"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Saturday, October 1, 2016

TradCatKnight Mail...

TradCatKnight Mail...

Here is some of the latest coming through my inbox.  Please continue to spread word of TradCatKnight to your friends and family.  TCK is the number one ranked traditional catholic website worldwide.

I was lucky enough to find your youtube channel and have been following for about a month now. 
I was listening to your talk with Dave Hodges and the information about the terrorist camp outside of El Paso Tx (in Mexico) really unnerved me. After researching alternative media sites I believe Dave was correct. The reason for this is that I live in El Paso, in fact over my back yard wall is the border with Mexico, no more than 200 yards away, literally the first Street of the United States in my community. 
I have been grappling with the Church's "true, and dogmatic" teaching  (prior to Vatican 2) On self defence, as I am unsure on what it is. 
My question is: "from the traditional teachings of the Our holy catholic church, is it permissible for me to acquire a gun with the intention of defending my family, should the 'shit hit the fan'"? My only goal in life is to reach our Lord in heaven with my children and I fear that if I take a life, even in self defense I may commit a mortal sin at a time it may be impossible to seek reconciliation through our church. 
Most "Christians" that approach this topic (that I have been able to find) are protestant, so their views mean less to me than bodily waste, so I was hoping you can help me clarify this. 
I intend to follow this up with my own research as I never take one man's version as truth, but I truly respect your opinion and hope you can help me clarify this. 
I hesitate to go to our local priests, as my city, though it has a large "catholic" population, has 57 parishes and only 1 traditional mass parish (of which I am still trying to understand their scheduling, and catching the priest for confession or conversation is a dream). The majority of our priests are "vatican 2" priests, and so I fear their answers to my question may be skewed by their theological education. 
I apologise for sending this to your email, but I abhor all social media platforms, I have no Facebook, Twitter or any other account, so leaving a message through those means is problematic for me.
Your response is much appreciated, 

Your brother,

Dear friends,

I beg of you for the next few days to please storm heaven with your prayers. My husband's sister will be "marrying her wife" on Sunday, October 2nd. In addition to this horrendous mockery of the Sacrament of matrimony our two oldest sons are planning to attend.  We are deeply saddened and grieved by all of this as we know how much it will offend Our Lord and we beg you all to join us in prayer especially your children. If any of you who are priests are able to offer a Mass please let me know and I will gladly send a stipend. We have been praying a Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows this past week asking Her to intervene and do whatever it takes to stop this demonic event from taking place but to please spare their souls. Thank you everyone for any and all prayers or sacrifices you are able to offer in reparation for this terrible offense against Our Lord.

Ad Jesum per Mariam,

Thankyou again for keeping us aware of the truth. I know you work hard and I appreciate it. God Bless you. 
Peace ,Dee  O

Happy Feast Day of St. Jerome!

How the Vulgate became "vulgar" ;)

