"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth.... [Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]
ET agenda and how a Luciferian agenda has driven the evolution of the
human race and will be culminating in the near future. According to this
research, Lucifer is a rogue extraterrestrial who usurped control of
planet Earth from his brethren at the dawn of human civilization.
Alien DNA has begun
to slowly reactivate over the last twenty-five years and is due to
fully bloom in the not-too-distant future which will awaken the human
race to its ET origins. In light of this, the Luciferians have enacted a
plan to counteract such a development. No later than 2022.
While many are aware of the age old tactic of divide and conquer, in many cases even awakened people can get bamboozled by their devilishly clever tricks to hijack humanity.
When you realize their ultimate goal is to control our consciousness, using every possible means to accomplish this, these ploys become more and more evident.
The simplest way to influence and steer our thinking and ultimately
the preponderance of our collective consciousness is via the media.
The reason people are having such profound life and perspective changes is the availability of true knowledge outside the mass media that has exponentially proliferated in recent years.
So many are going through this awakening process now
and it’s wonderful to behold. It’s clearly affecting every sector of
society, but don’t let your guard down or be too quick to declare
The battle rages on. More so now than ever.
That the powers that shouldn’t be are aware of this mass awakening you can be sure.
So if you were them,
What would you do to hijack this mass movement of awakening consciousness?
Where would you set your sites to dispel and confuse and sidetrack those waking up?
Besides stepping up your disinformation and mind control techniques, or the monstrous Machiavellian solution Brzezinski proposed when he told the CFR ”today
it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control them”,
would you target the alternative research and independent media
communities perhaps?
Exposing Their Agenda of Deceit and Subjugation
Amongst the many tools in their war chest are misinformation,
obfuscation, misdirection, omission and denial, all fomenting confusion
which are further exacerbated by massive fear and tension generation.
To further
amplify their nefarious intentions they’ve put us on an economic
treadmill coupled with a financial stranglehold, and then take it all to
new depths using occult technologies to further advance their plan.
All the while they’re bombarding our health, immune and nervous systems while attempting to destroy our very home, our planet.
Most of these tactics have been honed over centuries and
have worked masterfully well. Until now. This time they’re starting to
get worried. A growing amount of us are not responding to their
poisonous technologies.
Just look at what this indicates.
It’s clear how much they fear our power and just how resilient and resourceful we are. Notice the lengths to which these psychopaths have to go to try to muffle our humanity and hijack our conscious awareness. Always remember, what they fear is our ultimate discovery of what’s really going on here and that we’ll rise up against them.
But most of all, realizing who we truly are and the potential power we each possess.
That ultimate realization in each individual is the game changer. And they know it. That’s why the full awakening of every individual is the most important battlefield and challenge to face and overcome.
Be forewarned – if you want to go all the way it’s going to mean letting go of a lot of cherished beliefs.
Everyone is
looking for manifestations of change. Unfortunately many still look to
the message they’re being told via these same controllers. When it looks
like one crooked leader is being exposed and deposed and even replaced
we tend to put on the rose colored glasses and think, “Good. It’s about time. Maybe this guy will stem the tide and turn things around.”
How often do you see that happen? It’s a ploy.
notorious for playing both sides of any conflict. In fact, as we’ve all
become aware, even seeming powerful movements that appear to have the
right message are more often than not controlled opposition at play.
That’s the extent of their infiltration of humanity and how they’ve
always worked.
This is why they love the political circus.
long as humanity looks to the next leader to change their world we’ve
lost. They’re very good at keeping that game going and everyone’s
attention fixated on this public circus of false choice. As we’ve seen
time and again, so-called opposing candidates are members of the same
secret or not so secret society or brotherhood.
When they stand up and accuse or even expose each other it’s all part of the game.
We all know Bush and Kerry are Skull and Bones, but how many know Corbyn and Blair are both members of the Fabian Society? So when Blair screams at Corbyn know what’s really going on.
Look for it…
While some
of these various ideologies may seem better than another, they’re all
part of the same globalist agenda towards a centralized, socio-communist
totalitarian regime.
Social Engineering and Metadata Mapping
We know they’re tracking not only our every move in many cases, but
most of all the trends in the “human domain” that are appearing via
massive computerized analysis systems.
This is in
order to know where to set the next trap, the next side show and
distraction or opportunity to cause infighting, as well as what else
they can get away with without too strong of a reaction by the public.
What we’re up against is that pervasive and comprehensive, and until
you realize that you may be another sitting duck waiting for the next
shotgun blast of distraction and disempowerment.
This is often why they tell us what they’re doing or about to do to
us. It’s not only programming people to more readily accept whatever
they have for us when it hits, but it’s to gauge our reaction or
possible reactions and adjust their tactics accordingly.
Or Wikileaks,
giving the impression the manipulators’ plans are being diverted or
thwarted in some way because selective information “came out”.
See how disempowering that can be? Not only does it funnel our
attention in certain tripped off directions, even if true, but people
think something’s being done and, “certainly someone will respond to this and take responsible action.”
“Someone” of course is subconsciously attached to the usual suspects in positions of power, be it political or the media.
