Parolin believes that "the ecumenical choice is an irreversible choice?"
Thank goodness we will get a Pope once the Tribulation starts to end this Vatican 2 madness!
Loosely translated...
The Vatican secretary of state gives the keys next pope's trip to Sweden
Parolin believes that "the ecumenical choice is an irreversible choice"
"A milestone on the path of reconciliation and common search for unity," said Cardinal
Jesus Pretty, October 29, 2016 at 17:52
Catholics and Lutherans are called to witness together, on behalf of the common faith in Jesus Salvador precisely all the beauty, all the glory and all the joy of faith, they have that witness

(J. Pretty / Agencies). "The ecumenical choice is an irreversible choice." The Vatican Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin explores in an interview with Vatican Radio keys Francisco next trip to Sweden, which will commemorate the V Centenary of the Reformation.
In Cardinal opinion, the papal visit is "a historic moment", since the previous centenarians "were always commemorated controversially, in a spirit of debate and perhaps can also speak of hostility" while today " you can not really talk about a milestone on the path of reconciliation and common search for unity between the Churches and ecclesial communities. "
Parolin highlights how this year, the anniversary coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Catholic-Lutheran dialogue, initiated since Vatican Council II, and whose most important point was the signing in 1999 of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification, "one of the points that had been at the origin and that had become precisely in the center of the controversy."
"We must thank the Lord for having arrived at this moment that is the fruit of the path that is being carried out in a while and ask him to help us, also through this moment of common celebration, to continue on the path of dialogue and the search for the unity of the Church ".
Among the highlights of the trip, Parolin highlights the signing of an agreement between the Lutheran World Federation and Caritas Internationalis, a symbol of reconciliation between the two Christian confessions "should be translated into an attitude of compassion in relation to many people who suffer from the most different causes in the world. "
And it is that "solidarity and protection of the common house" are two of the goals concrete work between the two churches, which can make common front against the "dangers of our secularized society , " while, on the contrary, dialogue ecumenical through "overcoming the fold itself which is then the source of many conflicts" leads to be "united in hope."
"Catholics and Lutherans are called to witness together on behalf of our common faith in Jesus Salvador precisely all the beauty, all the glory and all the joy of faith they have and witness," says Parolin, who urges "go boldly forward "towards a common Christian witness.