TradCatKnight Radio, "Fatima: What Will See October 13"
Talk given 10-12-17 (Aprx 2 hours)
In the Fatima Message the nation of Russia is designated as the
instrument that God will use to punish the world. Our Lady of Fatima
said that if Her requests, particularly the Consecration of Russia to
Her Immaculate Heart, were not heeded, then Russia would "spread her
errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the
Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to
suffer, various nations will be annihilated."
Furthermore, since communism and Freemasonry are both inimical to
Catholicism, there are only three possible ways for Catholics to deal
with them: they can either negotiate, run or fight. It is impossible to
run, because both Catholicism and the Masonic/communist New World Order
are worldwide. It is also impossible to negotiate with them, since they
are directly opposed to Catholicism and seek the destruction of integral
Catholicism. That leaves fighting as the only way to deal with these
enemies of the Church." Fr. Gruner
Join me for the next two hours
as I jump into all kids of topics as it relates to the apostasy in the
Catholic Church and endtimes. So much is happening in both the Church
and state that everyone need to be aware of. The backdrop of this
episode centers around the message of Fatima and what we might
potentially see October 13.
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