that we are now more divided than ever. In fact, a brand new Gallup survey found that an all-time record high 77 percent of all Americans believe that we are “greatly divided when it comes to the most important values”.
I keep hearing about how we are now entering a golden age of peace and prosperity, but how is that supposed to happen while we are still butchering millions of innocent children in our abortion mills?
I keep hearing about how the economy is about to take off like a rocket, but how is that possible when we have already been on the greatest debt binge in world history? The only way we have been able to maintain our massively inflated debt-fueled standard of living is by piling up debt at a faster pace than any generation in history. Today we have accumulated 12 trillion dollars in consumer debt, corporate debt has doubled since the last financial crisis, and the national debt is rapidly approaching 20 trillion dollars. How can Trump possibly pump up our standard of living with debt more than Obama has already done?
I keep hearing about how we are “going to make America great again”, but how can we be great when we are producing more pornography than the rest of the world combined?
I keep hearing about how “law and order is going to restored”, but meanwhile chaos has already been erupting in cities all over the nation and the far left is planning to turn Inauguration Day into a major riot.
I keep hearing about how “things are going to go back to the way they used to be”, but as I discussed in a previous article, “sexually-transmitted diseases are spreading at the fastest pace in decades, the percentage of births out of wedlock is more than 10 times higher than in 1940, and approximately two out of every three Christian men watch pornography on a regular basis.”
I keep hearing about how we are going “to drain the swamp”, and yet there are no plans to even reform the Federal Reserve system which is at the very heart of our financial problems as a nation.
I keep hearing about how good judges are going to be put on the Supreme Court, but how can we trust that when our new president just said that he is “fine with” the Supreme Court decision that forced all 50 states to redefine the institution of marriage?
I keep hearing about how we are going to be “an example” for the rest of the world, but how can we be “an example” when just about every form of evil imaginable is exploding in popularity inside our own country?
I keep hearing about how our government is going to be “blessed”, but how can a government that gives hundreds of millions of dollars a year to Planned Parenthood be “blessed”? Now that the Republicans have control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives, this is their golden opportunity to defund Planned Parenthood. If it doesn’t happen now, it probably will never happen, and it will show what a complete and utter failure the Republican Party has become. Remember, Planned Parenthood is an organization that has been caught on camera admitting that they harvest organs from the babies that they kill and that they sell those organs off to the highest bidder.
Some would argue that America is already “great” at a lot of things. After all, the United States is number one in the world in television watching, legal drug use and illegal drug use.
We lead the world in plastic surgery, eating disorder deaths, teen pregnancy and lawyers per capita.
We have the highest STD infection rate in the industrialized world, the highest divorce rate in the industrialized world, and the largest prison population on the entire planet.
We also have the most complicated tax system in the entire world, the largest trade deficit in the entire world, and the largest national debt in the entire world.
So if we want to make America great again, we sure have a lot of work to do.
The complacency that I am seeing out there right now really alarms me. So many people seem to think that the battle is won because Donald Trump was victorious on election night. But that is not even close to reality.
If we do not fundamentally change course as a nation we will not survive. Tinkering with tax rates, regulations and trade agreements is not going to get the job done. So many people are acting as if we just have a few cuts and scratches, when the reality is what our country really needs is major heart surgery.
Donald Trump is not some sort of a messiah, and even if he is able to accomplish every single thing that he is promising right now it will not nearly be enough.
But for the moment millions of Americans are proclaiming “peace and safety” now that Donald Trump has won the election, and we shall see how it all turns out…
Fooling Ourselves — Trump is Not the New Messiah (includes video)
According to John Kaminski, the New Boss is the same as the Old Boss.

“If that’s what you think,” Kaminski says, “you’re kidding yourself!”
“If that’s what you think,” Kaminski says, “you’re kidding yourself!”
President-elect Donald Trump’s claim he is reinvestigating 9/11 is just so much meaningless hot air — more neocon crapola — if he intends to solve the greatest crime in American history by including two of the event’s participating perpetrators — Rudy Giuliani and Lewis Eisenberg — on his team of detectives.
What kind of truth can we expect from this kind of sandbagged scrutiny? None at all. Once again our government is investigating itself with predictable results. It will do no better than the first time — which was a total whitewash, because it is the very system itself that all these political functionaries are trying to defend which bears responsibility for this event and its impact on history.