The year 1558 A.D. marks the beginning of increasing hardships and
persecution in England for followers of the Vulgate. Some were forced
to flee to the European mainland for safety. Some went to Douai,
France, where a college had been founded for the training of
missionaries to return to England; of which many were MARTYRED. It was
there, ten years later, that Gregory Martin began to translate the
Latin Vulgate into English.
Denise L.
With the so-called resignation of Pope Benedict, and the rise of the anti-pope prophecized by St. Francis, many of the faithful remnant of the Church are reflecting on Catholic prophecies questioning whether the next pope will be St. Malachy’s Peter The Roman, whether there will be an anti-pope or will the next pope be forced to leave Rome with his loyal cardinals and die a martyr’s death in exile.  Perhaps the remnant may want to reflect on Church history and tradition and ask God what He wills for us in these troubled times. While the Church’s leadership struggle with shepherding its flock, it remains our individual responsibility to discern from God what we need to do individually. Instead of asking, “Where is the Church heading?” perhaps we should be asking ourselves, “Quo Vadis?”
These Latin words mean, “Where are you going?” The modern usage of the phrase refers to a Christian tradition regarding St. Peter. According to the apocryphal Acts of Peter, he is fleeing from the general persecution of Catholics in Rome and the likely crucifixion of himself, when he suddenly comes face-to-face along the roadside with the risen Lord, Jesus Christ.  Peter asked Jesus “Quo vadis?” Jesus replied, “Roman vado iterum crucifigi” that is “I am going to Rome to be crucified again.” Peter, perhaps ashamed, ultimately gained the courage to continue his vocation and returned to be martyred by being crucified upside-down.
This story about St. Peter illustrates for us how we must confront today’s turbulent and evil world and make a choice. All this talk and concern pertaining to present world events, the sickness within the Church and the “end times” is truly a matter of Faith in ourselves and in our God.  Perhaps this requires some retrospective thinking to help us cope with what is to come.
Look at how Freemasonry and Communism, founded and funded by the Synagogue of Satan, that home to The Mystery of Inequity, has undermined the Church over the centuries. May I ask, “Is it any different than in Roman times?”  Then we had two claimants for the universal empire, Augustus the Great and Jesus of Nazareth, the Infant Founder of a new empire. Which of these two, according to human calculation was more likely to gain the adoration and love of people of various races throughout the empire and beyond? Though for over 250 years the Roman Empire persecuted the Christians, aided and instigated in many cases by Jewish Talmudic interests and agitating, heretical so-called Christian, the Church persevered. Its records clearly show that the blood of her children flowed in torrents, her leaders persecuted and martyred, and her temporal possessions confiscated. Yet, her poverty, weakness and unalterable meekness and patience repaid evil with good astonishing her persecutors and converting many, in some cases, even entire legions of troops to the one true Faith with hope and love.
What I am about to present could be enlightening or may be disturbing. It will depend on where one’s heart lies. Because the implications are clear requiring us to discern how to behave as Jesus desires. Can we? I wonder. Recall the words of Jesus to Simon Peter in Luke 22, 31:40.
“And the Lord said: Simon, Simon, behold Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:  But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and thou, being once converted, confirm thy brethren. Who said to him: Lord, I am ready to go with thee, both into prison, and to death. And he said: I say to thee, Peter, the cock shall not crow this day, till thou thrice deniest that thou knowest me. And he said to them: When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, did you want anything?
“But they said: Nothing. Then said he unto them: But now he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise a scrip; and he that hath not, let him sell his coat, and buy a sword. For I say to you, that this that is written must yet be fulfilled in me: And with the wicked was he reckoned. For the things concerning me have an end.” But they said:”Lord, behold here are two swords.” And he said to them, “It is enough.” And going out, he went, according to his custom, to the Mount of Olives. And his disciples also followed him. And when he was come to the place, he said to them: “Pray, lest ye enter into temptation.”
Here we have the crux of the problem. A devout Catholic today realizes we are approaching the end of an epoch or era. The Blessed and Venerable Saints throughout the ages and contemporary prophets foretell these times. We see that over the last 180-plus years beginning with the Rue du Bac in Paris, The Blessed Virgin Mary is preparing mankind for what is to pass. Realizing the dire situation that is unfolding before our very eyes, she offers mankind Her Immaculate Heart as a refuge. As a spokesman on behalf of God, she commands the Church’s leaders to pledge allegiance to the Vicar of Christ, that is, the Pope, and in collegiality with him consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, that is, the Holy Spirit that resides within her.  This would illustrate to the world that the bishops are in union with and recognize the pope as the Vicar of Christ. By doing so mankind would pass into the new era in peace or as she has foretold at LaSalette, Knock, Fatima, Akita, Garabandal and Medjugorge, to name a few, we can pass through it with great difficulty. Through free will, God is giving us the choice of which path we take. Like it or not, the proper choice takes conviction and fortitude. Fulton Sheen once said, “The refusal to take sides on great moral issues is itself a decision. It is a silent acquiescence to evil. The tragedy of our time is that those who still believe in honesty lack fire and conviction, while those who believe in dishonesty are full of passionate conviction.”
As “believers” we may even choose to pick up a gun or “sword” as Jesus recommends in Chapter 22 of Luke. But will we deny our Faith? Will we act outside our teachings? Will we ignore the prophetic warnings and instructions given us? I am sure many of us wonder whether there will be food to eat, water to drink, a roof over our heads. Yet Jesus replies, “When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, did you want anything?” Still like St. Peter, I suspect many of us will deny Him multiple times. The good news is although Peter did fail in that test (and others) he still achieved the Eternal Prize.
Do we have stamina? Can we even accept the “Red Crown” of martyrdom as well as the “White Crown” of sainthood as St. Maximillian Kobe did?
Though the Church survived the Roman Empire, it contests with the Crescent of Islam, the Synagogue of Satan codified in the Talmud symbolized by the 7-branch candelabrum, lions, temple, shofar and palm frond, the Square and Compass symbolizing Freemasonry and the Hammer and Sickle symbolizing Communism. Pause for a moment and ask yourself, whether you question the final and permanent result of the great struggle that confronts us? Dare you deny it, or its momentous consequences for civilization and society? Dare you say, or even hint, that scoffers of our society, race or nation had anything whatsoever to do with the glorious triumphs of Judas of Maccabee, Constantine, Charlemagne, Godfrey de Bouillon, Trancred, Richard Coeur de Lion, St. Louis of France, Joan of Arc, El Campeador Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar (El Cid), Tomás de Torquemada, Admirals Augustino Barbarigo and Giovanni Andrea Doria, King John III Sobieski and such saintly Pontiffs as Gregory VII, Urban II or Pius IX or great clerics such as SS. Francis of Assisi, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas and Ignatius de Loyola? Or are we overly concerned with what our present worldly leaders say and do? Recall what Jesus says in Matthew 15, 11:15.
“Then came his disciples, and said to him: Dost thou know that the Pharisees, when they heard this word, were scandalized? But he answering them, said: Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. Let them alone: they are blind, and leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the pit. And Peter answering, said to him: Expound to us this parable.”
And to further expound on this, Jesus continues in Verses 18:20.
“But the things which proceed out of the mouth, come forth from the heart, and those things defile a man. For from the heart come forth evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false testimonies, blasphemies. These are the things that defile a man.”
What has become of all those loud-mouthed adversaries of the Church, of that vast and motley host of schismatic and heretics, of infidels and traitors, of ruthless financiers from Judas Iscariot and Simon Magus in the first century, down to Joe Smith and Charles Taze Russell and Swami Vivekananda and the founders of Spiritism in the nineteenth century to Voltaire, Marx, Hegel, Gramsci, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, to the generations of Rothschild, Rockefeller and Morgan interests? Do they not die and face what the Church teaches as “The Last Four Things” that is, Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell? Or as Jesus says in Matthew 23 Verse 33:
“You serpents, generation of vipers, how will you flee from the judgment of hell?”
Remember, the world will praise such people and even raise tombs, such as to Lenin, as a reward. Yet remember what the great St. Augustine says of such men, that is:
Laudantur ubi non sunt; cruciantur ubi sunt!” or
They are praised where they are not; they are tormented where they are!”
I realize that many of us believe that the Church, let alone civilization, is teetering on the brink. But do we believe what Jesus said to Peter in Matthew 16, Verse 18?
“That thou are Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
Getting back to our Church’s current situation and how it appears that everyone is at best “asleep at the wheel”. Recall that Christ seemed to be slumbering, while the Bark of Peter was rudely buffeted by the waves, which threatened it with shipwreck; but after sufficiently trying the faith of His disciples, He arose from His slumber, and, with the calm majesty of Divinity, rebuked the winds and the waves, and suddenly there came a great calm! Recall also from Church history the Great Schism with an anti-pope and subsequent election at the Council of Constance in 1417 of Martin V. The Church survived did it not?
We even have a number of Catholic prophets; including blessed and venerable saints that claim St. Peter will return to earth at a critical moment and select a cardinal who it is said shall be the greatest pope in the history of the Church.  For example, we have from Venerable Elizabeth Canori-Mora that after the end of the forthcoming chastisement she sees, “the heavens opening, and St. Peter coming down again upon the earth, he was vested in his pontifical robes, and surrounded by a great number of angels, who were chanting hymns in his honor, and they proclaimed him sovereign of the earth…. St. Peter then chose a new pope. The Church was again organized…”
Perhaps, many of you may recall of the vision of St John Bosco of a ship with the Pope being tossed about and attacked by his enemies; yet stable and secured enough due to being tied to the two pillars being the Holy Eucharist (Auxilium Christianorum – Help of Christians) and the Immaculate Virgin Mary (Salus Credentium – Salvation of the Faithful). In our era, many Catholics question the Sovereign Pontiff’s role as the Vicar of Christ, as well as, the “Real Presence” and there is a multitude of so-called Christian sects splintering further and further away from the Bark of Peter. And yet, we should be confident that Jesus will intervene on behalf of his bride, The Church. Does not John Bosco’s vision indicate this?
I appreciate that many Catholics are troubled in their souls thinking what is to come of them, their family and friends; even their adversaries. It is difficult indeed to cope with the idea that in the blink of an eye, many of us may perish and face “The Last Four Things”.  To put this into perspective, may I ask: What do you believe was Jesus’ greatest agony throughout his life on earth; the Scribes, Pharisees and Saducees, Judas Iscariot, Pontius Pilate or perhaps the Cross? What if I were to say none of these? What if I was to say it was His Passion on the Mount of Olives? Let me take this opportunity to present to you a possible detailed scenario as described by a Catholic Mystic of the 20th Century, whose writings on the life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph were approved by Pope Pius XII. Here is a description given by Jesus to the Catholic Mystic, Maria Valtorta. Listen to these words and see how Christ’s challenge, His reply to that challenge and His reasoning behind His action could be applicable to each and every one of us.
On Thursday evening, I alone know whether I needed my Father. I was a spirit already in agony because of the effort of having to overcome the two greatest sorrows of a man: to say goodbye to a beloved mother, to have an unfaithful friend close by [ed: Judas]. They were two sores that scorched My heart: the former with Her tears, the latter with his hatred.
I had to share my bread with my Cain. I had to speak to him in a friendly manner in order not to denounce him to the others, as I was afraid they might react violently, and in order to avoid a crime, which in any case would have been useless, as everything was already written in the great book of life: both My holy Death and Judas’ suicide. Any other death was useless and disapproved of by God. No other blood but Mine was to be shed, and was not shed. The halter strangled that life, shutting up his impure blood, which had been sold to Satan, in the filthy sack of the traitor’s body, blood that was not to be mixed, falling on the Earth, with the most pure blood of the Innocent.
Those two sores would have been sufficient to make Me suffer agony in My Ego. But I was the Expiator, the Victim, the Lamb. A lamb, before being sacrificed, experiences the red-hot brand, it suffers blows, it endures being shorn and sold to a butcher. And finally it feels the cold of the knife that cuts its throat, bleeds it and kills it. First it must leave everything: the pasture where it was brought up, its mother at whose breast it was nourished and warmed, the companions with which it lived. Everything. I the Lamb of God, experienced everything.
That is why Satan came, when the Father was retiring in Heaven. He had already come at the beginning of My mission, to tempt Me in order to divert Me from it. He was now coming back again. It was his hour. The hour of the satanic sabbath.
Crowds and crowds of devils were on the Earth that night, to accomplish the seduction of hearts and make them willing to request the killing of the Christ the following day. Each member of the Sanhedrin had his own. Herod had his, so had Pilate, and even every single Judaean who would invoke My Blood upon himself. Also beside the apostles there were their tempters, who prepared them to be cowardly. Take notice of the power of purity. John, the pure disciple, was the first among all of them to free himself from the demoniac claws, and he came at once near his Jesus and understood His unexpressed desire, and brought Mary to Me.
But Judas had Lucifer, and I had Lucifer. Judas in his heart, I beside Me. We were the two main characters of the tragedy, and Satan was attending personally to both of us. After leading Judas to the point from which he could not withdraw, he turned towards Me.
