"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Monday, November 20, 2017

ST. KOLBE: The saint who founded a movement in response to Freemasonry

ST. KOLBE: The saint who founded a movement in response to Freemasonry

I am suspicious of conspiracy theories, partly because I recognise how easily they can take hold of the imagination with their vast, compelling fictions, and partly because they fly in the face of salvation history. I have occasionally come across devout Catholics who speak sotto voce about masonic machinations and have privately concluded that, in this area at least, they are slightly unhinged.

This does not mean that I dismiss the diabolical and the way it tries to influence humans in an underhand way. Evil has been part of the human story from the very beginning. The good news is that Christ has conquered death and, as the children of Fatima showed so beautifully in their innocent trustfulness of Our Lady of Fatima’s directives, reciting the rosary daily as she appealed is always the surest way to defeat the Church’s enemies.
Fr Beck’s booklet shows conclusively that being a Freemason is completely incompatible with being a Christian. Why Catholics (and to a greater extent Anglicans) should ever have been tempted to join them is a mystery to me. Although the English branch of masonry, known as the Grand Lodge, believes in “the Great Architect of the Universe”, this is simply a form of Deism – and a heresy. There is no Trinity, no Christ (and therefore no Incarnation and Redemption) and, to return to Our Lady of Fatima, no love or reverence for the Mother of God.
I was very interested to learn from Fr Beck that St Maximilian Kolbe was so horrified by the public celebrations of the 200th anniversary of the start of modern speculative Freemasonry in 1717 that he had witnessed on the streets of Rome as a seminarian there in 1917, that it led him to establish the Knights of the Immaculate – reminding Catholics yet again that so much of what is lovely and hopeful in the world comes to us from Christ through His Mother.
A further footnote from Fr Beck refers to “the controversy about the omission of any reference to God or the Christian faith in the draft Constitutional Treaty of the European Union agreed in 2004, about which the Catholic Church made strong representations: the convenor of the convention which drafted it, former French President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, was a mason.”
Fr Beck also points out that masonry, unlike Christianity, is patronising to women. When a man is initiated into “the Craft”, he has to remove his wedding ring if he has one – and women cannot be masons. But then, uniforms, codes, arcane knowledge, strange handshakes and secular hierarchies are more characteristic of men than of women.
Fr Beck quotes lines from Mozart’s The Magic Flute that are derogatory towards women. Much ink has been spilt on the subject of this opera and freemasonry. My own view is that Mozart was about as much interested in Freemasonry as Shakespeare was interested in paganism when he wrote his Roman plays.
St. Maximilian Kolbe exposes the Jewish Talmud 



  1. Replies
    1. I'm a member of the Knights of the Immaculate M.I, St. Kolbe condemned Masonry and the Talmud and believed that the Elders of Zion were the TRUE force behind Freemasonry and anti-christian forces, thats why he set up the M.I. St. Kolbe PRAY FOR US.

    2. excellent hope to see u u daily here

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  3. Saint Maximilian Kolby pray for us! Amen!

  4. Is that illuminati temple guy for real? Looks like a legit recruiting ad.


    2. I cant believe they posted that ad on your site. Are they for real? Lol

  5. Yeah it's legit alright. Visited their Google plus page.

  6. 33 Days to Morning Glory is all you need to read and Our Blessed Mother Mary will get you to Heaven ! That is all I have to say !!

    Nancy Wilkinson/Maureen O'Hara

  7. 33 Days to Morning Glory can be a lovely help for a 33-day preparation for consecration to Our Lady. But there is a big CAVEAT for children of Our Lady. I was given this book and proceeded to use it to renew my Marian Consecration, almost on the precise 30th anniversary of my initial consecration in 1987. However, in the course of following the book's 33-day plan/format, I discovered that this book has a fatal flaw. And it is a critical one for all those who wish to live as Our Lady's little "slaves" (to use the beautiful term of St. Louis de Montfort)

    On page 89 of this book ("33 Days") the priest author states that Sister Lucia

    "declared that it (i.e., the March 25, 1984 'solemn entrustment' of JPII to Our Lady)fully satisfied Our Lady's original request" [i.e, the original request for the consecration of RUSSIA to the Immaculate Heart, in union with ALL the bishops of the world.]

    Now even a casual observer can see that the 2 biggest components of Our Lady's requests were NOT met by this 1984 consecration that I remember so well. And yet well-meaning Catholics have swallowed the misinformation and even propaganda (which by the was is still pumped out by EWTN, a la Fr Andrew Apostoli) that the pivotal requested Consecration "has been done!!" Because, in fact, this precious Consecration has NOT been done. And this is reality absolutely PIVOTAL.

    Esteemed and recently deceased Italian exorcist Fr. Gabriel Amorth was present at that March 25, 1984 event, almost at JPII's side, and recently declared (before his death) that this 1984 "consecration" did NOT satisfy Our Lady's pivotal request and that JPII caved to his "politically correct" Vatican advisors in attendance and so did NOT carry out the consecration as requested by Our Lady. (there is a video on youtube interviewing Fr. Amorth where he explains all this)

    Because the Masonic-dominated Vatican DOES NOT WANT THAT CONSECRATION DONE. It knows that its Masonic strangle-hold on the Vatican and the world will be de-throned when that consecration actually and eventually takes place. (And it WILL eventually take place.) And so they DON'T WANT the consecration done, and they WANT everyone to THINK it was done.

    And since the author of "33 Days" is thus misinformed and/or misguided concerning the PIVOTAL and still long-awaited requested Collegial Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart, readers of "33 Days" will: 1. NOT receive the proper perspective or true understanding concerning FATIMA, 2. NOT receive the proper understanding of all that is happening now and coming in the near future to our world, and 3) NOT receive an authentic understanding of what is really going on in the Church and world today.

    The much-misunderstood and misrepresented FATIMA is at the heart of EVERYTHING. The AS-YET NOT-DONE Collegial Consecration is at the heart of EVERYTHING. Stopping the current deterioration of EVERYTHING depends on FATIMA and that Collegial CONSECRATION. And Our Lady NEEDS HER LITTLE CONSECRATED SLAVES TO KNOW WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON, and who will not just tow the mainstream so-called "Catholic" mainstream narrative concerning Fatima, the Church, and the world.

    Hence, let us repudiate the errors. Let us promote the REAL FATIMA. With all the painful parts. With all the heavy demands that Fatima and Our Lady request of us. Let us call ALL those who are consecrated to Our Lady to follow their MOTHER in her AUTHENTIC and URGENT messages to the world from 100 years ago at Fatima. She is battling with all the infernal powers of Hell -- and "Catholics" everywhere are misguided, under-informed and therefore ill-equipped to be her little warrior-slaves.

    Her little warrior slaves need to have the FULLNESS of her truth -- because then, and only then, can they be her effective (= always little and scorned in their truth) instruments through which she will have her greatest victory ever. Amen.

    1. Sorry for the typos, as they are not so easy to see and edit in the tiny block of text in the box. Wish I could fix them! :)

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