'What did Our Lord answer the curious man in the Gospel
who asked Him, "Lord, is it only a few to be saved?" Did He keep
silence? Did He answer haltingly? Did He conceal His thought for fear of
frightening the crowd? No. Questioned by only one, He addresses all of
those present. He says to them: "You ask Me if there are only few who
are saved?" Here is My answer: "Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for
many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able." Who is
speaking here? It is the Son of God, Eternal Truth, who on another
occasion says even more clearly, "Many are called, but few are chosen."
He does not say that all are called and that out of all men, few are
chosen, but that many are called; which means, as Saint Gregory
explains, that out of all men, many are called to the True Faith (Catholic), but
out of them few are saved. Brothers, these are the words of Our Lord
Jesus Christ. Are they clear? They are true. Tell me now if it is
possible for you to have faith in your heart and not tremble.'