Once upon a time, the Evolutionists theorize, a “simple single-cell life form”
spontaneously emerged out of a protein-rich “primordial soup” which, they theorize, had also existed.
Through the process of binary fission, they theorize, single bacterial cells divided and regrouped into multi-cellular
Over billions of years,
the family tree theoretically branched out to include all living things; from blades of grass, to birds, to maggots,
to Marilyn Monroe. It’s amazing what a “simple” cell can theoretically do! We emphasize the word
"theory" because not one of these amazing events has ever been actually observed,
and nor can any be duplicated by experimentation.
Charles Darwin
had proposed that the very first cell, the "universal
common ancestor" of all life forms, could have
formed "in some warm little pond." One of Darwin's supporters
and colleagues, the German biologist (and proven forger) Ernst Haeckel,
examined a mixture of mud removed from the sea-bed and claimed
that it was a non-living substance that turned into
a living one. This so-called "mud that came to life," is
an indication of just how basic and how simple that
living cells were thought to be by the founding fools and falsifiers of
"The Theory of Evolution" TM (bow
your head in solemn reverence as you say that).

Shhh! Please don't tell anyone that Haeckel and I are frauds."
By invoking the "simplicity" of that original simple cell, Evolution TM is made to sound
somewhat plausible to those who are easily-impressed by the
dickheads of egghead academia. The mispresentation
of the original simple cell slowly “evolving” into more complex
cells, and then into actual full-blown creatures
over time, is the only way that the Evolutionists can even begin to sell
their junk-science. So, let’s attack the theory at
its very root, "the simple cell."
To make life easier for the Evolutionists, let us grant them a generous 'head-start' by not even
asking how the Universe organized itself into a precision so mathematically perfect
as to make a Rolex watch seem
like a piece of innacurate junk; or where the
“Primordial Soup” came from; or the Sun; or the amino acids and
protein building blocks, or how the Earth and its
chemical components all got here. Let’s focus only on the "simple"
and spontaneous cell. The word cell comes from Latin, cella,
meaning "small room", which
is essentially what the cell is. The cell is the
basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms. Cells are
smallest form of life that can replicate
cells are said to be the earliest and
“simplest” forms of bacterial life on Earth, as they have a
process built into them. A prokaryotic cell has
three regions, each with its own components. On the outside, flagella
and pili project from the cell's surface. These structures are made of proteins that facilitate movement
and communication between cells.
Enclosing the cell itself is the cell envelope
– which consists of a cell wall covering a plasma membrane and a further covering layer called a capsule. The envelope gives rigidity to the cell and also serves as a protective filter and barrier against exterior forces.
It also prevents the cell from expanding and bursting from environmental pressures.
Finally, inside the cell
is the cytoplasm region that contains the complex, and we do mean, complex, coded genome (DNA). Prokaryotes can also carry extra-chromosomal DNA elements called plasmids, which
encode antibiotic resistance genes.
"randomly formed" original "simple single cell" comes with its own genome; living computer chips packed
with voluminous complex DNA coding which transmits during cell reproduction.
So you see, dear reader, this bacterial “simple cell” which
accidentally, randomly, and “unintelligently” popped up out of the “soup” is not so "simple"
after all. It's actually a multi-functional, multi-component, integrated, well-oiled and living machine that cellular
biologists can spend an entire lifetime studying. If it were possible to shrink yourself to the size of an atom,
enter the walls of the “simple single
cell”, and gaze about this microscopic world-within-a-world
like some awestruck tourist; you would marvel at
the suddenly visible nanotechnology enveloping you. Only this bit of
technology actually lives, mends itself, protects itself, feeds itself, and, get this, reproduces itself!
Sorry Chuckie D., but integrated
complexity and living nanotechnology does
not spring up without intelligence behind it. Even the atoms,
the tiniest particles of matter within the "simple"
cell, demonstrate an ordered and integrated complexity of their
own. Every atom is composed of a nucleus
made of protons and neutrons. The nucleus is surrounded by a cloud of electrons.
The electrons are bound to the atom by the electromagnetic force, and the
protons and neutrons in the nucleus are bound to each other by the nuclear force -- all in the perfect mathematical
proportion needed for stability. Nothing "simple" about nuclear physics, eh Chuckie?
atoms nor cells are "simple!" Darwin's parent-less "simple" cell, which popped-up out of the
non-observable "primordial soup," is actually more complex than an nuclear submarine or a space ship.
All "simple" life is complex and integrated;
and cannot come from non-life. Intelligence cannot
come from non-intelligence. Consciousness cannot come from non-consciousness. There is not a single
bacteria cell on Planet Earth that doesn't have a "mother." And yet, the entire Theory of Evolution
TM rests on the dogmatic belief that the first "simple" cell (and no
other cell since) was somehow "immaculately conceived." Think about it.
then, if life forms can only come from other life forms; how did life
The only plausible explanation is that life, like
time and like space, is an eternal phenomenon with no beginning and
no end -- an idea way above our intellectual
pay-grades to fully grasp, yet completely logical nonetheless. The
creative life force is the parent of all. He is not
an old man with a long white beard and tunic, but we may nonetheless logically refer
to this awe-inspiring, eternal, intelligent creative life-force as "God."
"simple cell" Darwinists and the Big Bangers need to go back to the drawing board and "check their math,"
as well as their logic. They won't though, because Godlessness and conceited arrogance walk hand-in-hand.
The mathematical "fingerprints" of an intelligent creative force are everywhere
- snowflakes, galactic swirls, insect wings.