"Jews are not our
friends"- E. Michael Jones
Goy Guide to World History" Part 4, describes how satanist Jews
(Communists) have systematically attacked and dismantled the Christian
social fabric throughout history.
Jews and
their allies simply are incapable of recognizing that they are associated with
an ancient predatory ideology that must destroy society in order to rule
supreme .
Jews] have
internalized the commands of our oppressors. We need to liberate ourselves from
the Jewish super ego." E. Michael
Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that just as in the
Russian revolution, the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so
also in the triumph over fascism will triumph Judaism." - Rabbi Harry Waton, A Program
for the Jews and Humanity, p. 143-144
from Nov
6, 2015
by Henry
Makow Ph.D.
The documentary
"A Goy Guide to World
Parts 4 & 5 confirm that Organized Jewry has shredded the social fabric in
the West and "social change" actually describes satanic
possession .
I will not
mince words. Judaism defined by Talmud and Cabala is Satanism. It is not a
religion. It is anti religion. Mankind has been inducted into this satanic cult
by both Jews and Freemasons.
We live in a
profoundly subverted society. Cabalist bankers and their Masonic minions
control the mass media, government, education, churches corporations,
legal system and military. We have
de facto Communism. Homosexuality is promoted to school children.
Criticism of Israel is criminalized. Young women are taught to behave like
sluts. Mention of God is prohibited. Entertainment is satanic ritual.
bankers dehumanize us by undermining our social identity based on race,
religion, nation and family. Lately, this is evidenced by the
migrant invasion (national identity) and the attack on gender (family.)
Using sex and sports, they infantilize us -- better to serve the Illuminati.
The "democratic" process is a charade reminiscent of a high school
student council. Political
and cultural leaders are second-raters, imposters who will do or say anything
for a place at the trough.
From time
immemorial, the Cabalist Jewish goal has been to dehumanize and
enslave mankind. Only Jews are human. The goyim are animals. This is the real cause
of anti Semitism. Jews have been deceived to think
anti Semitism is "irrational" and "a mental disorder."
Organized Jewry uses many ordinary Jews to achieve its malevolent goal. Anti
Semitism is on the rise. Ordinary Jews will be made the scapegoats.
The goyim
have been brainwashed to think it's "anti semitic" to resist their
own genocide . I am an ethnic Jew who lost grandparents in the holocaust. As
long as most Jews support and implement the Illuminati agenda, anti Semitism is
a natural and necessary defence mechanism. Jews are not
your friends. Nor are Freemasons, which is Cabalist Judaism for Gentiles.
Believe it
or not, I find things to like in many Jews, including my own family. That's why
it hurts to see the Jewish people hijacked by Satanists. I sound an alarm,
"we have been deceived, and have become deceivers." Jews have
been morally compromised and put in jeopardy by their leaders.
I wish to alert them (and all people) to a dehumanizing occult power, i.e.
Illuminati. In reality, I am a "pro-Semite and pro-human."
In "A
Goy Guide to World History" Part 4, a handful of thinkers describe how
satanist Jews (Communists) have systematically attacked and dismantled the
Christian social fabric.
These Jews
were taught that this is necessary to prevent anti Semitism, which they were
told is irrational and a
mental illness.
In the 45
minute documentary, E. Michael Jones, editor of Culturewars, explains how
Satanism inverts truth. Evil is good. False is true. Sick is healthy. Thus Jews
(Organized Jewry) who hate Gentiles are the "persecuted victims"
while Gentiles who defend themselves are "haters" and mentally ill.
Homosexuality is healthy while the nuclear family is sick.
Jones, the
author of a dozen books, explains that Western Civilization is built on the
belief in Logos, i.e. the Moral Order, God.
Logos uses Ethos
(Will) to restrain and guide Pathos (Passions.) Satanist Jews
interpret any restraint on lust as Christian. In fact, Jones explains that, as
the terms imply, Western Civilization is based on this Greek principle.
Take away
Logos and Ethos, and Pathos runs amuck. You have Satanism i.e. Cabalist
judaism. "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." This
is the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit which Jones believes will destroy society.
MacDonald explains how Jews used psychoanalysis and anthropology to
attack family and race respectively. Jews fear any kind of collective power on
the part of the goyim. ("We will destroy all collective forces except our
own," says the Protocols
of Zion 16.)
Paul Fromm
describes how Jews see strong patriarchal nuclear families as repressive
and anti Semitic. They promote radical individualism, where the dysfunctional
individual takes his identity from consumer society.
Even though
Masonic Jews are largely responsible for imperialism, "White guilt" is
used to attack the concept of nation. According to Kevin MacDonald, Jews
believe Whites have no moral legitimacy. "Europeans have no moral
right to any sovereignty anywhere," he says. This is increasingly apparent
in Europe today.
[In Part V,
Jones takes issue with MacDonald saying religion, specifically Catholicism, is
the best organizing principle in resisting the Jewish onslaught. "White?
What is that?" Catholicism, he says, has most experience dealing with the
implies our fear of anti Semitism is another Jewish scam. "We have
internalized the commands of our oppressors. We need to liberate ourselves from
the Jewish super ego. We cannot pretend Jews are our friends."
He says the
inevitable result of sexual liberation and the destruction of the family is
extinction. People will not have children. This affects Jews as well as
As satanic
possession, Communism takes many forms. When it failed to mobilize the worker
to revolt, it morphed into feminism and mobilized women. Communist Jews
promoted sexual "liberation" and "LGT rights" to undermine
gender, marriage and family. They promoted multiculturalism and mass migration
to undermine race and culture. Satanist Jews always find a fissure to pack a
stick of dynamite. Blow up Syria and inundate Europe for example. Civilization
must fail so their hegemony will succeed.
Protocols of Zion (10) write: "We must utterly exhaust humanity
with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even to
use torture, starvation, the inoculation of disease and want, so that the goyim see no other
course open to them but to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and
in all else. But if we give the nations of the world a breathing spell
the moment we long for is hardly likely ever to arrive."
Can there be
any doubt that humanity is satanically possessed? Society is demoralized. It's not just Illuminati Jews; it's
millions of Freemasons and Satanists too. It's liberals and feminists and
Christian Zionists. Society is profoundly subverted/satanically
The Protocols are
being realized daily yet most still regard it as a "forgery."
We must awaken from
cognitive dissonance because we are headed over a precipice.
As far as
the Pentagon is concerned, a military conflict with China and/or Russia is
inevitable, and this prospect has become the driving force of its tactical and strategic
planning. -
Makow - What is Communism?
Semitism- Good for Jews?
---------- Anti
Semitism has Respectable Pedigree
---------------- The Riddle of Anti
---------------- The Zionist
Protection Racket
Tim Warner-
Anti Semitism- Goyim React
Like Pavlov's Dogs