NOVUS ORDO: Campaign for Human Development Continues Funding for Pro-Abortion, Pro-Homosexual Groups
Just a couple of weeks ago, the USCCB’s most recent list of organizations funded by the CCHD was published, and on the list are some of the worst offenders I have exposed over the years. Without including any new information (which we will do as we are able to conduct a complete and thorough review … the USCCB didn’t give us much time to work with before this year’s collection), here are some of the organizations we have already exposed, which are continuing to receive funding from the CCHD. This list will briefly touch upon the issues we found with the organization, and then you can click the link for greater details.
Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition – CCHD grant of $60,000
- Previous report indicated that NWBCCC runs a youth program called Sistas and Brothas United whose web presence shows support for homosexuality and Marxism.
- Recent investigations reveal that Sistas and Brothas United (a project of NBCCC) is still engaged in homosexuality activism
- Recent investigations show that Fernando Carlo, the current leader of Sistas and Brothas United is a participant in the communist-run Left Forum.
Merced Organizing Project – CCHD grant of $25,000
- MOP’s Community Organizer is a homosexuality activist
- MOP is working with Planned Parenthood in a join healthcare project to “identify existing preventive service options and existing models used to provide these services.”
Hmong American Farmers Association – CCHD grant of $70,000
- The founder and executive director of HAFA actively promotes abortion and same-sex “marriage.”
Harriet Tubman Center – CCHD grant of $65,000
- HTC funded homosexual activism in Honduras
- HTC is a founding member of the Michigan Organizing Collaborative, whose policy director has publicly lambasted Catholic bishops for their effort to ensure Religious Liberty by opposing the Obama contraceptive mandate.
- HTC has intimate ties with and participated in the pro-abortion, pro-homosexual Michigan Summit
WeCount! – CCHD grant of $35,000
- Endorsed the Unity Blueprint for Immigration Reform, which specifically states support for homosexual relationships.
- Is a member of the pro-homosexual National Day Laborer’s Organizing Network, which created the Unity Blueprint.
Parent Voices – CCHD grant of $55,000
- Parent Voices sponsored the screening of “La Mission,” a homosexual propaganda movie, which was viewed at an LGBT center.
- Parent Voices boasts its membership on the Coordinating Committee (the decision making body) of the pro-abortion, pro-homosexual California Partnership.
Food AND Medicine – CCHD grant of $55,000
- Member of “Maine Can Do Better” coalition that promotes contraceptive use
- Affiliate of Jobs with Justice coalition, a Marxist, Pro-abortion, Pro-LGBT organization
- Member of Interfaith Worker Justice coalition a socialist organization
Pioneer Valley Project – CCHD grant of $55,000
- Affiliate of pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, Marxist Jobs With Justice
Massachusetts Senior Action Council – CCHD grant of $50,000
- Member of MASS-CARE – a coalition that advocates for birth control and “reproductive health care.”
- Member of Community Works – a coalition of 33 groups which raises funds for pro-abortion and pro-homosexual organizations.
- Affiliate of pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, Marxist Jobs With Justice
Kennebec Valley Organization – CCHD grant of $45,000
- A partner with Engage Maine, a coalition which collected signatures for pro-same-sex-marriage.
- Member of “Maine Can Do Better” coalition that promotes contraceptive use.
New Labor Education & Training Institute, Inc. – CCHD grant of $40,000
- Member of the Fair Immigration Reform Movement that advocates homosexual rights in immigration laws.
- Member of the pro-homosexual National Day Laborer Organizing Network
- Affiliate of the Marxist-run Interfaith Worker Justice
Atlantans Building Leadership and Empowerment – CCHD grant of $45,000
- Affiliate of the Gamaliel Foundation, which supplied false information to National CCHD about its relationship with the Fair Immigration Reform movement
- Member of Human Rights Atlanta, which promotes homosexual rights.
- Affiliate of pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, Marxist Jobs With Justice
As indicated above, we will be conducting a more thorough investigation into CCHD grantees, but this alone is enough to tell the CCHD that it won’t get one red-cent from faithful Catholics so long as it continues to fund the enemies of Christ. So, when the collection plate comes around, be sure to place an Alinsky-Buck in the envelope, sending this message back to the CCHD. Just click here to download the image of the Alinsky-Bucksyou see below and print out page of Alinsky-Bucks:

ReplyDeleteThe vII church is little more than a giant ngo
DeleteNO GO!
DeleteWhat is happening to our Church
DeleteThere are some good documentaries exposingSaul Alinksy and his influence upon the Church. I saw one for the first time a few months ago and now everything is startingto make more sense to me
DeleteUSA Bishops are heretics= Americanism
ReplyDeleteSPOT ON
DeleteDidn’t you have Michael on your show?
ReplyDeleteYES HE CAME ON:)
DeleteThe Novus ordo is not Catholic. When will the other “traditionalists” wake upand realize we cant be in these same buildings as these heretics? John S.
ReplyDeleteFOR SOME....NEVER
DeleteI have family in the Diocese of Metuchen NJ
ReplyDeleteAnything there Eric to red pill them?