FATIMA WATCH: Poking the bear: US Air Force builds in Russia’s backyard
The Trump administration wants to spend $828 million in 2019 to build
up military infrastructure in Europe as part of an ongoing initiative to
deter Russian aggression and reinforce allies. Almost half of that
construction funding would go toward U.S. Air Force projects.
The request would more than double military construction funding under
the European Deterrence Initiative, or EDI, from the 2018 request — when
not so long ago, the U.S. military was shrinking its Cold War-era
footprint in Europe.
As the EDI request grew to $6.5 billion from $4.8 billion in 2018,
military construction in the EDI request leaped from $338 million in
2018, while pre-positioning funds jumped from $2.2 billion to $3.2
Of that, the Air Force would spend $368.6 million to pre-position
equipment and $363.8 million for military construction. While that’s
roughly on par with what was spent in fiscal 2018, it’s a huge jump from
FY17, when the Air Force got only $31.2 million in pre-positioning
funds and $85.4 million for military construction.
The idea is that if Russia invaded a European nation — for example,
Latvia — the U.S. Air Force would be able to quickly respond, supported
by basic airfields to reload, refuel and repair damage.
To do this, the U.S. is placing pre-positioned Air Force basing assets in original NATO nations, like Germany and the United Kingdom, and making significant airfield improvements in Eastern Bloc countries and beyond.
To be clear, the U.S. is not looking at building up new major bases in
former Soviet bloc countries, but it’s making improvements to existing
infrastructure to ensure it supports U.S.-specific requirements.
“It makes it easier to reinforce [allies] in a crisis,” said Mark
Cancian, a retired Marine Corps officer and senior international
security adviser with the Center for Strategic and International
Studies. “The munitions, the taxiways and refueling points makes it much
easier to move in there in an emergency.”
U.S. European Command chief Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti acknowledged as
much in congressional testimony in March. The FY18 and FY19 budget
requests, he said, would “enable the rapid reception of fourth- and
fifth-generation fighters, close-air support, bombers and air mobility
aircraft in a contingency.”
On Russia’s doorstep, the 2018 budget funded refueling infrastructure
and a tactical fighter aircraft parking apron and taxiway at Amari Air
Base, in Estonia, so it can support the A-10, F-15, F-16, F-22 and F-35 aircraft.
The 2019 budget request asks for $16 million more for U.S. Special
Operations Command training and operations facilities at Amari.
At Kecskemet Air Base, in Hungary, $56 million in 2018 dollars is
paying for fuel storage, taxiway construction and other improvements to
accommodate the F-15, A-10 and C-5 transport aircraft.
The 2019 request would build a munitions storage facility at Malacky
Air Base, in Slovakia, where 2018 dollars are expanding the tactical
fighter aircraft parking apron to accommodate the A-10 and F-15.
The Air Force also wants $13.8 million in FY19 for taxiway construction at Rygge, Norway.