Quote of the Day- (Stigmatist) Antonio Ruffini On Consecration of Russia
Pius XII (1939-1958) authorized the blessing of a chapel on the spot
where Ruffini received the stigmata on the Via Apia, and Father Tomas,
the miracle worker, wrote a booklet about him a short account of the
life of Ruffini. I myself (Fr. Kramer) knew Ruffini for many years. In the early
1990s Ruffini was asked point blank in his home: Is John Paul II the
Pope who is going to do the Consecration of Russia? He answered: No, it s
not John Paul. It will not be his immediate successor either, but the
one after that. He is the one who will consecrate Russia. That is,
Benedicts successor (Francis is an antipope), during this time of world war and persecution of
the Church."
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