Core Edicts of the Khazarian Mafia Top Command (Part I)
NOTE: I do not agree with everything and not an endorsement. There is however alot of good information for you to digest.
As many VT readers know, the KM is the world’s largest organized
crime syndicate, an incredibly evil entity associated with and empowered
by the City of London private central banking system.
This is a subject no other major online journal has ever dared to
even reference, yet alone describe its reach in contemporary political,
security, economic, and social affairs.
And now after VT’s continuing disclosures on the KM, other
alternative media websites are publishing articles where the authors are
openly discussing the KM’s fingerprints, with some even using the name,
Khazarian Mafia.
Several years ago, the Top Directors of VT decided to shift
to open source Intel, both in “at the scene” collection, as well as with
This shift in VT to open source Intel was not only unprecedented and
revolutionary in concept, but has sent shock-waves through the Khazarian
Mafia (KM) top leadership circles. And we now know that the KM top
Chieftains do not have adequate power to stop it without “like kind”
swift retaliation, which so far has been a strong deterrent.
This exposure of the KM publicly and open-source Intel would never
have been possible with the advent of what is best described as Intel Cowboys and their re-patriatization.
Intel Cowboys are a whole new genre of Intelligence agents, operatives
and assets, folks who are committed to truth and sick and tired of the
evil handiwork of the Khazarian Mafia (KM). And yes, some Intel cowboys
are women.
And as dissatisfaction has developed within almost every Intel Agency
in the world, especially those who are under the direct control of the
KM, more and more Intel officers, agents and assets all over the world
are secretly rebelling and following the lead of these Intel Cowboys.
Yes, there are even disgruntled Intel inside the Mossad and the IDF and many other agencies one would normally think of as KM-owned and -controlled “true believers”.
The Internet has been a revolutionary development in publishing and
information dissemination. Secrecy is dying by the day. Almost every
Intel secret, even the most dark evil ones typically protected by the KM
Top Chieftains under the false-cloak of their so-called “National
Security” is now being leaked.
Such major leaks have created havoc within the top leadership of the
KM and their Cutouts because, without abject secrecy, their unimaginable
evil is being exposed and revealed for what it is, and this
progressively dis-empowers them, because they lose public support and
true believers.
The one common thread which these disgruntled Intel cowboys
share is a strong commitment to the truth, which is based on a growing
disgust for the KM lies continually broadcast through the KM’s
Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM).

BBC World media stooges report the collapse of WTC-7 before it collapsed… just another day at the whorehouse
Many are either “sandbagging” (secretly dragging, blocking or
obfuscating work product), or secretly leaking important disclosures
that end up blocking the previously little-challenged power and reach of
the KM.
So now for the first time in contemporary history, we have
disgruntled Intel cowboys all over the world that are secretly battling
the KM, neutralizing, blocking and exposing its evil and previously
secret presence and acts whenever feasible.
Many retired Intel are much more blatant about this and even are
speaking out publicly about the Khazarian Mafia (KM) or at least
publicly identifying its leaders as international war criminals because
of their illegal, unconstitutional, engineered, staged wars for profit
in the Mideast and all their synthetic and virtual terror, especially
their “War on Terror”.
It is this KM synthetic War on Terror that has been used by the KM to
transform America into a Terror State, with a large internal secret
police army (DHS).
The KM has thus transformed America into the world’s biggest Terror State
which has been attacking innocent nations on behalf of the KM and
Israel, which deploys synthetic terror all over the world to create new
enemies that must be attacked by the American Military.

former high-ranking US intelligence official has admitted that
Washington uses the metadata obtained by the National Security Agency as
the basis for killing people. Michael Hayden, who served as the head of
the NSA and the CIA, made the comments during a debate at Johns Hopkins
University, according to David Cole, Georgetown University Law Center
professor. (File photo)
But because America is now the world’s biggest Terror State:
the KM has been able to use it as their tool to set up torture at black
prison sites (as secret sacrificial rituals to their secret God Baal);
mass-murdered millions of innocent civilians in the Middle East and
Africa, illegally and unconstitutionally sent millions of American
soldiers to be killed, wounded and disabled in these wars; and inflicted
aerial terror and death on thousands of innocent civilians with air to
ground missile strikes from drones, remotely fired from Denver, Colorado
where the KM Secret Shadow Government (SSG) is now run from.
And all this has been done to supposedly stop Terrorism and to bring Freedom and Democracy to the Mideast and Africa.
No bigger lie in history has ever been told! The hypocrisy of the USG
which is right now being run by the KM is so great and is so hidden in
plain site by the constant big lies, false-narratives and propaganda of
the CMMM, that it is almost unfathomable.
