Novus Ordo: "Sustainable Development" Sisters?
Partners Join the Catholic Sisters Initiative team in Nairobi, Kenya to Discuss Sisters’ Role in Sustainable Development
The 2016 Catholic Sisters Strategic Initiative convening is now
underway. This year's theme is "Catholic Sisters: Champions of
Sustainable Development in Africa."
The three main themes of the convening are:
- Networks: to build a community of shared practice among African sisters, the Catholic Church, philanthropy, governments, the non-governmental organizations community and other actors committed to sustainable development in Africa
- Knowledge: to understand how we might better capture and communicate the impact of our work together
- Solidarity: to articulate a shared vision and commitment to advance the sustainable development agenda
The next few days will be full of a robust agenda,
enlightening speakers, and inspiring discussions. Follow along on
social media with the tags #HiltonFoundConvene and #CatholicSisters.