The House of Horrors
in Marxist Manhattan commonly referred to as "the MoMa" -- short for Museum of Modern Art
-- just received a $50 million donation from billionaire Steven A.
Cohen (cough cough). The money will help to fund a $400 million renovation and expansion project.
Of course,
as all good attention-seeking "philanthropists" of "The Tribe" expect, MoMA’s massive new gallery
will be named the "Steven and Alexandra Cohen Center for Special Exhibitions."
The Cohen's contribution is impressive, but only
half as much as the $100 million which Hollywood media mogul and open sodomite
David Geffen (cough cough) donated to the project last year. Just think of the good works
that these many millions of dollars could have done for free children's hospitals like New York's St. Jude
or Philadelphia's Shriners Hospital; or for Deborah Heart & Lung of New Jersey (also
free to the public); or for organizations like Homes For Our Troops
which builds free specially adapted
homes for crippled veterans, or for any of a number
of other highly-rated charities across the country which help the truly
needy. But no, these otherwise greedy Marxist Jews
and many others like them prefer to throw their money away on funding
cultural vandalism referred to as "modern art." Why
is that?

Queer commie
David Geffen dumped $100 million into MoMa / Libtarded imbeciles marvel at vandalism.
course, these characters
are neither stupid nor fiscally irresponsible.
There is a deliberate method to their Marxist madness which is as evil
as it
is brilliantly conceived. It is a self-evident truth that "Modern
Art" has always been aggressively promoted by all of the various tentacles of the New World
Order crime gang -- including the Communist Party USA. And when Sugar and I, er, "The Editorial
Board" of The Anti-New York Times
throw out a term like "self-evident,"
we don't use it as a rhetorical
ploy like the slimy scribblers of Sulzberger's Slimes do. No sir; we
actually mean that it is an indisputable fact -- Google: (CIA & Modern
Art: here) -- (Communist Party & Modern Art: here) -- (Rockefeller Family & Modern Art: here) -- (Rothschild Family & Modern Art: here) -- (Soros Family & Modern Art: here) -- (The United Nations & Modern Art: here) etc., etc., etc. Add to that high-powered
list of direct financial "patron of the arts" the Sulzberger-Ochs
-- whose "paper of record" has long puffed-up
creepy charlatans such as the openly Stalinist
Pablo Picasso and the madman Jackson Pollock.

Typical crap you'll find on the walls of the MoMa.
The hidden
agenda behind this century-old movement (proudly referred to as "anti-art"
by its early Marxist practitioners (here))
to replace the good stuff with neurotic garbage benefits the
Globalists. You
see, boys and girls, Modern Art -- just
like much of Modern Music, Modern Literature, Modern Science etc. --
and perverts the appreciation
and understanding of truth and beauty. Convince the notoriously vain
in any given society that up is down, black is
white, crap is gold, gold is crap, men are women,
are men, etc, and soon you can sell these
"educated" chumps anything. From there, the madness will
flow downhill to "the masses." There is no right
and wrong for truth, like Einstein's "curved
universe" (rolling
eyes) and his "time warps" (rolling eyes) is all about "relativity."
The essence of "modernism" is to suppress
one's own God-given instincts, and then choose to believe in nothing, unless the "powers that be" (cough
cough) instruct and authorize you to believe
in something, that is. Ever notice how most of the
main characters of modern literature and film are
usually not heroes like those of yesteryear? The
these days is typically a mentally conflicted
hybrid weirdo -- neither good nor bad. Likewise, the modernist painter
or sculptor is not at all
concerned with beauty and truth. To the modernist, truth is
a point-of-view which aimlessly
drifts with the polluted tide of "popular opinion" ™
-- that manufactured
dogma which is nothing but a mass psychosis
engineered by the usual suspects. In literature and art, and even
science," there is now a
complete rejection of truth and beauty. Heck! Even the Poop Francis of
the "modern Vatican" refuses to call sin by its
rightful name. Although the Argentinean ass-clown
did indeed pass very strong judgements against
Global Warming ™ and xenophobia ™,
but we digress.
the final analysis, a people
that can no longer distinguish truth and beauty
from falsehood and ugliness, is a people that is
for all manner of deception, oppression and
enslavement. And that is why Modern Art is the art-of-choice for the
vandals behind the New World Order