"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Novus Ordo: Vatican launches new, open, dynamic sexual education program

Novus Ordo: Vatican launches new, open, dynamic sexual education program
Get of out the churches teaching Vatican II and brace for the Great Storm coming!

The Vatican's new sexual education program, The Meeting Point, originated in Spain and has since been presented to the Spanish Bishops Conference, to the World Meeting of Families in 2015 and most recently in July 2016 at World Youth Day in Krakow. 

It was created by a community of Spanish couples, who believe that parents have a primary and fundamental role in the education of their children through the gift of life they've been given. 

Pontifical Council for the Family
"To have this gift of life means also the education of the new generations. The Second Vatican Council underlines this, about the education of young people. We continued and we want to underline that this project, 'The Meeting Point,' underlines the most crucial, essential point in education for young people.” 

Through this program, the education is carried out in various ways, but most especially through video, which is meant to spark conversation amongst teens and adult figures. 

Pontifical Council for the Family
"This is not a closed program. It's not a closed course. So we need - and it's very well welcomed- to introduce and say to us, 'In this context, it's not good for this, this and this. In this cultural environment it's different.' So this is not a closed program. It's a working progess of the course, so we want to receive many updates and many suggestions about what happens for example in America or in Australia, or in South America or in Europe.”

The Pontifical Council for the Family hopes to create a network with people who are knowledgeable about the program, so they can help shape future generations around the world about the dignity of life.

In addition to inviting suggestions from outside sources, they are open to making changes to the program, which they say has many layers and is dynamic in and of itself. 

Pontifical Council for the Family
"We speak about seeing and the role of  moral theology, about spirituality, about human anthropology. So in order to transmit these values and these virtues too, they had decided it's useful to use these movies and videos in order to provoke a dialogue between the teenagers and the professors and the parents and the catechists.”

The free program draws on many teachings from Pope John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. There are also more than 30 examples of references from Amoris Laetitia and it is available in five languages.