When are we going to start calling "Neo-Conservative Catholics" by their real name, "Neo-Modernist"? The case of Christendom College.
When we look into the lives and statements of the "Neo-Conservative"
"Catholics," we find that they publicly and explicitly endorse everything significant that the Neo-Modernists have done and taught. They also have identical views
on the status of those who have the temerity to reject the
Neo-Modernist path set by Vatican II and the Modernist hierarchs.
Find a
deviation or a real objection. If you venerate and pray to the
initiator of Vatican II and its savaging of the Catholic Religion and
the one who did the unthinkable at Assisi in 1986 (which event, by the
way, we were NEVER told about by the now venerators of John Paul "the
Great") and, among other things allowed the Buddhists to worship a
statue of Buddha at the Church of St. Peter in Assisi. Here is an
question asked on EWTN of Dr. Warren Carroll concerning the SSPX's
criticism of JPII for his act of public apostasy at Assisi. With this
response it is clear that Dr. Carroll held that such radical events and
the ideas and teachings behind them, such as "All religions worship the
same God," are to be accepted as coming from God Himself through the
agency of JPII. Here is the question and the answer. Then, below, I
have an article from Christendom College's own website indicating the
celebration and veneration of two of the most catastrophic figures in
the history of the Catholic Church --- John XXIII and JPII. When I was
at the college, the only thing emphasized by them concerning JPII was
that he was "anti-communist" and "pro-life":
standing on the SSPX? Why are they so bias against PJII? They are making
the problem within the Church worse by NOT giving their full obedience
and loyalty to our Pope. How can they call themselves CATHOLICS with all
these bigotry towards the CHURCH. HERE WAS YOUR ANSWER: Answer by
Warren H. Carroll, Ph.D on 07-31-2001: The SSPX does not give its
loyalty to the Pope, the succeasor of Peter as head of the Church, the
Vicar of Christ. His actions which you condemn are intended to recognize
that adherents of other religions also do believe in God and worship
Him, even without full understanding of His Incarnation in Jesus Christ.
What is wrong with that? Try to think more about what could be right
with it instead of being so quick to condemn Christ's Vicar. - Dr.
Carroll ______________________________________________________ I believe
Dr. Carroll that your answer does not address my question. Like I said
in the beginning, I never condemn the Pope or his actions, in fact it's
quite the opposite, I am loyal to our Pope and the CHURCH. THANK YOU |
Answer by Dr. William Carroll on 8/1/2001: |
I believe my earlier answer to you was
entirely correct. I am glad to know that you do not agree with the SSPX
condemnation of the Pope. Neither you nor they can judge the Pope; only
God does that. - Dr. Carroll
Now to the "Canonizations":
Headline at
College website in 2014: Students Celebrate Canonizations of Popes John
Paul II and John XXIII. Notice Dr. O'Donnell --- recent promoter of
Amoris Laetitia --- says that "the college itself is a fruit of the teaching of the Second Vatican Council." Question. How is this "traditional" or "conservative" in any way?
Here is the article from article from the College's website:
The students of Christendom College will celebrate the canonizations of
Popes John Paul II and John XXIII with a series of events being held
from April 22-28. Scheduled events include films, lectures, Masses, and a
live simulcast of the canonizations from Rome on April 27. Students
participating in the college’s Junior Semester in Rome Program will join
the hundreds of thousands of pilgrims that are anticipated in St.
Peter’s square for the event.
“A unique charism of Christendom is our devotion, not only to the Holy
See, but also to the person of Holy Father,” college president Dr.
Timothy O’Donnell says. “In a special way we are honoring the memory of
Pope John XXIII, since the college itself is a fruit of the teaching of
the Second Vatican Council, which he called. Pope John Paul the Great
happened to be the pope for almost the entire history of our college and
he always showed special solicitude for the work of the college.”
Blessed Pope John Paul II knew Christendom College well, having met with
O’Donnell on numerous occasions. In a 1992 meeting, the late-pontiff
said to O’Donnell and the college’s founder, Dr. Warren Carroll, that
Christendom was “doing a great work for the Church.”

O’Donnell meets with (soon-to-be) St. John Paul.
O’Donnell noted that the college community has had a great devotion to
Blessed John Paul II. One of the central hubs for students on campus is
the John Paul the Great Student Center, which features a beautiful and
welcoming statue of the pope that students walk by everyday. Also, the
college’s Christ the King Chapel is home to a chalice and paten of John
Paul II, which was given to the College on the occasion of the chapel’s
The celebratory events, organized by college chaplain Fr. Donald Planty,
begin on Tuesday, April 22 at 7:30 p.m. in St. Kilian’s Café with a
talk by Fr. Planty on “Personal Encounters & Inside Stories about
Pope John Paul II.” On Wednesday, April 23, Christendom history
professor Dr. Chris Shannon will deliver a lecture entitled “The
Significance of Pope John XXIII in Church History” at 7:30 p.m. in St.
Kilian’s Café. A series of movie nights will then follow on April 24 and
25 at 7:30 p.m. in the café showing “Pope John Paul II,” starring Jon
Voight, and “John XXIII: The Pope of Peace,” starring Ed Asner. On
Saturday, April 26, Fr. Planty will lead students on a pilgrimage to the
Bl. John Paul II Shrine in Washington, D.C. At 4:00 a.m. on Sunday,
April 27 students in Front Royal will join the students in Rome through a
simulcast of the canonizations, which will be followed by Divine Mercy
Sunday Mass at 3:00 p.m. in Christ the King Chapel. The following day,
the 7:30 and 11:30 a.m. Masses will be in honor of Sts. John XXIII &
John Paul II, respectively.
“With the entire universal church, we rejoice at the elevation of these two outstanding popes to sanctity,” O’Donnell said.
Dr. Peter Chojnowski "Luther, Funtime Francis & Vatican II, the Great Revolt"
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