Apostasy Watch: From The “EcuManiac” Mass To The Abomination
of Desolation
Eric Gajewski
Abomination of Desolation is coming. It
was not the New Mass. From Luther
worship to Maitreya worship.
It is here! The Ecumaniac’s greatest
delight. Get your “Mass Coexistence”
bumper stickers while you can! “Ecumenical
Masses” are already taking place wherein one “version” of a heretic communes
with another and celebrates Jesus together… “all in the name of love and
coexistence”. What was once touted as fake news all across
traditionalist sites is very much already in operation (informally). We have seen these reports in Europe of such “masses”
taking place but don’t look for this new novelty of “worship” to slow down anytime
soon. Folks, the Novus Ordo is on a “titanic
like” collision with this New Age iceberg coming. This is the ultimate endgame. It is to get whoever will buy into the
propaganda, that is, lemmings (apostates), from all religions, to worship the
new messiah who shall come onto the scene.
Simply put, since Vatican II, the Novus Ordo, has been “progressing” doctrines
and worship to suit the formal New Age Religion of the False Prophet. “By degrees they shall abolish the Faith, even among
persons consecrated to God.” Our Lady of
Thankfully, how many do you know, have
said, “that was the last straw” once the reports of the ecumenical mass broke? Probably at least a few (at least I hope). From the illicit/schismatic New Mass to an
even greater “butchering” of the Novus ordites which will supposedly bring “Christians”
closer to one another. From Luther
worship to Maitreya worship it all makes sense if you see the endgame. Mash
that together with what Francis will allow at the local level for the VII
masses and you are about to witness the “circus” come to your town (if it hasn’t
occurred already). The heretics will do
anything to loosen the would be faithful from proper doctrine and worship and
the majority are still buying Rome’s program.
By now you should know that you ought not be in Vatican II buildings
lest you commune with these “destroyers of the Faith” and sin against God but
let us dig deeper.
The Vatican denies such reports of
an Ecumenical Mass being formally in the making but we are not that stupid, are
we? Still don’t see where this is
going? Let me discuss further how we
might just see Maitreya’s Image popping up more frequently in Novus ordo
buildings in the next few years. Don’t believe
me? Did you see that recent report of a
Buddha and the Blessed Virgin Mary coexisting in one “Catholic Church”? Does that not call to mind JPII replacing
Christ from the altar with Buddha as well?
Maitreya Buddha…is another name he goes by. We have already seen so many tabernacles being
pulled off the altar and put somewhere off to the side since Vatican II. This is a perfect setup for replacing Christ
with the Abomination of desolation. If
the alarms are not going off inside your head already it is time to put down
the pop tart and get with the program.
The heretics of Vatican II have
slowly been chipping away at the Faith and liturgy and soon the Great Apostasy
will commence when “apostates” will formally embrace the new “false Christ”. But first they must get all the supposed “Christians”
together and make it seem like we are all okay.
Luther is good, Calvin is good…it is all good Rome says! We are all “Christian” and in the same Body
due to our common baptism the heretics say!
FALSE. In order to be in the Body
of Christ one must hold to all the Church’s teachings and I don’t mean Vatican
II. Protestants are heretics and not
Christian’s. (http://www.traditioninaction.org/religious/m013rpProtestantsChristians.html)
Don’t believe me? Let us ask St. Athanasius. “"But what is also to the point, let us note that
the very tradition, teaching and faith of the Catholic Church from the
beginning, which the Lord gave, was preached by the Apostles, and was preserved
by the Fathers. On this was the Church founded; and if anyone departs from
this, he neither is nor any longer ought to be called a Christian.”
We have too much in common for us to
be separated (they argue). We must
remember that it is Vatican II new doctrine that we apparently are still searching for truth, as if,
the Church doesn’t already have it. I
was laughed at years ago when I said it was all a setup (for the One World
Religion) for when Rome says we have found the truth, they will utter, “that we
all are simply One!”. We have a united
humanity! Now it doesn’t seem so funny
as we see things progressing as I said things would. This ties in with the heretical teaching of
Vatican II which states “the Church is a sign/symbol of the unity of the whole
human family”. Talk about a one world
religion statement in the texts of Vatican II themselves. How do the neo-catholics still cling to the
Council again? The reality is they were laying down the One World Religion foundation
at Vatican II and soon the great persecution will commence and Christ will be
removed from the Altar altogether publicly.
