"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Fr. Voigt, "If thou hast known..."

Fr. Voigt, "If thou hast known..."

It was a cold afternoon in California when my father approached my mother with the words:
"We have no more money." and he wept.  He wept because he cared for his family and wanted to provide for each of us.  That night my dad and mom asked the children to pray with them and that began our family rosary.  Within a week my father had sold one of the houses that he had built with his funds and 10 percent went to a work of Our Lady.  From then on the rosary and the 
works of our Lady were priority number one in our house.  Here Our Lord weeps because the people of Jerusalem did not know what God had prepared for them if they would but recognize Him as the Son of God.

In this world the priority of our lives is to recognize that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and that His Love was prepared for through the words of the prophets.  The signs surround Him in every event.  As He weeps for the children of Jerusalem He prophesies the destruction that will come as a result of this lack of knowledge.  It will be so complete that not one life is sparred and not one stone is left upon another.  All of this because they in their prosperity and pleasure did not take the time to pray and reflect over the prophets and the Word of God.

Now our Lady appears at Akita, Japan and weeps over this world of ours because we will not open our eyes and see the results of our quest for possessions, pleasures and power.  Fire will fall from heaven and much of man's production will be totally consumed.  Now Planet X comes into view and with it a Cross will appear in the sky as a warning that the chastisement is upon our doorstep.  Three days of darkness will occur when this planet crosses through our system.  Meteors on fire will fall to the earth, oceans will expand over the coastlands and much of the coast will no longer exist for man but for the fish of the sea.  It will not be pretty and it is coming upon us because we did not know the time of our visitation.  Our Lady has been warning us and few take heed and fewer still fast, prayer and give alms to the works of our Mother.

Note how the patterns are similar:  Our Lord weeps over Jerusalem who will not recognize the messiah:
Our Lady weeps over the world who will not recognize the need of repentance.  Our Lord predicts the utter destruction of the world of Jerusalem and Our Lady predicts the destruction of the material goods of man in this world.  Our Lord cleanses the temple because it ought to be a place of prayer:  our Lady
wishes to cleanses our souls of the desire of sin.  Our souls should be a temple for the holy Trinity.  If you get the picture then establish a pattern of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.  It will only save you from the destruction of this chastisement by fire. Turn to our Lady and pray many rosaries and witness the insurance policy of the Divine Master.  You shall be protected by our Mother.  

Finally, the response of the scribes and pharisees was not one of joy but one of hatred and the desire to kill the eternal Son of God.  Reject that response and seek to humble yourself before the majesty of our Lord.  We ought to know better and to turn to Him in praise and thanksgiving for the warnings
we have received through our Blessed Mother.  

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt