TradCatKnight Radio, John Nicholson "FreeMasonry's Satanic Takeover Of The World"
Talk given 9-16-16 (aprx 1 hour)
Talk given 9-16-16 (aprx 1 hour)
Disclaimer: Not all views of my guests represent the TradCatKnight view and position(s).
Nicholson is the President of the "Citizens Committee for a
Restructured Government". He has been an investigative journalist since
1997. His goal is to neutralize the criminally insane that are raping
and killing children, our environment, and our world. As well as
implement the necessary philosophies, technologies, economics, and waste
management policies for the survivability, sustainability, and
propsperity of our world for present and future generations. His
colleagues include: Former Nebraska State Senator; John W. DeCamp,
Ex-Director of CIA; William Colby, and former Section Director of FBI;
Ted Gunderson. Mr. Nicholson endorses the shift from exposing the issues
plaguing our world to Traditional unification and implementation of
global solutions.
TOPICS INCLUDED IN THIS TALK: his background, the website and its mission, Masonry's Pedophilia Club, Mainstream media and its role, mind control and brainwashing of the masses, Assasination of Kennedy, takeover of Vatican, the upcoming elections, Catholic Action & Resistance, Vatican II, Pacificsm, Chemtrails, HAARP, Cristeros, Big Pharma, his experiences being persecuted by the enemy and MUCH more!
TradCatKnight Radio, John Nicholson "FreeMasonry's Satanic Takeover Of The World"
TOPICS INCLUDED IN THIS TALK: his background, the website and its mission, Masonry's Pedophilia Club, Mainstream media and its role, mind control and brainwashing of the masses, Assasination of Kennedy, takeover of Vatican, the upcoming elections, Catholic Action & Resistance, Vatican II, Pacificsm, Chemtrails, HAARP, Cristeros, Big Pharma, his experiences being persecuted by the enemy and MUCH more!
Reminder: These shows come to you free of charge however we maintain and grow based upon your charity.
TradCatKnight Radio, John Nicholson "FreeMasonry's Satanic Takeover Of The World"