"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Monday, November 14, 2016

PREPPER: 103 Survival Food Prepper Should Check In Their List in 2016

PREPPER: 103 Survival Food Prepper Should Check In Their List in 2016

103 Survival Food Prepper

Although you may not know of any immediate dangers or emergencies, it is best to be prepared for something long before it presents itself. Often, when a disaster arrives, supermarkets will run out of food rapidly. In fact, typically grocery stores only have a maximum of three days of goods on hand before they run out, so it would be best to prepare now.
Below are 103 items a prepper should consider to have on your long term food storage list because they have a long-shelf life, have multiples uses and can be great for bartering. and should pick up during your next grocery store visit to hold in case of emergency:

RELATED : What Would Happen If Martial Law Was Declared In America? – We Would Probably See Authorities go House to House Confiscating Firearms, Ammunition And Food Supplies

How do we choose them?

Shelf Life.

When the world is not the same as we knew it now. Chances are there will be no one restocking the food at the nearby Walmart. One of the best bet is to store only food that can last for decent amount of time.


Unlike in video games, cash does little but to use as artificial fuel to keep your campfire burning (not that it is of much use in that aspect as well). Ensuring that you have items on hand that are essential for survival will also mean that you have bargaining chips in negotiations as well.


Food are not only used to nourish our bodies. Some food even rises up to special occastions when you couldn’t find any such as cleaning or antibiotics.

1. Back To Basics

These ingredients are those that should be on any survival food list because they are foods that are the foundation of many meals. That being said, many can be eaten alone if need be.


As you are likely aware, grain are a stable in many people’s diets and are crucial to have available during a disaster. They offer a viable way to keep you filled when looking for alternatives.
Depending on the aridity and coolness of where these are stored; the shelf life can vary.

Hard Grains

When stored properly at 70 degrees F, these grains can last for 10 – 12 years. They can be stored longer due to their hard outer shells.

Hard Grains

1. Buckwheat
2. Dry Corn
3. Kamut
4. Hard Red Wheat
5. Soft White Wheat
6. Millet
7. Duram Wheat
8. Spelt Or Hulled Wheat
1. Buckwheat
Buckwheat is usually considered as an alternative to rice. Low in GI and filling. It is a worthy choice to store
2. Dry Corn
Lesser known as Maize, these corns is a good source of vitamins B, fibers and essential minerals for the human body.
3. Kamut
High in protein and minerals compared to modern wheat.
4. Hard Red Wheat
Brownish , high protein wheat
5. Soft White Wheat
Made from red wheat, these grains contained lower protein but higher carbohydrates.
6. Millet
Great for the heart and can be stored for a long time.
7. Durum wheat
Durum wheat is a very hard wheat with high proteins
8. Spelt or Hulled Wheat
Triticum spelta, the scientific name of Spelt is a more nutritious counterpart to wheat; containing more carbohydrates and fiber.

Soft Grains

In contrast to the Hard Grains, these have a softer outer shell; hence the name. If stored properly at 70 degrees F, soft grains can last for about eight years.

Soft Grains

1. Barley
2. Oats Groats or Hulled Oats
3. Quinoa
3. Rye
5.Rolled Oats or Oatmeal
1. Barley
Chewy and having a nutlike flavor, barley contains maltose which are essential for the human body.
2. Oat Groats Or Hulled Oats
Oat Groats are the kernals of Oats. They can take a long time to cook. It is an excellent source of Fiber, vitamin B and Protein.
3. Quinoa
Highly nutritious. Quinoas are gluten-free and one of the few plant food that contain all 9 essential amino acids
4. Rye
Contain lower gluten and higher fiber than wheat
5. Rolled Oats or Oatmeal
Another preparation method of the Oats. Think Quakers.

2. Beans And Peas

Fact Check: Most beans are in fact, seeds that we can use as food.
Beans are a great source of protein, fiber, iron and should definitely be on your food prepper list. They must be sealed and kept away from oxygen.
The beans below can last for up to 10 years.