The Abomination of Desolation is
Antichrist Maitreya’s Image. This is
referenced by some of the early Church Fathers (as an Image) but it is also
talked about in the Apocalypse. Remember
that recent article covering A.I technology and how it could give rise to the
Beast’s Image “coming to life and talking”?
Is it now coming together for you?
Or are you still asleep? The
Abomination of desolation is not the New Mass (as evil as it is). It simply was the first step of the enemy to
water down the worship so that eventually everyone could worship the
Beast. From the New Mass to the Ecumenical
Mass to the Abomination of Desolation. One
day there will be a common worship for all religions to sit around and worship
the Beast publicly and where will real Catholics be? Underground.
“[T]he abomination shall be
seen in holy places, in convents, and then the demon shall make himself the
king of hearts.” Our Lady of LaSalette "And the churches too will wail with a
mighty lamentation, because neither oblation nor incense is attended to, nor a
service acceptable to God; but the sanctuaries of the churches will become like
a garden-watcher's hut, and the Holy Body and Blood of Christ will not be shown
in those days. The public service of God shall be extinguished.” St. Hippolytus
When will the Abomination of
Desolation be formally setup? I would
say it will begin to happen over the new few years in conjunction with the worldwide
persecution of Christians. We have to
remember “Christian’ in the old sense just doesn’t fly anymore. The world needs a new savior they say. This is what the Jews want of course. Their materialistic messiah to come on board
and legitimately redistribute all the worlds resources and wealth. Got to get chipped first to be a part of the
666 club. Since, the Satanic Talmudists,
are, talking about 2023, being, the beginning, of their messianic era and we
know they run the world’s puppets, it is prudent, to suggest, that, we are,
less than five years away from the Great Tribulation. Thus, be prepared to see even more major changes in the Novus Ordo than we already currently
are. SCARY isn’t it! On the Antichrist’s website itself it says
Maitreya’s Image will be present in all “Christian” churches but also in all
masonic lodges. So, if you are one of
those “Catholics” still following Vatican II (while really following
FreeMasonry) you might want to prepare yourself for the utter humiliation
coming your way with the further novelties coming down the road. Women priests? Heck why not some Transgender priests! We all got to be equal and fair now! Don’t laugh it may just come back and haunt
you in your sleep. Then again, those
following Vatican II, are already slumbering along, like zombies, as Blessed
Anna Emmerick said. You can only hide
behind the “fake news” argument for so long.
The Abomination of Desolation: Maitreya's Image
That face you make when the “chip
shows up” and you cant buy your midnight taco bell anymore and the majority of
what you thought to be truth actually turned about to be a lie altogether….
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you like. Email me at
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This is only the logical conclusion and externalisation to what Pope John Paul II referred when he told Our Lady's Third Secret albeit in cryptic form. "Can She [Our Lady] remain silent when She sees the very basis of Her children's salvation undermined". (May 13 1982 at Fatima)
ReplyDeleteThe Church as the pillar and ground of Truth has been undermined. [ Note the Pope's use of the past tense ]
Or in his sermon on May 13 2000 at Fatima "The message of Fatima is a call to conversion alerting humanity to have nothing to do with the dragon whose tail swept down the third of the stars of heaven' "
The third of the stars of Heaven swept down (the agents of the Great Apostasy which began at the top) have been undermining the basis of salvation (the Church as the pillar and ground of truth) for the past fifty years. The Man himself did the heavy lifting - even alerting the entire Catholic world to the Great Apostasy while concealing it.
Very soon is time when the Great Judge will judge his people as Saint Malachy foretold at the end of the list of the popes - the great chastisements. After which we know the Church will be restored.
Pope John Paul II himself publicly gave communion to protestants. This big party celebrating the great apostasy is only the death rattle of the novus ordo.
DeleteDevotion for our times:
The Holy Face
"The express purpose of this devotion was to make reparation for the blasphemies and outrages of the ‘revolutionaries’ of that time, the blasphemies of atheists, freethinkers and Masons, and for blasphemy and the profanation of Sundays by Catholics.
We read in her (Blessed Marie of St. Peter) autobiography:
“Then He unfolded His Heart to me, concentrating therein the powers of my soul, and addressed me thus: ‘My Name is everywhere blasphemed; even little children blaspheme it.’ And He made me understand how that dreadful sin pierced and wounded His Heart more than all other crimes.
