"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]
Quote of the Day- Conversion of Russia
“We must
not forget also the prophecies of the most holy Virgin Mary. She warned
us: without the Conversion of Russia, without conversion of the world,
without prayer and penance, communism shall invade the whole world. What
does that mean? We know very well that the goal of the secret societies
is a world government, with Masonic ideals, i.e the rights of men,
equality, fraternity and liberty, understood in an anti-christian sense,
against Our Lord. These ideals would be promoted by a world government,
which would establish a kind of socialism for all countries and then a
congress of religions, encompassing all religions, including the
Catholic Religion, in the service of this world government, as the
Russian Orthodox are in the service of the soviets. There would be two
congresses: a universal political congress, which would control the
whole world, and this Congress of religions, which would support this
world government, in a mercenary way.”
(Archbishop Lefebvre, sermon given at Paris on the occasion of the
celebration of his 60th anniversary of ordination, November 19th, 1989)