Beans And Peas

1. Pinto Beans
2. Kidney Beans
3. Lima Beans
4. Hard Red Wheat
5. Adzukzi Beans
6. Green Mung Beans
7 Black Turtle Beans
8. Blackeye Beans
9. Dried Lentils
10. Dried Beans
10. Dried Split Peas
1. Pinto Beans
Very High in Dietary Fiber and Proteins and usually consumed in US
2. Kidney Beans
High in Iron and Potassium and various vitamins. Essentially a good choice to store for various disasters.
3. Lima Beans
Also called butter beans for their buttery texture. They are good sources of Fiber vitamin B
4. Adzukzi Beans
Native to East Asia, also known as red mung beans. High in Fiber and good for the heart.
5. Garbanzo Beans
Also known as Chickpeas.
6. Green Mung Beans
The green cousin to the Adzukzi Beans.
7. Black Turtle Beans
Low Gl, high in fiber, protein and Iron. What’s more?
8. Blackeye Beans
Literally having a black eye. These beans are high in Potassium; have good Iron and protein
9. Dried Lentils
Coming from Asia and North Africa. It is one of the oldest sources of food and a rich provider of protein and carbohydrates.
10. Dried Beans
Also known as legumes or pulses, these dried beans are one of the world’s oldest food source. They are also excellent sources of protein, dietary fiber and complex carbohydrates
11. Dried Split Peas
Dried Peas are available around the year, making it a good choice to store whenever you need to at the mart.

3. Get Some Doughs

Flours, mixes and pasta can last anywhere from five to eight years if stored properly.

Get Some Doughs

1. All Purpose Flour
2. White Flour
3. Whole Wheat Flour
4. Cornmeal
5. Pasta
6. White Rice
7. Noodles

4. Some Sweet Stuff

If frozen, dried fruits are nonperishable and still last for a long time if left out in the open. See below for some options.

Some Sweet Stuff

1. Raisins
2. Dried Cranberries
3. Dried Blueberries
4. Dates
5. Dried Mangoes
6. Apricots
7. Dried Cherries
8. Dried Plums
9. Banana Chips

5. The Morale Boosters

While it may seem unnecessary to focus on adding flavor or cooking well during a time of emergency, if you have time to prepare in advance, investing in spices and ingredients that add flavor to your food is well worth it.
Flavoring your food during a tough time can help to raise morale during a tough time. Spices can often last over ten years or forever if stored properly.

The Morale Boosters

1. Salt
2. Peppers
3. Brown Sugar
4. White Sugar
5. Raw Honey
6. Whiskey
7. Vodka
8. Molasses
9. Maple Syrup
10. Cinnamon
11. Paprika
12. Dried Herbs
13. Pure Flavor Extracts

6. Oils

Most types of oils aren’t going to last long enough to hold onto for long term disasters,but there is one that will at least for a couple years!


1. Coconut Oil

7. Condiments

There aren’t a ton of non perishable condiments, but there are a few if you are hoping to add them to your survival food list.


1. White Vinegar
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
3. Balsamic Vinegar
4. Rice Wine Vinegar
5. Red Wine Vinegar
6. Raspberry Vinegar
7. Worcestershire Sauce

8. Other

If you plan on cooking, the below items would be useful to have on your long term food storage list.

Other Useful Items

1. Corn Starch
2. Baking Soda
3. Corn Syrup

9. Items Used For More Than Cooking

While the below items have already been listed, it is important to call special attention to them because even if you don’t think you would need them for your food prep, you may need them for another use.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar for its cooking, cleaning and as antibiotic properties
2. Baking Soda for cooking and cleaning functions
3. Honey for it’s antibiotic wound properties. It also alleviates allergies, treats burns and acts a sleep aid.

10. Short Term Survival Foods

Other survival foods that you should have on your food prepper list are below, but they are better for short term disasters because of their shorter shelf life.
It’s fair to assume that during a short term disaster you won’t be able to or won’t want to do any food preparation or cooking and the below foods are perfect for that. Make sure to pick them up during your next trip to the grocery store.
People are born with the innate desire to survive, but sadly, many in our increasingly dependent society look to others for relief and assistance following a disaster. The fact is that help from government, family, or neighbors is often unavailable when needed most, and in the end you may have only yourself to count on. Do you know what to do and how to do it if disaster strikes? 

For The Short Haul

1. Canned Tuna
2. Canned Meats
3. Canned Vegetables
4. Canned Fruits
5. Peanut Butter
6. Coffee
7. Corn Oil
8. Cocoa Powder
9. Tea
10. Ramen Noodles
11. Hard Candy
12. Powdered Milk
13. Dried Herbs And Spice
14. Popcorn
15. Vegetable Oil
16. Oats
17. Cereals
18. Pasta Sauce
19. Crackers
20. Jell-O Or Pudding Mix
21. Instant Potato Flakes
22. Olive Oil
23. Bouillon Cubes or Granules

11. That Something Extra

In order to survive any sort of disaster you must also be prepared with the appropriate non-food items. Add the below items to your long term food storage list.

That Something X’tra

1. Bic Lighters
2. Toilet Paper
3. Soaps
4. Bottled Water
5. Vitamins
6. Charcoal
7. Batteries
8. Medicines
9. Bandages
10. Peroxide
11. Lighter Fluid
12. Canning Supplies
13. Flashlight


You certainly do not need to buy every item on the survival food list to be prepared for a short or long term disaster, but I would suggest getting a few items from each category.
Speak with your family about what items they would like most and then narrow down your list. Be certain not to forget water in addition to your food items.
Once you’ve made up your mind, don’t delay, head to the grocery store immediately or order any supplies you may need before disaster strikes and the stores become empty.
Before we end this off, here is an useful video on how to increase your odds of surviving.

Apocalypse Training 101: Learn How to Survive the End of the World

While it is important to stock up on supplies that you might need to survive TEOTWAWKI, having all the supplies in the world won’t help you if you can’t get to them when an apocalypse event strikes. What about defending all your supplies from desperate people trying to get them? What about protecting yourself and the people you care about? What if a flood or fire break out and you end up stranded with nothing? Even if you do manage to make it back to your supplies and feel safe, what happens when the inevitable occurs and your supplies run out?

Fitness is the First Step to Survival

The truth is, prepping is about skill and knowledge, first and foremost. Knowing what matters most is the true key to apocalypse survival, and having the skills to do whatever it takes to keep going isn’t about buying stuff; it’s about building your skill-set. That’s why the first step in learning how to prepare for the end of the world is always getting your body ready to handle whatever might come your way. In reality, every moment is an opportunity to train for the end of the world.

The Elements of Physical Fitness

Diversify your training to see the greatest results.
Endurance. Strength. Flexibility. Creativity. These are the essential elements of apocalypse survival and training. The good news is that there are plenty of opportunities in your everyday life to increase your overall capacity to execute these skills – if you make the time for it. Here’s a quick guide on how to physically prepare for SHTF:
  • Endurance. There’s just no way to build your stamina without getting after it, every day. Endurance is quite literally a marathon sport. Even if it starts with a simple walk, find a way to get moving and keep moving every day. Aim to continually increase the amount of physical activity you do, the kinds of activities you try and their level of difficulty.
  • Strength. Bodyweight exercises are a great way to strengthen and tone without a ton of equipment, while there are a range of targeted activities like CrossFit and Krav Maga that can help you home in on and improve your weakest skills.
  • Flexibility. It may not seem very tough, but staying limber is essential to staying alive. Stretch while you strengthen, and you’ll be able to do more and recover faster after intense physical activity.
  • Creativity. Diversify your training to see the greatest results. Try different combat methods and improvise with the environment around you to identify your strengths and weaknesses while making it easier to respond effectively, whatever your situation or surroundings.

Apocalypse Training Techniques

Learn how to defend yourself in a lethal situation without a weapon.
Ultimately, fitness training for SHTF situations is about applied knowledge, not book learning or simulations. The people you’re fighting against when SHTF won’t follow the rules of sparing or good sportsmanship. At TEOTWAWKI, you’ll be fighting for your life with whatever you have available. That means you need to be prepared to fight on all fronts.
Train in three ways for maximum effect:
  • Functional Training. Use what’s around you to build practical strength, like tires, ropes and more. This idea is the cornerstone of CrossFit and parkour training.
  • Combat Training. Learn how to defend yourself in a lethal situation without a weapon. Mastering a martial art that’s specifically designed for tactical fighting like Krav Maga can be your greatest protection in an apocalypse situation.
  • Tactical Training. Firearm training is a no-brainer. Having a gun won’t help you if you don’t know how to properly use it or don’t consistently practice and improve your shooting skills.
When deciding how to build your skills in each of these three areas, think about the ultimate goal of any technique you learn. Your primary objective is to survive, not simply one-up your assailant. Find tactics that will help you stay one step ahead of an opponent both mentally and physically. Approaching your training this way is how to survive the end of the world. Survival isn’t about winning a trophy or a championship belt. It’s about making it out alive.

Tactical Survival Training for TEOTWAWKI

Focus on developing the kind of skills that will serve you under pressure when preparing for the end of the world. PHOTOGRAPHER: Lauren Harnett
If you really think about it, it makes sense to focus on developing the kind of skills that will serve you under pressure when preparing for the end of the world. You won’t be facing rainbows and words of encouragement in the end of days. When training with firearms, spend the majority of your time building and practicing fundamental skills so they become natural reflexes when you’re fighting for your life, rather than focusing on tricks and complicated techniques that will take time to recall.
The tactics you have to think about are the ones that will do the most damage when it’s time to make a split-second decision in a fight or flight situation. It’s better to stick with tactical techniques that complement what naturally happens in your body and brain when adrenaline spikes. This means sticking with methods that retain your accuracy and control, even when you’re under serious stress.

Practice the Basics. Then Practice Differently.

The tactics you have to think about are the ones that will do the most damage when it’s time to make a split-second decision in a fight or flight situation.
The first key to effective firearm use is mastering the basics, including your stance, grip, target acquisition, sights, trigger control, follow-through and ability to disarm an opponent. Here’s a quick breakdown of each and what you should focus on to improve your fundamentals.
  • Power Stance. Improving your overall fitness level will help you find a stable, mobile and balanced stance when shooting your gun, but it takes practice to find the power stance that will protect you from recoil, while letting you stay agile, aggressive and in control.
  • Grip. Make your grip firm, tight and with your thumbs curled down. Firearm expert and master trainer Massad Ayoob calls this the “crush grip,” and it’s one of the five elements he considers most crucial to have in your arsenal before firing a gun (Ayoob, 2012).
  • Target Acquisition. This skill covers the rapid vision transition that must occur after you’ve spotted a target and before you shoot. Practice adjusting the focus of your eyesight from a natural target to your sights quickly so you program the movement into your eyes’ muscle memory.
  • Sight Alignment and Picture. Two essential yet separate elements of proper shooting, sight alignment requires that your front sight be centered between the rear sights with your rear sights horizontally aligned, while sight picture is the relationship of your sight alignment to your target for accurate execution. Understanding the relationship between sight alignment and picture takes practice and depends on your individual gun.
  • Trigger Control. Your grip will go a long way toward improving trigger control, which is the act of pulling the trigger without pushing the nose of the gun up or down, jerking the trigger or otherwise disturbing your aim. Smooth and consistent squeezing is key.
  • Follow-Through and Reset. Follow-through is about squeezing the trigger until it stops moving, while reset is about getting the trigger ready to fire again. After your follow-through, practice releasing the trigger to the point of reset and firing again. Sometimes, the trigger break and follow-through positions are the same, sometimes not. Your trigger reset is rarely the same position where the trigger rests when untouched. Practice to determine both the follow-through and reset positions of your specific guns.
  • Disarmament. Whether you’re facing a knife, gun or concealed weapon that you can’t identify, you have to know how to disarm an assailant coming at you with a weapon – not only to protect yourself from other people, but also to anticipate how someone else might try to disarm you and prevent it.
There are a few simple drills that can help you get the basics ingrained in your brain, round out your shooting skills, and give you the confidence and versatility you need to shoot well when SHTF. Remember to practice shooting both moving and still targets, work with both two-handed and one-handed grips, and incorporate movement into your tactical training. If you aren’t shooting, move.
You should test out different kinds of firearms, including rifles, shotguns and handguns, and practice drawing and shooting them all until you find the weapons that work best for you. Your gun will do you no good if you can’t draw it fast enough and shoot it accurately. Practice in low light environments, try shooting multiple targets to improve your agility, and practice safely shooting from behind cover and concealment. All of these techniques can give you a huge tactical advantage in a lethal confrontation.

Mental Readiness: The Real Key to Apocalypse Survival

Having a strong mind and body and the right functional, combat and tactical training will go a long way to getting your ready for TEOTWAWKI – much more than stockpiling supplies can ever do.
Mental preparation is about conditioning yourself to handle the inevitable emotions during an apocalypse. Fear, concern, hopelessness, helplessness, defeat. Being better prepared than most can itself be a liability, since you can’t save everyone and trying to could ultimately end your own life. How will you determine when to stand firm, when to offer help and when to move on?
Mental preparedness doesn’t mean being weak. In fact, working on assessing, identifying and controlling your emotions will improve your ability to stay assertive, aggressive and in control instead of breaking down in the face of disaster. Often, appearing aggressive is enough to keep weaker would-be threats at bay, without the risks of direct engagement.
Having a strong mind and body and the right functional, combat and tactical training will go a long way to getting your ready for TEOTWAWKI – much more than stockpiling supplies can ever do. I hope this article gave you a good understanding of where to put your focus to really prepare for SHTF. If you get after it and train to improve a little each day, you’ll be better prepared than most when the end of the world arrives.

18 Urban and Wilderness Survival Hacks That Would Make MacGyver Proud

Having taught survival skills to thousands of individuals from all over the world for nearly two decades, I’ve come to one conclusion: the most important survival skill is innovation. Using what you have, to get what you need, is what will ultimately make the difference between life and death in a sudden and unexpected survival scenario. I often call this “survival hacking.”
Over the years, I’ve learned (and sometimes invented) some very interesting survival hacks that I think everyone should know. Why? Well, it’s like I always say: “it’s not IF but WHEN.” Below are a few survival nuggets for the when.

Framework Collar Connector

If you need a long pole, you’ll often have to lash together two limbs or saplings to get the right length. This is the case when making a dome framework for wigwam-style shelters, for example. If cordage is in short supply, using an energy shot bottle (like a 5-Hour Energy or similar product) from your trash may be the solution. After slicing off the top and bottom of the bottle, a very strong cylindrical tube remains. You can use this tube as a collar for connecting the ends of two limbs. Taper the ends of the limbs so they slide into the tube opposite each other and form a snug fit when wedged together. This collar will hold them surprisingly well and will not stretch with moisture, as many lashings do. If the collar is a bit loose, heat it over coals or a flame and it will shrink and tighten the fit.

Blanket Chair

Finding a good place to sit in an improvised survival camp can be very frustrating — especially when the ground is wet or snow covered. This hack improvises a very comfortable seat in just a few minutes. The only parts you need are four sturdy poles and a blanket or scrap piece of durable fabric. Cut three poles that are 6′-8′ long by 1″-2″ thick, and then cut a fourth that is the same thickness and 4′ long.
Connect two of the long poles together at one end using a bipod lashing. Fold the blanket or fabric in half, bunch the end together, and suspend this end with rope from the cross at the bipod lashing. Insert the 4′ pole in the unsecured fold of the blanket so that it sticks out at both ends, and rest it against the longer poles. Finally, kick lash the last long pole in the center as a support, and lean back to relax.

Condom Canteen

Many survivalists, including myself, suggest packing non-lubricated condoms in survival kits. They are small, compact, and inexpensive, and have a plethora of survival uses. One noteworthy function is as a compact emergency water container. Here are a couple tips I’ve learned from experience for using a condom as a canteen:
  • Fill the condom in a sock to protect it during travel.
  • Use any rigid hollow tube such as an ink pen, elderberry branch, or bamboo section as a spout and secure the base of the condom around it using duct tape or paracord.
  • Carve a spout stopper from any dry branch.
  • Add a sling, and you’re ready to make tracks with more than a liter of drinking water. 

2-Liter Rain Collector

The ability to collect rainwater, especially if stranded on an ocean island, is critical. Luckily, that task can be easily done with just a plastic bottle (be sure it has a cap; the mouth must be sealed). Start by cutting off the bottom of the bottle. Next, cut vertical slices 1″-2″ apart up the side of the bottle, starting at the bottom and going a little more than halfway. Fold the sections out, giving the bottle a flower-like appearance. (Using heat during this step makes the bottle more pliable and speeds up the process; it also helps keep the petals in place once finished.) Finally, plant the top of the bottle a couple inches into the ground and wait for rain.
This water collector is modeled after nature itself — the leaves on many plants and trees help funnel rainwater toward the main stem or trunk. These plastic “petals” help to funnel water into the central reservoir. The water can then be drunk with a straw or piece of hollow reed grass, or poured into a canteen.

Match Feather Stick

If you’ve studied survival or bushcraft very long, chances are you’ve heard of “feather sticks.” With a sharp knife, you shave long wood slivers down the side of a stick. Just before a sliver is completely shaved off, you stop and begin another sliver from the top. After several minutes’ work, you’ll have a stick covered in feather-like wood shavings. These shavings catch fire much quicker and easier than the larger solid stick. Consequently, feather sticks are an excellent and easy fire starter that’s found in nature.
Let’s take that concept a step further and apply it to wooden matches. In extremely difficult conditions, when you might need additional help starting a fire, use your knife to shave small wooden slivers just above the match head, creating a mini feather stick. When the match ignites it will very quickly catch these shavings on fire, which will create a stronger and bigger flame.

Jumper Cable + Pencil = Fire

Using a battery power source is a very popular firestarting method. There are many different ways to do it using many different types of batteries. This one involves using a car battery, jumper cables, and a regular No. 2 pencil. Start by shaving down an area on each end of the pencil to expose the lead. Then clamp on the positive and negative jumper cable clamps, one on each shaved area. Be sure the clamps are touching the pencil lead. Place the clamps and pencil on top of your tinder bundle, clamp the other ends of the cables to the car as you normally would, and turn on the engine. The electricity from the cables will turn the lead into a red-hot ember and the wooden pencil will erupt into flame in about 2 minutes’ time. Use the flame to ignite your tinder bundle.

9-Volt Razor Hack

As mentioned above, batteries can be used in all kinds of different ways to make fire. Another way is using the very thin blades from a disposable razor to short-circuit a 9-volt battery. A tiny spark will fly when a blade touching the positive terminal is crossed with a blade touching the negative terminal. The correct tinder at this intersection, such as char cloth or thin shreds of tinder fungus, can be ignited with little effort.
You can use nearly any metal or wire to short-circuit a low-voltage battery, but it must be extremely thin in order to deliver positive results. Also keep in mind that repeated attempts can drain the charge from your battery source.

Mylar Emergency Survival Blanket Lens

Yet another fire-starting method involves harnessing the sun’s rays using a Mylar blanket, a container with a plastic snap-on lip, and a hollow tube or ink pen. First, trim out the interior of the plastic lid so that it is just the rim that snaps onto the container. This circular rim will tightly hold a piece of Mylar placed over the top. Pierce a hole in the side of the container and insert a hollow tube or ink pen. This allows you to suck the sealed Mylar into a convex parabolic shape that can create a solar ember in direct sunlight on suitable tinders such as punky wood, agave pith, deer poo, char cloth, and tinder fungus (chaga).

The Fire Pick

Did you know that guitar picks make incredible fire tinder? They are made from a material called celluloid, which happens to be extremely flammable. For this reason I always keep a couple in my wallet as emergency firestarter. They will ignite when exposed to an open flame such as that from a disposable lighter or match.
However, you can also ignite them with just a spark. Start by carving a small divot in a piece of wood or stick about half an inch in from the end. Then, split the stick on that end, all the way into the divot. Next, using your knife, fill the divot with shavings from the guitar pick, which you make by scraping your knife at a 90-degree angle against the pick. Finally, slide the pick into the split until the edge of it is buried in the shaving-filled divot. Now you can ignite the small shavings using a spark from a flint rock or ferro rod (a manmade, flint-like metal), and they will in turn ignite the pick. Voilà — fire with a guitar pick!

Gum Wrapper Fire

A foil-backed gum wrapper (or any foil-backed paper candy wrapper) can be used to start a fire if you have a battery source, such as a AA battery from a flashlight or remote control. Start by trimming the wrapper to an hourglass shape. Simultaneously touch the positive and negative terminals of the battery with the foil side of the wrapper. The electrical current will converge on the thinnest part of the hourglass shape and ignite the wrapper to flame. If the battery is too weak to bring the wrapper to flame, consider adding a second battery for more electrical current. Be sure to have a good tinder bundle ready because you’ll only have about 3 seconds of flame!

Ramen Noodle Stove

I love items that do double duty. Ramen noodles are not only a lightweight pack food, but they can also serve as a great little cooking stove in a pinch. All you have to do is saturate the dried brick of ramen with a flammable liquid such as alcohol or HEET brand antifreeze and it will burn like a solid fuel puck for up to 20 minutes per side. The dried ramen noodles help to control the rate of fuel vaporization. Build a makeshift frame to balance a pot and cook away!
It helps to soak the ramen brick in one of the fuels mentioned above for a while before use, but it isn’t necessary. A standard yellow kitchen sponge also works in nearly the same way and makes a handy little impromptu stove when soaked with alcohol or HEET.