“By blasphemy, the sinner outrages Him to His Face, attacks Him openly, and pronounces upon himself his own judgment and condemnation. Blasphemy is a poisoned arrow, wounding His Divine Heart continually. He told me that He would give me a “Golden Arrow” with which to wound Him delightfully and heal the poisonous wounds caused by sin.”
Our Lord then dictated to Sr. Mary the following Golden Arrow prayer, assuring her that every time she said it, she would lovingly wound His Heart.
The Golden Arrow Prayer
May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and ineffable NAME of God, JESUS CHRIST be forever praised, blessed, loved, adored, and glorified in Heaven, on earth and in Hell, by all the creatures of God, and by the SACRED HEART of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar."
great prayer
DeleteAnother sign, I hear, will be the removal of images of Jesus, crosses/crucifixes, the Holy Eucharist will be replaced with bread and grape juice...ALL THINGS TRULY CATHOLIC WILL DISAPPEAR! THAT'S WHY I SAY AGAIN, SAVE ALL YOU CAN TO BE USED IN THE REFUGES (OR UNDERGROUND CHURCHES)!
ReplyDeleteThe place to pick up Roman Catholic sacramentals, books and icons are at the garage sales.
DeleteIn all the novus ordo churches I have been to, the tabernacle has been removed from the altar (relegated to a side chapel or a closet), the Eucharist is bread and juice as they are using a rite that is invalid...words odious in my sight used by a new priesthood, as our Lord told Marie Julie Jahenny... the artwork is modernistic much like dreadfulness displayed in the tennis racket basilica at Fatima. In the cathedral of my archdioscese there is a big statue of a Jesus representation hang gliding on a crossbeam. I could go on.
The Revolution in the Church and the Great Apostasy was always hidden in plain sight.
keep the faith
DeleteI am an Irish/American Catholic. My family name is traceable to the time Saint Patrick brought the faith to Ireland, whereupon they converted from whatever beliefs that they held. I do not think that humans have moved completely away from their original "pagan" state. Magical thinking still predominates, and the idea that transubstantiation is achieved only via the acts of certain people, and only in certain places, is a pretty good example, of course their are many more if you think about them.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Lucifer, or whatever name you wish to use, more powerful to you/ the masses of people than his/our Creator ?
If you have the faith that you claim, why be concerned ?
Doesn't your concern give the entire prophesy more weight than it deserves ? After all, prophesy is something that MIGHT happen, and apocalypse is a REVEALING.
Nothing to worry about at all, just a way for the good shepherd to cull his herd. Another Colossus of Rhodes, but this time in American Babylon? Yeah, sure.
CHIPS? Really? Has anyone considered that the feared MARK IN you hand could be the very work that you set it to, or the actions that your work sanctions?
What about the mark IN your forehead ? Have you considered that it could be your thoughts & words, which become your deeds ? These marks have existed for as long as people have, and Jesus himself warned us about thinking, and working for the good of things. He also said, FEAR NOT.
The bad guys always lose, but sometimes they have to work for good before they do finally lose, and they always do that in spite of their vile intentions.
BTW, I quit attending Mass when Benedict, and his Bishops, adopted their C student translation of the Nicene Creed; the word that made me quit was "consubstantiation". I stood in a cathedral, on Christmas Eve, and watched life-long Catholics fumble for their cue cards on one of the holiest nights of the Christian calendar. I knew that I was done. After that, I came to consider myself a Journeyman Catholic, as in no longer practicing. I am doing the unthinkable and taking my spiritual life into my own hands. I know that I am betting the proverbial rent, but I am not afraid, and I have lost all magical thinking about spiritual matters.
I hope that this little public confession helps somebody. If it offends, I am sorry for you; you have quite a journey in front of you- good luck.
Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die........(heard at mass long ago).
Free your mind, and your ass will follow.
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ReplyDeleteThe Dominican Priests and Brother of the Holy Face, for instance, have MAINTAINED the Dominican Rite and the deposit of Faith and Morals. AND they are now in the Church of the Sacred Heart, Lawrence Mass, which had been desecrated and was about to be sold off! But they have it now!
ReplyDeletehi denise
DeleteSaint Kateri Tekakwitha an America indian at the Auriesville, new york catholic Shrine run by Jesuit priests. Has on its grounds just above the stations of the Cross a Buddhist temple where they worship and pray. It's a disgrace and a mortal Sin.
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