Top US General Pleads With Troops Not to Revolt Over 2016 (Video)
Voice of Reason
In recent weeks, a common theme that has run through the vast majority of the stories I’ve covered, has been for people to make sure they are preparing for the possibility of a major emergency. Why?
First and foremost, because it was only back in May when President Obama took time out of his extremely busy schedule to deliver an address at the FEMA National Response Coordination Center in Washington where he made a point to stress that Americans who are not preparing for disaster, or who do not have emergency evacuation plans for any given scenario, could find themselves in big trouble in the near future. The following excerpt from Obama’s speech comes directly from the official White House website…
of the things that we have learned over the course of the last seven
and a half years is that government plays a vital role, but it is every
citizen’s responsibility to be prepared for a disaster. And that means
taking proactive steps, like having an evacuation plan, having a fully
stocked disaster supply kit. If your local authorities ask you to
evacuate, you have to do it. Don’t wait.”
That’s the biggest reason why.
Second, all one has to do is look around at our surroundings to see that
right now the “perfect storm” of pure chaos is brewing all around us.
As our allies in Berlin who have nuclear missiles pointed in their direction by the Russians can attest to, Geopolitical tensions are sky right now. German leaders, along with leaders in the Czeck Republic have issued warnings to their people to begin stockpiling food and emergency supplies in case of what could be an “existence threatening event.”Not helping matters geopolitically is the fact that the entire financial banking system of the West which includes the U.S. Dollar as the World Reserve Currency was built as a debt-based monetary system, and now that the debt saturation process has run its full course, the global economy is on the verge of what is being called a “global reset,” which could occur at any moment.
Lastly, here domestically the 2016 presidential election has gotten so divisive, that supporters from both political parties have vowed not to accept the winner if it’s not their candidate, and some groups have even promised the largest civil uprising in our nation’s history if the election doesn’t go their way.
If that was all that was in the news, it would be enough to put anyone on edge. What I talk about in the video below, is a recent article from earlier this week from The Daily Caller. In that article, among other things, it reports that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford has had to issue a reminder/warning to the troops to stay committed to their oaths, as well as the chain of command in the coming weeks. In light of everything I’ve been warning people of, this recent report is most troubling…
The Daily Caller Reports:
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford wrote a Medium blog post Monday to remain committed to its military oath amid the 2016 election.
“What we must
collectively guard against is allowing our institution to become
politicized, or even perceived as being politicized, by how we conduct
ourselves during engagements with the media, the public, or in open or
social forums,” Dunford reminded troops.
further urged service members that the military must remain committed
to the chain of command structure until the next administration comes
in, and that the military should not undermine its credibility in the
interim with the next president. “I have a duty to protect the integrity
and political neutrality of our military profession,” he continued.
Dunford’s comments also come amid increased concern that the U.S. military is becoming too politicized. He is reportedly
furious with Retired Marine Gen. John Allen and Retired Army Gen.
Michael Flynn for actively campaigning on behalf of the Democratic and
Republican presidential nominees.
UPDATE: Over 1,500 Pages of New Documents Reveal Martial Law and FEMA Camp Domestic Agenda in the U.S.
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey openly rebuked Allen and Flynn for injecting themselves into the political process.
“The American
people should not wonder where their military leaders draw the line
between military advice and political preference,” he lamented in a
letter to The Washington Post. He continued “our nation’s soldiers,
sailors, airmen and Marines should not wonder about the political
leanings and motivations of their leaders.”
The letter is also likely addressing
recent political statements by active duty service members on social
media. A female sailor posted a video of herself sitting through morning
colors in protest of supposed racism in the national anthem in August.
The protest video was inspired by 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick.