Oh The Irony! Francis speaks of hypocrites who try to push the boundaries of truth and mercy
File that under...Seriously, did he just say that?
In his homily at Casa Santa Marta, Francis spoke about hypocrisy and explained that God's law does not always fit into the laws made by man.
way of Jesus - it is quite clear - is the path from case studies to
truth and mercy. Jesus throws out case studies. To those who wanted to
test Him, to those who thought about this 'logic of what's permitted,'
He called them - not there, but in other passages from the Gospel -
hypocrites. FLASH
thinking is 'a hypocritical thought.' I can – I can't. Then the line
becomes thinner, and more evil: where does it end before it's a sin?
From here to here. It is 'the deception of case studies.'”
pope explained that when temptation enters one's heart, it is good to
utilize God's grace instead of trying to reason with God's truth and
does not say whether it is lawful or not lawful; it does not fit into
their logic. Because they thought about faith in terms of 'can' or
'cannot', of where you can, to where you can not. The logic of the
series: Jesus does not come in, in this. It addresses the question: 'But
what did Moses command you? What is in your law?' They explain that
Moses gave permission to divorce ones wife, and they had fallen into the
trap, really. Because Jesus qualified them as 'hard of heart': 'For
your hardness of heart, he wrote you this commandment', and he tells
them the truth. No clever reasoning and without permitting it. The
way of Jesus - it is quite clear - is the path from case studies to
truth and mercy. Jesus throws out case studies. To those who wanted to
test Him, to those who thought about this 'logic of what's permitted,'
He called them - not there, but in other passages from the Gospel -
hypocrites. Even with the fourth commandment, they refused to help their
parents, with the excuse that they had given a good offer to the
Church. Hypocrites. This series is hypocritical. This thinking is 'a
hypocritical thought.' I can – I can't. Then the line becomes thinner,
and more evil: where does it end before it's a sin? From here to here.
It is 'the deception of case studies.'”
temptation touches your heart, the way to get out of reasoning truth
and mercy, it is not easy: it takes the grace of God to help us to go
on. And we always have to ask for it. 'Lord, I'm just, but just with
mercy'. Not just, covered by case studies. Just in mercy. As He is. Just
in mercy. Then, a series mindset can ask: 'But, what is more important,
in God? Justice or mercy? ' Also, it's a bad thought, trying to
think... What is more important? It's not both: it's just one, just one
thing. In God, justice is mercy, and mercy is justice. May the Lord help
us understand this road, which is not easy, but will make us happy, to
us, and will make so many people happy."
TCK: Benedict XVI is the true Pope. Francis is an antipope