POLICE STATE: Amazon provides Police with scary facial recognition system that some deem as “recipe for authoritarianism and disaster,”
The statement read: “Rekognition is a powerful surveillance system readily available to violate rights and target communities of color. … With Rekognition, Amazon delivers these dangerous surveillance powers directly to the government.” But Amazon pushed back in an emailed statement about the program, saying that it had “many useful applications in the real world” and that the firm “requires that customers comply with the law and be responsible when they use” its products. READ MORE
Facial recognition can now identify liars

resource of liars’ facial expressions. Researchers used a machine-learning algorithm to analyze over 1.3 million frames of one-to-one interactions. Among the most common traits associated with lying identified by the programme was a high-intensity version of the so-called Duchenne smile, in which people effectively smile with their eyes. READ MORE