With perfect artifice he showed Me the torments of the flesh with unsurpassable realism. Also in the desert he had started from the flesh. I defeated him by praying. The spirit dominated the fear of the flesh.
He then showed Me the uselessness of My death, and the usefulness of living for My own sake, without worrying Myself about ungrateful men, leading a rich happy life full of love. Living for My Mother, ensuring that She did not suffer. Living so that by means of a long apostolate I could take back to God many men, who, if I had died, would forget Me, whereas, if I had been their Master not for three years, but for many many years, would end up by becoming one with My doctrine. His angels would help Me to seduce men. Could I not see that the angels of God were not intervening to assist Me? Later, God would forgive Me seeing the crowds of believers that I would lead back to Him. Also in the desert he had tried to convince Me to tempt God through imprudence. I defeated him by praying. The spirit dominated moral temptation.
He showed Me My abandonment by God. He, the Father, no longer loved Me. I was laden with the sins of the world. I disgusted Him. He was absent and was leaving Me to Myself. He was surrendering Me to the mockery of a cruel crowd. And He would not even grant Me His divine comfort. I was alone, all alone. In that hour there was but Satan near the Christ. God and men were absent, because they did not love Me. They hated Me or were uninterested. I prayed to cover the satanic words with My prayers. But My prayer no longer ascended to God. It fell back on Me, like stones of lapidation and crushed Me under its rubble. My prayer, that had always been for Me like a caress given to the Father, a voice that ascended and was answered by a fatherly caress and word, was now dead, heavy, uttered in vain to a closed Heaven.
I then tasted the bitterness of the bottom of the cup. The flavour of despair. Its was Satan wanted: to lead Me to despair, to make Me a slave of his. I overcame despair and I overcame it only with My power, because I wanted to defeat it. Only with My strength of a Man. I was nothing but the Man. And I was nothing but a man no longer helped by God. When God helps you, it is easy to lift even the world and hold it up like a child’s toy. But when God does not help us any more, even the weight of a flower is a burden to us.
I defeated despair and Satan, its creator, in order to serve God and you, by giving you the Life. But I became acquainted with Death. Not with the physical death of crucifixion – that was not so dreadful – but with the total conscious Death of the fighter who falls after triumphing, with a broken heart and blood pouring out of him in the trauma of an effort exceeding all endurance. And I sweated blood. I sweated blood to be faithful to God’s will.
That is why the angel of My sorrow showed Me the hopes of all those who have been saved through My sacrifice, as a medicine for My dying.
Your names! Each name was a drop of medicine instilled into My veins to invigorate them and make them function, each of them was for Me life coming back, light coming back, strength coming back.During the cruel tortures, to avoid shouting My grief of Man, and in order not to despair of God and say that He was too severe and unjust to His Victim, I repeated your names to Myself, I saw you. Since then I blessed you. Since then I have carried you in My heart. And when the time came for you to be on the Earth, I leaned out of Heaven to accompany your coming, rejoicing at the thought that a fresh flower of love was born in the world and would have lived for Me.
Oh! My blessed ones! The comfort of the dying Christ! My Mother, the Disciple, the pious Women were present at My death, and you were there as well. My dying eyes saw, with the tormented face of My Mother, also your loving ones, and they closed thus, happy to be closed because they had saved you, who deserve the Sacrifice of a God.
Isaiah truly explains Jesus’ grief so well: “He has really taken our evils upon Himself and ours are the sorrows He has carried.”
Isaiah also said “He was wounded through our wickedness, and pierced through our crimes.”  This is the challenge that most assuredly faces each and every one of us today. Are we about to wound the feelings and spirit of our Lord all over again? Are we about to make a laughing stock and butt of Jesus’ feelings and spirit? As the Chastisement ensues, will we give up our friendship with Christ just as Judas did, or our loyalty and friendship just as Peter did when he disowned Christ three times? Will we blaspheme and curse God, His Son and the Holy Spirit when nature and our fellow men scourge us?  Did Job?
Look at Jesus the way that John the Apostle looked at Him on the Cross. Gaze at the footprints of blood leading to the Cross.  See the perspiration of sweat wash away the blood that drops from the wounds made by the scourges and thorny crown. Examine the robe covered in the blood of Christ from his agony in the Garden and subsequent torture. Hear the words from the Word Made Flesh agonizingly come out of the parched and bruised lips of the Abandoned One spoken to the Good Thief saying, “Amen I say to thee, this day thou shalt be with me in paradise.
Now look at yourself and ask yourself, “Quo Vadis?”