This synthetic, phony KM/USG War on Terror of course is done
as an excuse and false cover to wage numerous hugely expensive illegal,
unconstitutional wars of aggression for the KM in the Mideast and
And this is all being done to obtain huge profit for the KM private
central Banksters and their associated 147 international corporations
and defense contractors, and also to attain the KM’s Globalist NWO
But a central goal of the KM in creating their one-world NWO is also
to create a one world “Greater Israel” run only by the KM top Chieftains
as one central government for all nations and all peoples.
“Greater Israel Plan”

Will Israel try to export the Gaza genocide to the Saudis now? (File photo, Operation Protective Edge 2014)
This is referred to by insiders as the “Greater Israel Plan”
and it’s first phase is to deconstruct all Islamic governments and all
neighboring governments to Israel, even Saudi Arabia which is now under
secret attack by Israel. The Saudi Royals have claimed they have Semitic
genetic roots, so it does seem strange that Israel is working to
covertly take the Saudi government down.
The explanation perhaps lies in two factors most likely: the Greater
Israel Plan which requires the complete 100% genocide of Palestinians
and 100% theft of all of Palestinian owned land; and the possibility
that the Sauds like the Palestinians do carry real ancient Hebrew blood.
This would make a target because we know that the KM is run by
Khazarians from the Ukraine area who are converts to Babylonian
Talmudism (Baal worship) because the KM and 97.5% of Israeli Judiacs
have no real ancient Hebrew blood at all. And the KM top Leadership
hates those will real ancient Hebrew Blood.
The KM Top Chieftains are fully committed to eliminating all true
descendants of ancient Hebrew blood as well as all Goyim as a part of
their overall Globalist NWO Plan which has a set goal of reducing the
world’s population by 90% as reflected in numerous white papers, top
secret NSAMs and also the Georgia Guidestones.
The major break in the previously closely guarded secret of
the Khazarian Mafia’s existence (the world’s largest most powerful and
most secret organized crime syndicate) occurred at the International
Conference on Terrorism and Religious Extremism in December 2014 held in
Damascus Syria.
At this conference, the top Directors of Veterans Today were present and Gordon Duff gave the keynote speech. During this historic speech, Gordon Duff made a disclosure that sent shock-waves around the world.
Global Criminal Syndicate

Counterterrorism Conference – Mike Harris, Jim Dean Gordon Duff, Jim Hanke, William Stanley and Dr. Bassam Barakat of Syria
For the very first time anywhere Gordon Duff disclosed the
fact that terrorism was not the problem, but that the core problem was
the world’s biggest criminal syndicate.
Gordon Duff did not name this syndicate specifically, but shortly
thereafter, VT Director and Financial Editor Mike Harris publicly
fingered this group for the very first time ever as the Khazarian Mafia
Mike Harris then went on to detail its origin and development which I have described in numerous VT articles, culminating in a “Proposed Declaration of War on the Khazarian Mafia“,
a clear battle plan to take apart the KM and one that should be
officially adopted by the We The People, the USG and the US Military.
We now know for certain who the Khazarian Mafia Top Chieftains are,
what their specific overall agenda is and what systemic changes and
policies they are rolling out to attain it. Based on all the Internet
articles now available it is really quite easy to figure out who these
folks are.
The Perps who ran the attack on America on 9-11-01
provides an excellent opening into this secret world of who really runs
the KM, who are the KM Top Chieftains and who does it stateside dirty
work on behalf of the KM.
Their overall Agenda is notably inhuman and evil, and is best
described as an inter-generational commitment to establishing a
Globalist NWO System run by them alone with no other entities strong
enough to ever challenge their rule.
To attain their over inhuman “evil beyond imagination” Globalist NWO
Agenda, the KM proceeds with many middle steps which are necessary to
obtain heir objectives a bit at a time. This is necessary otherwise the
American Sheeple would be shocked into waking up and would perhaps fight
the KM at every level inside the USG, US Intel , US LE and the US
This is likely to happen anyways in due time as the US Petro Dollar
reaches its end and America and the western nations which use the
Rothschild’s KM private central FIAT banking franchises go over a coming
economic/financial cliff.
Bankster Terrorism
The overall goal of the Top Chieftains of the KM is to reduce
the power of the human groups they rule over to such a small state that
ordinary people, individually or in groups, can never gain back enough
power to significantly challenge the authority, control and dominance of
the KM.
do this in America, their main base of KM military and industrial
operations, the KM Top Chieftains needed to gain control over all
American institutions, governmental, corporate and private/social.
This was their first objective
and was obtained by infiltrating and hijacking the American monetary
manufacturing and distribution process in 1913, with the KM-bribed and
bought passage of the Federal Reserve Act.
