Climate Engineering Contamination, Staying Healthy In A World That Isn’t
Dane Wigington
How does one retain some semblance of health while existing in a world that has become alarmingly toxic and incompatible to life as a whole? Though there are countless sources of contamination, the climate engineering fallout is the most pervasive of all. I am not a physician, but I have made an effort to understand and pursue fitness and health since I was about 14 years of age. To some degree I have avoided previously penning this post because it is not my primary area of study. This being said, I have had many requests to outline what my personal health protocol is, so I'll do exactly that. I am not giving medical advice, I am not suggesting or directing anyone to practice the health/fitness regime that I follow, I am simply sharing it.
The Basics
Abundant Clean And Mineral Balanced Drinking Water
Acquiring this most essential element is no simple task in our now
completely contaminated world. I have intentionally located in an
extensive wilderness area for many reasons, one of them is the access to
exceptional ground water. I, of course, realize that such a source of
water is not available to many or most, so other options must be found.
The quest for clean water is a complex question and not within the scope
or this article, but the point is simply this, water is the most
essential foundation of our health.

Exercise, Resistance And Aerobic Training
For me, this is first and foremost. If an individual is physically able
to engage in consistent cardiovascular and resistance weight training,
there is no substitute for the benefits. "Use it or lose it", how many
times have we all heard this simple mantra, yet, how few put it to
practice? Physical exercise triggers countless beneficial processes in
the body, including the cleansing effect of perspiration. Coupled with
the constant consumption of clean and mineral balanced water, great
benefits can be realized. It is the consistency that matters when it
comes to exercise. With few exceptions, I try to train every day.
Avoiding Further Contamination While Training
Unless the outside air is relatively clear, I do not do
workout outside. Many choose to ignore the obvious negative effect of
heavy outdoor exercise (and thus heavy respiration) in polluted air,
this is a big mistake. The harder one breaths in particulate laden air,
the more deeply those contaminants penetrate into the lungs. I grew up
in unimaginably smoggy conditions in Upland, California. Only when I
retreated to the mountains (which I did constantly as I lived right at
the base of them) could I escape the polluted air. Even as a boy I was
instinctually careful not to exercise heavily while outdoors on a smoggy
day. I feel I am still reaping the benefit even today from the caution I
practiced so long ago.
Adequate Rest Is Absolutely Essential
Consistently following a protocol of sleep hygiene is imperative. No
regime of fitness and health can approach its full potential without the
rejuvenation process of adequate rest. Many in today's reality do not
take this fact into account and thus neglect this extremely important
aspect of sound health. It is essential to consider that the time you
choose to go to bed can have a big impact on the rejuvenation that is
realized from your sleep. Rest in the earlier hours of the night are
generally more beneficial for most.
Sleep Aids
Because sleep is so important, and because there are so many factors in
the current paradigm that interfere with our natural sleep cycles, I
choose to utilize various supplements to assist with my sleep hygiene.
The amino acid "Gaba" is one supplement that I regularly take. Gaba has
natural calming effects and can also help the body to produce HGH during
rest. Melatonin is also a regular supplement for me. There are multiple
benefits from Melatonin as well, including antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory properties. Chamomile and Valerian Root are two more
options. I rotate supplements, this is important. Constantly taking the
same supplement without any break can and does cause the body to build
a tolerance and thus the effectiveness is diminished or lost.

