"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Friday, September 1, 2017

Another Fraudulent Beatification on the Way?

Another Fraudulent Beatification on the Way?
Francesca de Villasmundo
28 AUGUST 2017
[Slightly Improved Google Translation Follows]
Among the many popes who ruled between 1566 and 1958 (i.e., the year of the death of Pius XII), 35 pontiffs over a period of about five centuries, the Catholic Church has canonized only two of them: Holy Pius V, the Pope of the Crusade of Lepanto against the Muslim Turks and the codification of the Tridentine Mass, and Saint Pius X, the Pope of “Restoring everything in Christ”, the encyclical against modernism Pascendi, and the anti-modernist oath which was to be sworn and signed by practically all the clergy. It was suppressed by Paul VI on the occasion of the aggiornamento of the Second Vatican Council which was to give a new breath to the Church and to open it to the modern world and man … from the empty churches.

Between 1958 and 2005, less than half a century, two were canonized and one beatified according to the new conciliar procedures for beatification and canonization: Pope John XXIII who did not disdain the humanitarian philosophy of the Freemasons and who summoned Vatican II; his successor Paul VI, who proudly closed this anthropocentric council in breach of the bimillenary Tradition of the Catholic Church and fiercely imposed his new Protestantism on the priests and religious of the whole world on pain of suspension a divinis; and Pope John Paul II the Polish, the media Pope, the crowds in the stadiums, the Pope of the action who conscientiously applied the conciliar reforms during his long pontificate and instituted “a new ecclesiology”, as Archbishop Lefebvre said, by codifying the Council through a new canon law.
The only one who had not yet received the honors of the altar, Pope John Paul I, to the short-lived 33-day reign, will soon have them if one is to believe the journal of the Italian bishops Avvenire, generally well informed.
Decidedly, the anti-traditional post-Vatican II Church inaugurated a tradition by canonizing all the pontiffs who since John XXIII were men of the Council. To better contribute to the consecration of Vatican II, its sanctification, its irrevocability …
The heroic virtues of John Paul I should soon be recognized reveals Avvenire in its August 26, 2017 edition, 39th anniversary of the election for his brief pontificate of Albino Luciani. The Congregation for the Cause of the Saints arrives at the final examination in the process of beatification which opened on 23 November 2003.
To found this new beatification of a pope whose pontificate was so brief, the Italian episcopal journal recalls the consideration of John Paul I at the Second Vatican Council and his humanist efforts for peace in the Middle East. Ratifying Vatican II and bringing world peace according to the Masonic ideals are the sesame that opens the way to the honors of the conciliar altars:
“Let me explain. I was at the Council and in 1962 I signed the appeal of the Fathers to the World … I also signed Gaudium et Spes. When Paul VI published Populorum Progressio (the encyclical on human development and the Christian notion of progress, ed.) I was moved, enthusiastic, I spoke, I wrote. Today, too, I am persuaded that the hierarchy, the magisterium, will never do enough to insist, to recommend serene and constructive dialogue on the great problems of freedom, development, social progress, justice and peace; and the laity will never commit enough to solve these problems. I speak mainly of lay Catholics, “professed John Paul I at a hearing on hope one month after his election.
And he punctuated his message with an allusion to peace in the Middle East:
“At this time we have an example from Camp David. Yesterday the American congress applauded frantically, applause that we heard, when Carter quoted the words of Jesus: “Blessed are the peacemakers.” I truly hope that this ovation and these words enter into the hearts of all Christians, especially Catholics, and truly make us workers and peacemakers. “
Avvenire recalled that for Pope Luciani,
“Fostering reconciliation and brotherhood among peoples, by inviting collaboration, for “the edification, the so vulnerable development of peace in the troubled world,” and stemming these nationalisms within nations, the violence that destroys only and sows ruins “is, with ecumenical and inter-religious commitment, the priority defined in the programmatic discourse of John Paul I”.
Gaudium and Spes and the messages of Paul VI centered on the world, not the “restoration of all things in Christ” of St. Pius X, were the compass that led the diplomatic and ecumenical action of the new pontiff reveals Avvenire.
“We do not have,” declared Jean-Paul I on 4 September 1978 to representatives of international missions, “it is true, miraculous solutions to major world problems. We can, however, give something valuable: a spirit that helps to resolve these problems and links them to the essential dimension, that of openness to the values ​​of universal charity … so that the humble Church, the messenger of the Gospel to all the peoples of the earth, can contribute to creating a climate of justice, brotherhood, solidarity and hope, without which the world can not live.”
The humanist language concocted in occult temples, bound up with pseudo-Christian values, these famous virtues become mad because cut off from their authentically Catholic and divine sap, does not date from today. It is the prerogative of all the conciliar pontiffs, from John XXIII to Francis, who, in the perspective they believe to help a despiritualized post-modern humanity, have adopted the jargon of the contemporary world, nihilist, without God. They have absorbed their intonations, philosophy, the way of thinking and seeing, the disembodied concepts of happiness and fraternity, the bloodthirsty idols of all revolutions. And they have forgotten to speak to the man of God, of Christ, of the only thing necessary, for peace, for the world. Or when they speak of it, it is in an ecumenical gibberish that kills the very idea of ​​an absolute, transcendent and saving Truth.
The future probable beatification of John Paul I is, in short, but another stone brought to the edifice of the new humanitarian religion conveyed by a conciliar Church in search of sanctification. To the new code of 1983, to the new revolutionary dogmas of freedom, equality, fraternity, new rites, the new mass, the modernist mentality, correspond to the new saints!
These modern-day popes, loved by the world, have forgotten the great lesson of Christ: to be in the world without being of the world and to endure the hatred of the world out of love for Him:
If the world hate you, know ye that it hath hated me before you. If you had been of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.”  (John 15, 18-19)