Tuesday, August 16, 2016

POEM: The Last Stand

POEM: The Last Stand
By: Eric Gajewski 
From the work “Fortress of the Soul”

    1 Kings 12:16
  Now then stand, and see this great thing which the Lord will do in your sight.

Here is my latest poem from Fortress of the Soul.  Please keep spreading word of TradCatKnight to your friends, family and church members...

Press play and listen to the song as you read....

The Last Stand

O’ ye men of worry, doubt and despair
Steadfast, we must hold, be free
Exhaust your hearts from every care
Let His grace embrace your lungs
For Redemption is won, be filled with the Divine Air
Yea, Soldier of the true God
Do now, all that you can
For Death never sleeps
Leave behind the "surface noise" of the city
To meet Him in the Fields wherest the lion lays with the lamb
No, O’ man!
It is not ye, who like rabbits, will tell me, an eagle, who I am
Your hands, wrinkled and old
And due to self, frozen in the cold, unwilling still to let go
For it is not by our own doing but by His Divine Hand
That we have the strength to walk to our Eternal Home Land
Do ye have not Faith?
Do ye have not Hope in His Divine Plan?
Fear not any longer
For as He would walk closer
I, too, once, due to self,..... ran
Nay, it is Faith which separate us 
Away, we soar like eagles
Yea, we must hold on to, unto the very end
And when the whole world seemingly conspires against us
Who will be able to say before Him
That he wast truly deemed a close friend?
For every eagle with his talons drawn
Must draw a line in the sand
And say I will not walk over to the other side
I will hold steadfast, I will take this Last Stand

1 Timothy 6:12
Fight the good fight of faith: lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art called, and hast confessed a good confession before many witnesses.

My other Poems: