TradCatKnight Radio, "V" the Guerilla Economist "Brexit, False Flags & Cabal Scrambling"
Talk given 7-4-16 (aprx 35 mins)
V. the Guerilla
Founder, Contributor of
the "Guerrilla Economist" has worked for some of the top commodity
trading firms and investment banks in the world. He also contributed to
a variety of private think tanks which help create investment policies.
His track record is uncanny and well documented on his appearances with
X22 Report, Greg Hunter, Coast to Coast, Steve Quayle and Doug Hagman.Founder, Contributor of
Topics included in this talk: Brexit and its aftermath, invest in tangible assets like land?, the fuse is lit, economic collpase by 2016-2017, developing cashless society?, post world collapse leader, God is in charge of all, dont fear!, USIS, war on terror and false flags coming, the global cabal and usury, Syria, Ukraine, Russia is key, upcoming elections, NAU coming?, global Cabal scrambling and MUCH more!
TradCatKnight Radio, "V" the Guerilla Economist "Brexit, False Flags & Cabal Scrambling"