The next step is of course to compromise the US Congress by highly
sophisticated covert means and manipulate it to pass laws that are
unconstitutional and against the best interests of “We The People”.
But to get this illegal and evil legislation signed as law, the KM
has had to make sure that US Presidents who are elected serve them and
continue to cover up their many years of crimes against We The People
that began en masse in 1913.
The next step in the KM take-down plan for America is to build up a big totalitarian internal police force, which can be turned upon the American Masses to oppress and tyrannize them, when necessary.
To do this the USG consolidated all American Law Enforcement and
Alphabets into one central command structure, Homeland Security (DHS),
set up and run by sexually perverted Israeli-American “Israeli-first”
Dual Citizen traitors who are deeply committed to two things: the first
is to militarize all American LE into a Stasi-style secret police army;
and the second is to transform America into the world’s largest open-air
prison camp, GAZA II with We the People to become the New Palestinians.
The KM attack on America on 9-11-01 was intended to create the threat of “World Terror” as a new cause to rally around in order to fight numerous new wars.
It was used as a phony excuse to borrow from the 7 trillion USD from
the private Rothschild Federal Reserve System at full interest to fight
all these illegal, unconstitutional, undeclared, unprovoked, unwinnable
wars of aggression for Israel and the KM to supposedly stop terror.
Of course if the USG were really serious about stopping World Terror,
the solution is quite straightforward. What would have to be done is to
arrest, try, convict and hang (for treason, sedition, war crimes,
torture, crimes against humanity and mass-murder) all those responsible
for 9-11-01 and these wars fought because of this covert operation.
Arrestees would include Bush2, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Meyers and the Top
PNACers and Neocons, including many top directors of JINSA and AIPAC and
Netanyahu too, folks that planned, executed and covered up 9-11-01 and
started and ran all these illegal, unconstitutional Mideast wars of
aggression for the KM and Israel.
But 9-11-01 has also served as an excuse to create the phony “War on
Terror” in order to militarize the American Police and make them quick
to shoot and empty their clips over any lack of compliance even if
minor, instituted as a means to create continuing strife and division
in the American Masses.
Of course when the CIA sells drugs and guns to inner city gangs and dirties these inner cities up, it creates a powder keg of crime and conflict and continuing conflicts with the police which is now militarized and trained by ADL, IDF and other so-called experts in domestic terror (all extremists and terrorists in their own right).
The creation of situations in American urban society that cause
serious life threatening and continuing conflict and divisions is one of
the main motivations of the Top Chieftains of the KM. And this is
exactly what they have done and we are experiencing in many urban areas
of America right now.
The reason members of the US Congress will not address Israel’s genocide of Palestinians and grand theft of their lands
is because they sense this is a taboo subject and to pursue it would
get them un-elected or assassinated in short order by the KM and their
puppets with power and money.
Doubt this, just talk to Cynthia McKinney, or consider the hit Dick
Cheney ordered on sitting Senator Paul Wellstone for refusing to support
another phony Israeli war of aggression in Iraq.
But building up a big internal police state private army and
establishing a Globalist NWO run by them only is actually not the main
goal of the top Khazarian Mafia Chieftains, the Select Few that sit at
the top of the pyramidal Establishment Hierarchy that controls the
Western world.
The KM is an entity some deep insiders have referred to as
the Secret New Roman Empire run by the thirteen “Bloodline families”
often described as the “Old Black Nobility” allegedly linked to
Canaanite bloodlines, groups based on extreme secret and evil practices
of ancient Babylonian Talmudism.
The inner circle of these groups are known to practice
Luciferian/Satanic Black magic, child sacrifices to Baal and have
admitted to individuals at the periphery that they worship Lucifer and
make a contract with him for their eternal soul and in exchange receive
untold riches, power status and their own non-corporeal spirit guide
which helps them manage their affairs.
The more Black-magick rituals they practice, the
more power they claim to obtain from the dark side. By their own
admission, this KM inner circle believes that Lucifer/Satan is rising to
become the ruling God of the universe and has already taken over planet
These particular notably evil and criminally insane beliefs and
practices are shielded by a phony and usually positive outward
appearance, thus making them two-faced.
These twisted evil beliefs create a willingness to secretly murder,
poison, buy off and corrupt politicians, officials and judges and do
anything they can get away with to make progress toward the attainment
of their evil Globalist NWO one-world system.
And the KM Top Chieftains believe they have been promised to be the
ones running this NWO system if they succeed in their goal of
exterminating 90% of the world’s populace by a variety of incredibly
sophisticated, evil means.
Part II will disclose more of the Core Edicts of the Khazarian Mafia Top Command.