Paracord Fishing Fly

One of my students showed me this hack several years ago, and I’ve tested it time and time again in the fishing pond at Willow Haven. Slide a 1″ section of paracord over a bare fishing hook to make a very appealing fishing fly lure. Fluff up the end over the hook for disguise and then heat the other end with an open flame to melt and weld it just below the eye where the line attaches. Live bait is always best, but when live bait isn’t available you’ll never miss an inch of paracord from your shoelaces or bracelet. This improvised fly lure also floats very well for top-water bluegill and bream fishing.

Spoon Broadhead

Whether you’re hunting with bow and arrow or a spear, it’s always better for it to be tipped with a sharp metal broadhead. Believe it or not, you can use something to kill your food that most people use to eat their food — a spoon! As you can see in the illustration, the evolution of a regular spoon to a killer broadhead is a simple process. Pound the spoon flat with a rock or hammer. Next, file the edges down to a point, using a standard metal file that can be found in almost any auto repair shop or garage. Finally, snap off the handle at the base with repeated bending, and lash the finished point into a split at the end of an arrow with any kind of cordage.

Slingshot Whisker Biscuit

Any slingshot can quickly be converted into an arrow-shooting sling bow with one very simple addition — a paintbrush. Cut a .5″-wide depression from the bristles of a 2″-wide paintbrush to create a perfect whisker biscuit cradle for a full-sized hunting arrow. The cut notch in the paintbrush bristles will create an arrow rest, and the arrow fletching will slide through the bristles without hesitation. Pinch the arrow nock in the slingshot pouch, pull back, aim, and fire. Although the brush can easily be taped in place, a Velcro strap makes putting it on and taking it back off a breeze in the field.

Bra Cup Debris Mask

Toxic ash and debris can be a serious problem during natural or manmade disasters. Breathing in ash, pulverized concrete, and debris particles can slow you down as well as result in severe long-term conditions such as asthma and lung cancer.
Most women carry two emergency debris masks on their person at all times — a bra! The padded cups of most bras fit perfectly over the mouth and nose and can act as a crude debris filter in an emergency. The combination of foam, padding, and two layers of fabric is much better than most store-bought masks. You can even rework bra straps and ties to hold the mask securely on your face for hands-free travel.

Makeshift Butterfly Bandage

I learned this particular hack from an Army field medic while taking a wilderness first-aid class a few years back and thought it was great. Bandages are a luxury in a survival scenario, and you want to make the best possible use of them when necessary. And especially on the hands, fingers, and knuckles, traditional bandages just don’t work that well. To make them more flexible and adaptable, cut a center slice through each of the adhesive strips long-ways, from the ends up to the bandage portion. Now, with four adhesive strips instead of two, you can apply the bandage more effectively to stubborn body parts.

A Not-So-StrAWEful Tick Puller

Ticks are nasty critters and the bane of many a woodsman. The best way to rid yourself of ticks is to pinch the head with tweezers and pull upward with steady, even pressure. In the absence of suitable tweezers, make a tick puller from a plastic drinking straw. Using a knife or scissors, cut an eye-shaped hole toward the end of the straw, large enough to fit over the tick’s body. The outside tip of the eye cut (the side closest to the edge of the straw) should come to a very fine point. Slide the eye over the tick and pull from the side, wedging the tick’s head and neck in the corner of this fine-cut point. Steadily pull until the tick detaches, and then wash the affected area with soap and water.

Bullet Casing Whistle


Using just an empty bullet casing, a file (or sharp corner of concrete), and a branch, you can make one of the best makeshift rescue whistles in the world. File a groove .5″ from the opening of the bullet casing as shown in the illustration. Be sure that there is a flat 90-degree portion toward the open end. Next, carve off the top fifth or so of a branch that is the same diameter as the inside diameter of the bullet casing. Cut this piece so that it is the exact length from the opening to the 90-degree, flat-filed edge and insert it into the end of the casing as shown. This bullet will now produce a piercing whistle to signal for rescue.


Your imagination is your only limit when it comes to emergency survival scenarios. I am amazed every day at the creative survival solutions and ideas that I see from friends, students, survival enthusiasts, and fellow instructors. Remember, it’s not IF but WHEN.