But always someone else… “After all, it’s been exposed.”
To overcome
all of this we need to be very awake, and very aware, and always remain
on guard. What we choose to engage in, either by defaulting to some
belief or point of view or what we oppose or encourage, is so very
Energy Flows Where Attention Goes
This is all important to keep front and center in our consciousness.
takes a detached attitude and a deep love for real, honest, and
empowering truth. What we spend our time doing and thinking about is the
best judge of who we are and where our energy is going.
That’s why
they love skirmishes – pitting anyone and everyone they can against
anything and everything in some form of useless struggle. It not only
hijacks our energy into a futile endeavor while it drains us, but
actually empowers those very mechanisms while lowering our conscious
This is how it all works. It runs on energy. Our energy.
When we wake up to that and withdraw our participation in their wicked
“game of ‘throngs’,” their entire system will crumble and dissipate.
But we have some work to do to get to that critical mass we need to really shake their foundations and erupt in the replacement paradigm knocking on the doors of our consciousness.
And that work is all about consciously aware, empowering information
sharing, and most of all becoming a fully consciously aware person
Otherwise we’ll only reinforce the old in some fashion or another.
Click above image
Understanding the Luciferian Agenda
As I said above, ultimately all of this is a war on consciousness.
need to siphon off our energy, so getting us to focus on their
machinations is paramount. We have to remember, these parasitic
psychopaths are profoundly spiritual at some level, and they’re very
aware that those of us who are awake are most of all a spiritual force
to reckon with, as is every human being.
So how do you hijack that one?
Well, with a false light of course. Set up and promote something that
appears to be light when in fact it taps into the absolute opposite
force, basically summarized as the darkly driven Luciferian system.
disguise it and wrap it in all the right terms and tons of mind
manipulating occult imagery and impressive ritual you possibly can. Just
look at all the ritual royalty is into, and people lap it up. Same with
political pomp and circumstance, never mind the insane lengths
religions go to.
And of course the people fall for it, that’s what it’s designed to
do, as well as to channel people’s attention while they broadcast their
false light to the max into those very masses, totally disrupting their
true innate knowledge to the contrary.
They’ve gotten so bold and brazen, and I might add cocky, that we’re
seeing these Luciferian rituals at major sporting and music events, in
advertising, movies and animation, as well as art and literature.
What’s sad is the younger generation don’t see it coming.
The older generation has its own ongoing side track, the carefully manipulated New Age Movement, fully infiltrated with Luciferianism as well as immobilizing, mesmerizing and energy siphoning techniques and technologies.
The massively manipulated music scene since the 60′s, the psyoped
drug culture, and the takeover by an occult Hollywood dutifully play the
tunes of the Luciferian pied piper ad nauseam.
And how many have woken up to it? But the numbers are increasing by the hour.
It’s very important people understand the occult, its language, symbolism and history. All occult means is hidden.
But what’s being hidden is the issue, and much of it is clearly
explained and laid out for all to see in open documentation and provides
the tools to understand what is unfolding before us.
Search the ‘Lucis Trust‘ or ’Maurice Strong‘ and
other such figures. Cloaked in Strong’s obviously manipulative climate
change agenda is a Luciferian driven new age thrust that will open your
Or how about the occult drenched Tomorrowland festivals? If this is new to you, take at look at the official trailer of the upcoming, renamed “TomorrowWorld” festival in Atlanta:
It’s game on for these psychopaths and they’re harvesting all they can while they can. Don’t you be one of them…
Inform others
Awareness brings empowerment, and freedom…
The war for our consciousness, both individual and collective, rages on.
We cannot side step this reality. Just the EMF (Electromagnetic Field) attacks on our very brainwaves are enough to convince anyone that something of this nature is going on.
When we realize their intention is to actually steer us en mass
through our collective consciousness, one that is morphing by the
minute, we begin to understand the struggle we’re each enduring. While
many of us are manifesting more love and true light and empowering
information, energizing the quantum field in the right direction, they
continue to try to counter as well as control these vibrations.
But only at their level…
Latest Propaganda Which Will help the "Alien Disclosure"
Possibly habitable planet found orbiting nearest star
years of observations and painstaking analysis, an international team
of astronomers using independent Earth-based instruments has discovered
what they believe is a potentially habitable, roughly Earth-size world
orbiting the nearest star to the sun, according to a paper in the
journal Nature released Wednesday.
The team, led by Guillem Anglada-Escudé of Queen Mary
University of London, found the planet orbiting Proxima Centauri, a
cool, reddish M-class dwarf star 4.25 light years from the sun. Dubbed
Proxima b, the planet is roughly 1.3 times the size of Earth, circles
its star at a distance of 4.3 million miles and completes one orbit, or
local year, every 11.2 Earth days.
While Proxima b is much closer to Proxima Centauri than Mercury
is to Earth’s sun, the planet is within the much cooler star’s
habitable zone, meaning water could exist on the world’s sunlit side,
raising at least the possibility of life.
