"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Sunday, January 7, 2018

A sneaky message from Bergoglio to the Bishops of the Official Correction "

A sneaky message from Bergoglio to the Bishops of the Official Correction "
Fr. Cristoforo

I do not know if you have noticed the speeches of Bergoglio at Mass and yesterday's Angelus. It seems that Omissis, not in a frontal way, but also wanted to launch a subtle message to the Bishops of the Official Correction. Obviously forcing the biblical texts, to get where he wanted. As is usual for him.

At Holy Mass he said:
"There is Herod, troubled by the fear that the birth of a king threatens his power. Therefore it organizes meetings and sends others to gather information; but he does not move, he is locked in his palace. Even "all of Jerusalem" (v. 3) is afraid: fear of God's newness. He prefers that everything remains as before - "it has always been like that" - and no one has the courage to go. The temptation of priests and scribes is more subtle. They know the exact place and report it to Herod, citing also the ancient prophecy. They know, but do not take a step towards Bethlehem. It may be the temptation of believers for some time: it is expressed in faith, as something that is already known, but one does not personally challenge oneself for the Lord. We speak, but we do not pray; we complain, but we do not do good "(http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/it/homilies/2018/documents/papa-francesco_20180106_omelia-epifania.html).
And at the Angelus:
"The indifference of the high priests and scribes. These were very comfortable. They know the Scriptures and are able to give the right answer on the place of birth: "In Bethlehem of Judea, because it is written through the prophet" (v. 5); they know, but they do not bother to go and visit the Messiah. And Bethlehem is only a few kilometers away, but they do not move. In reality, Herod did not want to go and worship Jesus; Herod wants to know where the child is, not to worship him, but to eliminate him, because he considers him a rival. And look carefully: fear always leads to hypocrisy. The hypocrites are like that because they are afraid in the heart.
These are the three attitudes we find in the Gospel: thoughtful search of the Magi, indifference of the high priests, of the scribes of those who knew theology; and fear, of Herod. And we too can think and choose: which of the three to hire. I want to go with care by Jesus? "But Jesus does not say anything to me ... I'm calm ..." (http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/it/angelus/2018/documents/papa-francesco_angelus_20180106.html).
How about? The message seems very clear. Bergoglio is really angry!
Fra Cristoforo


  1. Does he consider himself as PETRUS ROMANUS predicted in ?

  2. You are doing the work of the devil by abusing pope Francis like that, you are abusing his authority and his age, it is elderly abuse. Jesus said when they persecute you they persecute me

    1. There is only one working for the devil in this article wake up my friend as Mary warned many Cardinal, Bishops,Priests are on the road to hell and are taking many souls with them. She was not saying that because she had nothing better to say. You can’t accuse someone of abusing an certain individual when he is blind siding many the truth always hurts you are viewing him as he wishes not as he is...

  3. Eric, I don,t understand the article completely in regard to Francis. What does this have to do with the Correction? I know I’m missing the point. Sorry. I fear Francis.

  4. Francis fancies himself as one of the 'WISEMEN' in his political approach to the Epiphany Gospel ! He's the STAR guiding us to a "God's newness" [sic] ! But Herod and the Sanhedrin of Jerusalem = the Cardinals & secular enemies Francis is encountering now in ROME ! They won't come to Francis' version of BETHLEHEM [which somehow represents the new immorality of the world which Francis thinks Jesus loves !!!]. Francis is so ANGRY that he is being criticized and 'corrected'. He is a true 'protestant' who thinks God becomes sinful in this sinful world. There is NO CALL to reject the WORLD'S sin ! He follows their twisted version of the gospel; we must 'serve' a sinful world in its sin and living its sin.