This is, of course, a very complex subject with countless points of
view. Again, the point of this article is to share my own protocol and
practices, not to push others to follow any particular practice. What we
eat matters immensely. The pros and cons of particular practices and
protocols regarding foods and food groups can vary greatly from
individual to individual. Blood types are medically shown to be a very
significant factor that should be considered (due to different genetic
makeup). I had an extensive lab blood test done for food
lectin intolerance to confirm the foods that were most compatible for my
blood type and genetics. Investigating and understanding what foods are
most beneficial to our individual systems is imperative. So many live
out their entire lives without knowing or understanding that
their systems are intolerant to specific foods. Over time, this
intolerance has a grinding down effect on our overall health. I try to
consistently consume organic, non-GMO foods that are most compatible
with my system.
When To Eat, And When Not To
Part of my family is from Lithuania, and there is a saying there,
"breakfast you keep for yourself, lunch you share with a friend, dinner
you give to your enemy". What I consider from this proverb is this,
piling up on calories late at night before bed is very counterproductive
in many ways and is especially detrimental to sound rest. If your body
is struggling to digest while trying also to rejuvenate and cleanse
(especially in regard to the brain), these are opposing forces. Avoiding
heavy protein meals late in the day and evening is also essential to
better sleep at night. Light meals or serotonin producing foods are best
for late day and evening meals in order to assist with more restful
This subject is also very complex and must be tailored to the
individual. I will again share my own personal regime in this arena. I
have a pantry that is overflowing with supplements, so many that it
takes a bit of navigation to know where to find what you are looking
for. This being said, I do not take handfuls of the same vitamins and
supplements every day. I am selective, and I consistently rotate
supplements. I also take short breaks from supplements altogether to
allow my system to settle and clean out. It is important to remember
that many herbal supplements and even various vitamins are diuretics. If
you load up constantly, you will soon begin to purge your system of
water (and thus essential nutrients) which greatly diminishes or
completely negates the benefits you are trying to gain from the
supplements to begin with. Again, as previously stated, I rotate what I
take in order to avoid losing the benefit from various supplements by
building up a tolerance to them (I do not apply this rule to some of the
most basic and essential supplements like vitamin C). Something to
consider, purchasing supplements online is far less expensive than
shopping at a retail store.
Which Supplements
As already stated this is a complex subject which can and should vary
greatly from individual to individual. The following is a list that
covers many of the supplements that I take on a rotational basis. Ginkgo
Biloba, Chamomile, Valerian root. Turmeric, Saw Palmetto, Broccoli
extract, L-lysine, Amino complex, Vitamin D, Vitamin C (Ester C or
comparable), Vitamin E, Vitamin B complex, Magnesium Malate, Boron,
Chromium Picolinate, Kelp, Vitamin K-2, Calcium (high quality),
Glucosamine/Chondroitin/ MSM (joint maintenance), Green tea extract,
Chlorella, essential minerals, apple pectin and Bromelain. Though there
are those who claim if one eats properly, supplements are not
needed. I disagree. Our bodies daily face a virtual onslaught of attacks
and contamination from countless unnatural sources, extra ammunition
for remaining strong and healthy is essential.
The Most Important Food Of All, Essential Fats
The body cannot function without essential fat lipids, they are the
single most important food we can consume. A deficiency in essential fat
lipid intake can lead to an endless list of ailments and diseases.
Essential fats are critical in regard to cellular communication and
hormone production within the body which is in turn are critical to our
overall health. Essential fat lipids are exactly that, essential. Two
primary sources I consume are organic Flax and Hemp oils. Both can be
found in the refrigerated section of any health food store.
Fermented Foods
Foods containing beneficial bacteria are another basic building block
of maintaining our health. There are many sources, I am not advocating
any particular one, just a general statement of fact. I try to
consistently keep my intestinal flora maintained.
Avoiding Sugars And Staying Alkaline
The importance of avoiding refined sugars and maintaining an alkaline
balance cannot be overstated. The reasons are many, it is not within the
scope of this post to cover this subject in depth. I frequently add
apple cider vinegar to my drinking water to further decrease acidity,
but always in moderation. Apple cider vinegar (like most other
supplements) is a diuretic and should be utilized in moderation.
Prevention Of Respiratory Infections
Chronic respiratory infection is now epidemic all over the globe.
Mathematically speaking the greatest single source of toxic atmospheric
particulate contamination is the global climate engineering assault.
This fact cannot be rationally denied if all available data is
investigated and examined. These particulates are platforms for fungal
proliferation and thus fungal infections. Not surprisingly, studies now
show that as much as 90% of chronic upper and lower respiratory
infections are fungal. To combat this source of infection, I
consistently use a nasal spray/inhaler that is comprised of the several
essential elements. I fill a 2 ounce nasal spray bottle with clean water
and add 1/2 pack of "Neti Pot" salt mix (available in any drug store). I
then add 2 drops of tea tree oil, 2 drops of eucalyptus oil, and 2
drops of grapefruit seed extract. Shake to mix thoroughly, and put it to
use. Every night before bed I spray several herbal prevention shots up
each nostril while inhaling and also inhale several sprays through the
throat of the same mixture. If I feel I have had unusual exposure for
any reason, I will use the spray in the morning as well. With this
practice, I also rotate and occasionally switch to Olive Leaf Extract
nasal spray (also available in any health food store). The importance of
keeping any fungal infections (also bacterial and viral) from getting
started cannot be overstated. Once deeply rooted, such infections are
much more difficult to eradicate. Mainstream medical "professionals"
nearly always only feed the problem by prescribing antibiotics which
then kill of beneficial organisms in our system thus further fueling
fungal infections. I also utilize the following internal supplements if I
am battling an infection: Olive Leaf extract capsules, Grapefruit seed
extract capsules, oil of organo, garlic, and Monolaurin.
What We Believe, And Our Health
Our mental state carries the most profound impact to our health. Our
body is a manifestation of our state of mind. This fact in no way
negates all the protocol and practices outlined above, but rather is an
essential component to the whole approach of staying strong and healthy
in a toxic world.

The Bottom Line, We Must All Work Toward Completely Altering The Current Paradigm On Our Planet
Staying healthy is, of course, important and essential for countless
reasons, but the most critical of all is this, in doing so, we can be
much more effective in the fight for the greater good. The posted
information above is not complete, but rather a general overview of my
personal practices and protocols. Staying healthy requires each
individual to be pro-active, it cannot be accomplished in any other way.
The human race has truly painted itself into a very dark corner, we now
face countless daunting existential challenges. The list of
contamination sources we face is endless. From GMO foods to Fukushima,
to Monsanto chemicals, our exposure is constant. This being said, the
single most important leap we could make in the right direction is to
fully expose and halt the climate engineering assault on the biosphere
and the web of life. No matter how much effort we make toward
maintaining or improving our health, every breath we take is now laden
with the toxic geoengineering fallout. Everything we eat is now exposed
to the same contamination. Exposing and halting the ongoing climate
engineering insanity must be our common cause, it should logically be
our primary focus. This battle is about every single breath we take, make your voice heard in this all important fight.DW