Our Lady of Ransom (also Our Lady of Mercy)
On 10 August, 1223, the Mercedarian Order was legally constituted at
Barcelona by King James of Aragon and was approved by Gregory IX on 17
January, 1235. The Mercedarians celebrated their institution on the
Sunday nearest to 1 Aug. (on which date in the year 1233 the Blessed
Virgin was believed to have shown St. Peter Nolasco the white habit of
the order), and this custom was approved by the Congregation of Rites on
4 April, 1615 (Anal. Juris Pont., VII, 136). On 22 Feb., 1696, it was
extended to the entire Latin Church, and the date changed to 24
The Mercedarians keep this feast as a double of the first
class, with a vigil, privileged octave, and proper Office under the
title: “Solemnitas Descensionis B. Mariæ V. de Mercede”. Our Lady of
Ransom is the principal patron of Barcelona; the proper Office was
extended to Barcelona (1868) and to all Spain (second class, 1883).
Sicily, which had suffered so much from the Saracens, took up the old
date of the feast (Sunday nearest to 1 Aug.) by permission of the
Congregation of Rites, 31 Aug., 1805 (double major), Apparition of Our
Lady to St. Peter Nolasco in the choir of Barcelona, on the Sunday after
24 Sept. In England the devotion to Our Lady of Ransom was revived in
modern times to obtain the rescue of England as Our Lady’s Dowry.
F.G. HOLWECK (Catholic Encyclopedia)
Foundation of the Order of Mercy, part of the center altarpiece of the Cathedral of Barcelona.
A congregation of men founded in 1218 by St. Peter Nolasco, born
1189, at Mas-des-Saintes-Puelles, Department of Aude, France. Joining
Simon de Montfort’s army, then attacking the Albigenses, he was
appointed tutor to the young king, James of Aragon, who had succeeded to
the throne after the death of his father, Pedro II, killed at the
battle of Muret. Peter Nolasco followed his pupil to his capital,
Barcelona, in 1215. From the year 1192 certain noblemen of that city had
formed a confraternity for the purpose of caring for the sick in
hospitals, and also for rescuing Christian captives from the Moors.
Mercedarian Fathers ransoming Christan captives from the Muslims.
Peter Nolasco was requested by the Blessed Virgin in a vision to
found an order especially devoted to the ransom of captives. His
confessor, St Raymond of Pennafort, the canon of Barcelona, encouraged
and assisted him in this project; and King James also extended his
protection. The noblemen already referred to were the first monks of the
order, and their headquarters was the convent St. Eulalie of Barcelona,
erected 1232. They had both religious in holy orders, and lay monks or
knights; the choir monks were clothed in tunic, scapular, and cape of
white. These religious followed the rule drawn up for them by St Raymond
of Pennafort. The order was approved, first by Honorius III and then by
Gregory IX (1230), the latter, at the request of St Raymond Nonnatus
presented by St Peter Nolasco, granted a Bull of confirmation and
prescribed the Rule of St. Augustine, the former rule now forming the
constitutions (1235). St. Peter was the first superior, with the title
of Commander-General; he also filled the office of Ransomer, a title
given to the monk sent into the lands subject to the Moors to arrange
for the ransom of prisoners. The holy founder died in 1256, seven years
after having resigned his superiorship; he was succeeded by Guillaume Le

La Mercè Basilica, in Barcelona, where her incorrupt body reposes on the right side of the altar.
The development of the order was immediate and widespread throughout
France, England, Germany, Portugal, and Spain. As the Moors were driven
back, new convents of Mercy were established. Houses were founded at
Montpelier, Perpignan, Toulouse, and Vich. The great number of houses,
however, had a weakening effect on the uniformity of observance of the
rule. To correct this, Bernard de Saint-Romain, the third commander
general (1271), codified the decisions of the general chapters. In the
fourteenth century, disputes arose from the rivalry between the convents
of Barcelona and Puy, and from the discord between the priests and
knights, which ended in the latter’s suppression, disturbed the peace of
the order. Christopher Columbus took some members of the Order of Mercy
with him to America, where they founded a great many convents in Latin
America, throughout Mexico, Cuba, Brazil, Peru, Chile, and Ecuador.
