"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Friday, July 13, 2018

Are You Catholic? Do Not Be Duped

Are You Catholic? Do Not Be Duped
Are You Catholic? Really? I’ve been a Catholic for my entire life – soon to reach 77 years God-willing. I was educated in Catholic schools from elementary schools to college. I was trained in the Faith through the Baltimore Catechisms (1,2,& 3) and the Theology presented in books by Frank Sheed. Then Vatican II happened. I was devastated but I knew that Truth is not relative to the times in which we live. I knew that the Mass in which I had served as an Altar Boy was the true Mass, so proclaimed in perpetuity by Pope St. Pius V in the year 1570. I knew that the Host consecrated in that Mass was truly the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I and my family began a trek to find that Mass celebrated in a diocesan church where we lived. Sadly, the Masses where Traditional Catholicism was practiced were few and far between.

So, I found a Chapel in the city where we lived where the Mass and the sacraments were celebrated by priests who were validly ordained by bishops in union with Rome, eternal Rome, not the Rome of the Modernists, not the Rome of the adulterers, sodomizers, LGBTQ-RSWXYZ’s or whatever, not the Rome from which a priest who had been a pastor was suddenly replaced by the Chancellor of the diocese who told us our pastor had left the priesthood (not possible due to the sacramental sign imprinted on his soul) but nevertheless gone from our midst never to return.

Now I write this not to toot my own horn for I am a sinner of the worst kind and find myself in a wheelchair to live out the remainder of my life doing penance for my sins. I only hope it is enough. I write this for all the young Catholics out there to warn them in the current language of the times: “Do Not Be Duped.” Do not fall for the inducements of the current times to give up one’s Faith and join the practitioners of Evil who are everywhere, even sadly, in the bosom of Holy Mother Church. Read the papal bull, “Quo Primum” of 1570, and the Baltimore Catechisms (1, 2 & 3) and ask yourself if this is practiced in the Church you attend or the Church you’ve been “assigned.” God bless and keep you all.