Hiring the people who played minor supporting roles in the 9/11 bloodbath to identify its architects and actors may yield a few sacrificial scapegoats like Cheney and some generals, but the top of the line power structure will remain solidly in place, hidden from view and utterly in control of world events.
That Trump has surrounded himself with the tainted players who have carried out all these wars for Israel augurs for a dark future in which the militarization of America will further shrink individual rights, and the harsh crackdown on legitimate dissent — which will soon be banned — plainly signals the end of free speech as we have known it in the United States.
Recall Thomas Jefferson’s dictum: “Freedom of the press cannot be limited without being lost.” Today, it is long gone. The press prints only what the government allows it to print.
For Trump to hire such rancid refugees from the Bush administration means that he won’t be investigating 9/11. Instead he will be crafting a new more realistic coverup that lambastes Saudi renegades and totally omits the overwhelming presence of Israeli Jews in all aspects of the tragedy — the same presence that now dominates the U.S. government and its criminal activities throughout the world.Preemptive war is criminal activity, in case you didn’t know. The U.S. is practicing it everywhere under the cynical guise of fighting terror, which it itself creates by hiring thugs from around the world to fit into the proper terror slots and become believable enemies for the press to vilify and our military to bomb.
The U.S. has literally slaughtered millions of people around the world at the behest of a small group of mostly Jewish men (and the gentiles they have bought) who control not only virtually all the money of the people in the world, but also control their thoughts as a result.
Mayor Giuliani ran the command post in Building 7. You remember Building 7, that building that was knocked down by not being hit by an airplane. Giuliani knows everything that happened, and who did what.
Eisenberg, one of the world’s foremost financiers, was the head of the New York Port Authority who leased the Twin Towers to Silverstein. Silverstein, who spoke frequently with top Israeli leaders, wound up with $4.55 billion.
The question with regard to Trump’s integrity kind of splits down the middle since he seems to have a genuine desire to succeed and restore the peace, but he is indebted to forces far larger than himself, which he is now trying to placate by surrounding himself with the traditional pseudo Republican goons like Gingrich and Romney.
If only they were genuine Republicans it wouldn’t be so bad, but they’re poseurs, all ultimately working for the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.
Business as usual in the Jewish American empire, gnawing on the fatted calf while the rest of the world bleeds.
Trump’s choices reveal a desire to continue the swashbuckling sadism of the Bush Administration. Throughout his campaign I always shuddered when Trump would proclaim that we needed a stronger military, and I thought, tell that to the people beneath the bombs because they want no part of any of this.As a newspaper blows trivial events into earthshaking issues, so politicians identify all manner of enemies that demonstrate the desperate need for them to be elected.
Like the Boston Marathon bombing that turned a mercenary drill into a region wide suspension of freedom of movement, the worst story possible is presented even as inconvenient facts are left behind.
Think about the atrocities and false flag shockers that have been foisted on us since 9/11. Statistics reveal that more than 90 of significant terror incidents began life as FBI sting operations manipulating low IQ bigmouths into capital crimes.
Why is it the cops can commit crimes against the people but the people can’t commit crimes against the cops? This is not the kind of freedom we thought we’d get while growing up.
Trump certainly is not addressing any of these issues, and a Trump administration will merely continue the clumsy depredations and smokescreen lies that have exemplified the utterly corrupt and criminal nature of the United States as it is run by Jews bankers holed up in the City of London, and wreaking havoc throughout the world by their control of everyone’s money.
What is really needed is a full accounting of what the Jews have done to the United States, and restitution to United States citizens over moneys illegally stolen by the Federal Reserve Corporation to be taken from its stockholders immediately.They have never once considered that the fate of the world ultimately depends on treating everyone in the world as members of your own family, even as that becomes impossible on a continent overrun by hungry savages who were put there by these very same sadists who control the United States and its fearsome war machine.
Of course this is impossible because the Jews own the government and all the corrupt minions within it. One word from them and you’re out of a job.
The avaricious Jews are really only a reflection of the darker side of humanity. Like good sociopaths, they learned everything they know by mimicking others, and have become better than everyone else at what they do simply by practice and cooperation.
A war machine that is now being used against its own people — through media, medicine and food — as the people who control everything consolidate their hold on a population rapidly being shaped into the cattle our Hebrew herders have always called us.