TradCatKnight Radio, V the Guerilla Economist "October Surprise?"
Talk given 10-3-16 (aprx 35 mins)
Note: Audio quality is dependent upon skype connectivity which is typically not great. Maximize you volume on both your computer and the youtube video itself.
"V" is a
"guerrilla economist" who has worked for some of the top commodity
trading firms and investment banks. He also contributed to private think tanks
that help create investment forecasting. His track record is uncanny and well
documented on his appearances on various radio programs. V predicted with
pinpoint accuracy the play by play of the Eurozone crisis, he was the first to
warn about Japan's disastrous economic policies and how this would be one of
the dominos that would gravely affect the global economy.
TOPICS INCLUDED IN THIS TALK: latest stock numbers, Deutsche Bank, Germany, freeze on ATMS, upcoming elections, middle east & oil game, Syria, Saudi Arabia, IMF & AIIB, the war on cash, central banks failing, pre collapse puzzle?, Russia prepping for war, China and Gold Control Move, October Surprise and more!
TradCatKnight Radio, V the Guerilla Economist "October Surprise?"