The planet was
discovered spectroscopically by analyzing very slight changes – doppler
shifts – in the light from Proxima Centauri as the star was tugged back
and forth by the gravity of its unseen orbiting companion. The wobble
amounted to a periodic motion of about 3 miles per hour toward and away
from Earth. The only known process that could produce such a periodic
motion is the gravitational interplay between the star and a planet.
NASA’s Kepler space telescope
has discovered more than 2,300 exoplanets to date by studying how a
star’s light dims when a planet passes in front of it as viewed by the
spacecraft. The Kepler data has led to a statistical conclusion that
perhaps 30 percent of the stars in the Milky Way galaxy host potentially
habitable worlds.
The discovery of a nearly Earth-size planet
orbiting the sun’s nearest neighbor is a major step toward confirmation
that such worlds are, in fact, common.
“So two totally independent
techniques are converging on a number,” Paul Butler, a Carnegie
Institution astronomer and one of the co-authors of the Nature paper,
told CBS News in a telephone interview from the institute’s Las Campanas
Observatory in Chile. “And you know, there’s a lot of uncertainty in
that number. It could be 20 percent, it could be 50 percent. But it
doesn’t really matter. That’s a lot of stars.”
As a result, he said, astronomers are “beginning to become more and more comfortable with the notion that habitable planets are very common. But up until now, it’s been sort of an abstraction, right? It’s been sort of a statistical analysis.
Another imagined view of Proxima b and its red dwarf sun Proxima Centauri.
European Southern Observatory
this discovery is is a giant, flashing neon sign that says here, around
the very nearest star, there’s a potentially habitable planet,” he
said. “It’s no longer a vague abstraction, it’s concrete.”
Butler cautioned that any speculation about the possibility of life on
Proxima b is premature. Until instruments are developed that can
directly image exoplanets and spectroscopically detect the components of
presumed atmospheres, astronomers cannot put any percentage on the
possibility of life.
“When astronomers talk about a potential
habitable planet, all they mean is that it’s the right distance from the
star to possibly have liquid water on the surface,” Butler said. “Until
we know something about the atmosphere, any talk about life is just
pure speculation.”
Even speculation must be tempered by the
presumed environment close to an M-class dwarf. While water may be
possible on the surface of Proxima b, the planet may be tidally locked
in place with one side in perpetual daylight and the other in darkness.
like Proxima Centauri also generate strong magnetic fields, ultraviolet
and X-ray flares that could help strip away an atmosphere and bathe a planet in relatively high levels of radiation. But Butler said that alone would not be a deal breaker.
truth is, most life in the universe is probably single cell creatures,”
he said. “Even today, single cell creatures by far and away are the
biggest life form on Earth. Single cell creatures don’t really care
about radiation. Radiation is only dangerous if it stops inside of you,
because then it dumps its energy and you’re in big trouble. But for the
most part with single-cell creatures radiation goes right through them.
know of single-cell creatures that live in uranium mines,” he said.
“They don’t care! For advanced life, things like lions and tigers and
bears, yeah, radiation’s probably not great. But for single-cell
creatures it’s not an issue. But again, any discussion of life is just
speculation at this point.”
Those flares and changes in Proxima
Centauri’s variable light output, along with only periodic observation,
complicated attempts to detect the gravitational wobble that might
indicate a planet.
“The first hints of a possible planet were
spotted back in 2013, but the detection was not convincing,”
Anglada-Escudé said in a statement from the European Southern
Observatory. “Since then we have worked hard to get further observations
off the ground with help from ESO and others.”
After two years of
planning, Anglada-Escudé and his team carried out a project known as
the Pale Red Dot campaign, observing Proxima Centauri every night
between Jan. 19 and March 31 using the High Accuracy Radial Velocity
Planet Searcher – HARPS –spectrograph attached to the European Southern
Observatory’s 3.6-meter telescope at La Silla in Chile’s Atacama Desert.
The well-publicized project’s name played off astronomer Carl Sagan’s famous description of Earth as a “pale blue dot” in space.
kept checking the consistency of the signal every single day during the
60 nights of the Pale Red Dot campaign,” Anglada-Escudé said in the ESO
release. “The first 10 were promising, the first 20 were consistent
with expectations and at 30 days, the result was pretty much definitive,
so we started drafting the paper.”
Based on those observations,
Anglada-Escudé and his team were able to re-analyze earlier data from
HARPS, correcting uncertainties that were the result of Proxima
Centauri’s variability. Butler contributed computer code that provided a
similar correction to data collected by another instrument used at La
Silla, the Ultraviolet and Visual Eschelle Spectrograph, or UVES,
between 2000 and 2008.
“That was really the clincher,” Butler
said. “Because now you have two telescopes, two totally independent
techniques that see the exact same signal, that see the exact same
periodicity and furthermore the phases line up. That’s what really
cinched it.”
Astronomers plan to carry out additional observations using current and next generation instruments, including the gargantuan European Extremely Large Telescope with a segmented mirror 39 meters – 128 feet – across. First light is expected in 2024.
exoplanets have been found and many more will be found, but searching
for the closest potential Earth-analogue and succeeding has been the
experience of a lifetime for all of us,” Anglada-Escudé said in the ESO
release. “The search for life on Proxima b comes next.”