Ron W.

Dear TradCatKnight Exclusive-youtube-channel,

Greetings from Saalfeld, Germany.

When exactly will these three days of darkness be taking place? Who will be responsible for the darkness (it is the passing of Nibiru, right?, or is it the will and hand of God?) I just watched one of your youtube-videos where this issue has been discussed..
Please let me know.
Thanks and regards.

Christian Jesus Alber

UFO Propaganda warning from Raymond L.


Great interview with Dave Dionisi. The book and video, Hellstorm the distruction of nazi germany are great sources to uncover this revisionist history. All so Adolf Hitler the greatest story never told.
Regards. Gary C
Brilliant show with this man (David Shurter)!
You won't believe this - but according to Chiesa Viva - an abuse survivor by name of Toos, a Dutch lady - testified that she witnessed Cardinal Ratzinger and other cardinals at a hunting party in Holland - she saw Ratzinger murder a 4 year old girl in this satanic party. There is a utube of her.

Unbelievable but actually I don't think anything is impossible with these modernist prelates. The other thing - they think he resigned as they were going to expose it and arrest him - note - has he actuallly left the Vatican city at all???

It's worth asking Franco Adessa for the info on this. He is the secretary of the late Fr Villa.

Dominie Mary Beatrice S
Copied Eric G/Tulsa Bishop...
Dear Tulsa –
There are now satanic ‘masses’ being ‘said’ in OK (they ape the Latin Mass btw, not the novus ordo protestant ‘mass’), and satanic monuments going up in your state, and yet the new bishop will not support a small group of exorcists led by fr rippinger?  Are you Catholic?  Is this part of the ‘new evangelization’ (ecumenism rather than Catholicism)?   What a sad time for Catholics in Tulsa, OK.   One of most holy priests in the Church and the bishop shoots him down.  The Francis effect indeed!  No year of mercy for the OK exorcists!   We are praying for your conversion to the Catholic faith!  
The warnings of our Lady of LaSalette are being seen clearly in your diocese:   
 you do not get how holy this priest truly is – here he speaks on the beatitudes:
please call so that we might help convert you in these terrible times:
Don M
Hi Eric,

I just watched the video Akita/Fatima Secret by Dave Dionisti and it was excellent. It was so nice to know that Sister Agnes Sasagawa of Akita is still alive. Does Fr. Paul Kramer know about this? Would he be interested in interviewing Sister Agnes Sasagawa to see if there are more details of the Akita Apparition?  I would be willing to contribute toward making this possible if he was interested. 

Best Regards,

Ronald K
Eric, thank you for this.  I never ceased to be amazed at how many paths there are that lead to the pit of hell.  Thank you for keeping me educated! 
Best wishes, Susette M.
Dear Eric

This may interest you.

It says Pius XII read the 3rd secret - and wept for two weeks afterwards, amongst other things.

It rings true to my ears Eric - mainly due to the fact that the informer says that Pope Pius XII "wept" after reading the secret.  That convinces me of its truth- as a person who truly LOVED the Church WOULD weep I am sure,  to read the future of the Church as believed to be stated in the 3rd secret.

God Bless you
Dear Eric

Following on to what I recently sent you -

This is even more strange.

Someone on the Tradition in Action website stated that on the Carmelite website there is a complete list of Carmelite Nuns and Monks with details of their date of birth, Profession and death.  On page 9 of this list - Sr Lucia's death was originally stated as being 1949 for quite some time

Here is a photocopy of the page as it was prior to alteration.  It's confusing Eric -   Sr Lucia's birth, date of Profession and death is shown at number 165 definitely stating for some reason 1949.


The information now been amended on the Carmelite site.   Sr Lucia is still listed as number 165 - but the date of death is now shown as 2005

There is a sister at number 132 who's death is recorded on both sheets as being 1962.  They clearly recorded deaths other than 2005 on that document as the Nun listed at 132 proves.

God Bless
Hello Eric,
I would like to make a donation to Tradcatknight. Please let me know where I can send a check. Thanks for working so attentively at what you do. I've been following Tradcatknight for a while now and I am feeling like it is right to send you a donation.
Keep up the message, but at the same time, I think there it may sometimes be a misinterpretation of subjects in your discussions, primarily because simply regarding any prelate that makes a statement on an issue, while some may be entirely incorrect, I think sometimes their general intentions may be blanketed as bad. I don't think that this is the case sometimes.
I think there is a part of clergy, religious, and laity that are seeking to move in a direction of correcting errors and move back to the ideals of tradition on many levels. I know there is a general understanding that as time moves forward, many who are in the Novus Ordo seek the same and might just be doing their part from the position they're in, not needing to retreat, but make correction from their own stations.
Anyway, this is something to be perhaps contemplated and attended to as time goes on.
Also, keep up with the Eagle talks as you used to, ...  I think many of us like them and appreciate them.
God Bless, and keep up with the message. We need more people to connect with the efforts and teachings of St. Athanasius and the like, emphasizing what the Church fathers stood for, and what constitutes the faith as handed to us by Christ himself.

Brent E

Here is the PDF of “Chiesa viva” 497, October 2016.
Best regards.
The PDF can be unloaded on our website: www.chiesaviva.com
Dr. Franco Adessa

Hi Eric,
Love your youtube channel,
Do you know of a good traditional catholic church in the detroit metro area? Oakland county..
Thanks and God bless
Brock N.

Hi Eric,

For me, personally, due to your account blackouts etc, my 'birth pangs' sensation is validated. 

By the way, I asked God if this was right two Saturdays ago and leaving the blessed sacrament I witnessed a sink hole, right her in Toronto.

Endure, brother. It's all His will.

God bless. Charles G
Be sure to send your comments, messages, questions, feedback, blogs, articles, videos and latest information to apostleofmary@hotmail.com for review