"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

FATIMA/POPE TO FLEE ROME WATCH: Benedict XVI Suffers From Dangerous Neuropathy - According to His Brother

 Benedict XVI Suffers From Dangerous Neuropathy - According to His Brother
BLESSED EMMERICK: He was sitting in the dark and slept in a large arm-chair. He was very ill and weak; he could no longer walk. I told the Pope of the bishops who are to be appointed soon. I told him also that he must not leave Rome. If he did so, it would be chaos. He thought that the evil was inevitable and that he should leave in order to save many things beside himself. He was very much inclined to leave Rome, and he was insistently urged to do so. The Pope is still attached to the things of this earth in many ways…”

A sickness impacting the nerves strains Benedict XVI very badly and makes him increasingly dependent on a wheelchair, his brother Georg Ratzinger, 94, told the German entertainment magazine Neue Post (February 14) whose target audience is older women.
There are fears that a paralysis could affect the heart of the former pope, “Then it would be over quickly.”
Ratzinger confessed to the magazine that he prays daily for a good hour of death for him and his brother.