These formed no less than eight provinces, whereas they only had three
in Spain and one in France. This order took a very active part in the
conversion of the Indians.
At the beginning of the seventeenth century Father Gonzales, who had made
his profession in the convent of Olmedo in 1573, conceived the idea of a
reform, at that time necessary. The commander-general, Alfonso de
Montoy, at first supported this scheme, but ended by opposing it. In
this undertaking, Gonzales was assisted by the Countess of Castellan,
who obtained for him the necessary authorization from Clement VIII, and
presented him with three convents for the reformed monks (at Viso,
Diocese of Seville; Almoragha, Diocese of Cadiz; Ribas). The reform was
confirmed at the provincial chapter of Guadelajara in 1603. Father
Gonzales took the name of John Baptist of the Blessed Sacrament, and
died at Madrid in 1618. Paul V approved his reform in 1606; in 1621
Gregory XV declared it independent of the monks of the Great Observance.
Their convents formed two provinces,with houses at Madrid, Salamanca,
Seville, and Alcalá, with a few foundations in Sicily.
St. Peter Nolasco
Father Antoine Velasco founded a convent of nuns of Our Lady of Mercy
at Seville in 1568, of which the first superioress was Blessed Ann of
the Cross. This foundation had been authorized by Pius V. The reformed
branch also established houses of barefooted nuns, or Nuns of the
Recollection, at Lura, Madrid, Santiago de Castile, Fuentes, Thoro, and
elsewhere. The female tertiaries go back to the very beginning of the
order (1265). Two widows of Barcelona, Isabel Berti and Eulalie Peins,
whose confessor was Blessed Bernard of Corbario, prior of the convent
there, were the foundresses. They were joined by several companions,
among them St. Mary of Succour (d. 31 Decemb., 1281), the first superior
of the community. Blessed Mary Anne of Jesus (d. 1624) founded another
community of tertiaries, under the jurisdiction of the reformed branch.
The Order of Mercy of late years has much decreased in membership. The
restoration of the reformed convent at Thoro, Diocese of Zamora, Spain,
is worthy of note (1888). At present the order has one province and one
vice-province in Europe, and four provinces and two vice-provinces in
America, with thirty-seven convents and five to six hundred members. The
Mercedarian convents are in Palermo; Spain; Venezuela (Caracas,
Maracaibo); Peru (Lima); Chile (Santiago); Argentina (Cordova, Mendoza);
Ecuador (Quito); and Uruguay. The Mercedarians of Cordova publish
“Revista Mercedaria”.

Mercedarias Descalzas Convent in Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Besides the founder, St. Peter Nolasco, the following illustrious
members of the order may be mentioned: St. Raymond Nonnatus (d. 1240),
the most famous of the monks who gave themselves up to the work of
ransoming captives; Blessed Bernard of Corbario, already mentioned; St.
Peter Paschal, Bishop of Jaen, who devoted all his energies to the
ransom of captives and the conversion of the Musselmans, martyred in
1300; St. Raymond was a cardinal, as also were Juan de Luto and Father
de Salazar. It is unnecessary to enumerate the archbishops and bishops.
Writers were numerous, especially in Spain and Latin America in the
seventeenth century. To mention only a few: Alfonso Henriquez de
Almendaris, Bishop of Cuba, who founded a college for his order at
Seville, and from whom Philip III received an interesting report on the
spiritual and temporal condition of his diocese in 1623; Alfonso de
Monroy, who drew up the constitutions of the reform, and who was a
bishop in America; Alfonso Ramón, theologian, preacher, and annalist of
his order; Alfonso Velásquez de Miranda (1661), who took a considerable
part in political affairs; Fernando de Orio, general of the order, who
translated and learnedly commented on Tertullian’s treatise “De
Poenitentia”; Fernando de Santiago (1639), one of the favourite
preachers of his time; Francisco Henríquez; Francisco de Santa Maria;
Francisco Zumel; Gabriel de Adarzo (1674), theologian, preacher, and
statesman; Gabreil Tellez (1650), dramatic author; Gaspar de Torrez,
Bishop of the Canary Islands; Pedro de Ona, whom Philip III sent on
important missions both in America and in the Kingdom of Naples.
Official ORDER of the EAGLE Page
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