Vaccines, cancer and autism: Could a massive Big Pharma cover-up be behind mysterious deaths of holistic doctors?
Harold Shaw
This blog includes the latest on Vaccines and the culture of death!
Today, the United States has one of the highest rates of infant
mortality in the entire world. No less than 1 in 45 children are
suffering from autism, while cancer is said to affect 1 in 3 women and 1
in 2 men. In fact, cancer is the second leading cause of death in
America, but it is also a 124-billion-dollar industry. What would happen
if, say, a natural cure were discovered?
The 12 doctor deaths recorded within only three months last summer suggest a sinister answer. Could it be that we already have the cure for cancer, but are denied access to this knowledge?
It's been happening right in front of our eyes
In the summer of 2015, 12 non-conventional doctors died within three months of each other and were all found under mysterious circumstances. Three of these holistic doctors were found randomly in the woods outside and it was quickly presumed that they had committed suicide. Four cases were established as murders, but the guilty party was nowhere to be found. Several others died suddenly, for no apparent reason.Dr. Nicholas Gonzales, for instance, had helped many patients suffering from late-stage cancer to survive their disease. When he died, it was initially reported that he had been killed by a heart attack. However, the autopsy that followed his death failed to confirm any sort of heart disease. To this day, we still don't know why Dr. Gonzales died. Dr. James Bradstreet was actually the first reported death of the 12. In July, the FDA raided the doctor's medical center, making few of the details were made public. One week later, he was found shot, in a river.
The investigations that followed the suspicious deaths were nothing but a mess and, quite frankly, a joke.
Why these doctors?
If 12 deaths within 90 days among holistic doctors weren't suspicious enough, the connection established between their individual research efforts is more than clear. They were all studying the effects of GcMAF and nagalase on cancer, as well as their link to autism in children. Haven't heard about GcMAF as a viable cure against cancer? That's because none of their studies became widely known until the doctors themselves started dying.Here's what some of the doctors discovered. When combined with vitamin D, the Gc (Group-specific component) protein in our bodies is transformed into GcMAF, the single most effective means in our immune systems to kill cancer cells. Working with GcMAF, doctors came to the conclusion that it can reverse not only cancer, but also autism.
However, when the body is deprived of GcMAF, the opposite takes place and the immune system is vulnerable to all kinds of diseases. Almost all of the 12 holistic doctors that were found dead believed that a GcMAF inhibitor called nagalase was being injected into the American population by means of vaccines.
The theory on vaccines and population control
Nagalase is an enzyme excreted by cancer cells, as well as a component of the HIV and influenza viruses that is known to inhibit the body's production of GcMAF. We already know that the MMR vaccine is linked to autism, thanks to a CDC whistleblower who came exposed CDC fraud in 2014. So the holistic doctors had a hunch. What if the link between vaccinations and autism was related to GcMAF? What if nagalase was purposefully added to vaccines throughout the U.S.?That's right. It's not just that we are not given access to a much more effective and less damaging cancer treatment, while millions die every year from the disease. It's quite possible that, for the sake of population control, our immune system is being destroyed by the very thing we are promised will protect it – the vaccine.
Of course, it would be much easier to settle all of this if we got to talk to the doctors that came up with the theory in the first place. But they are all dead.
Melinda Gates to Inject Indian Girls with Sterilization
Melinda Gates of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is furthering her agenda to control the population. This time is by launching her “Family Planning Programme. The technology is called Uniiject, it comes in a simple, unintimidating squeeze bottle. It is said to cost one dollar. The injection is simple and built to encourage more women in West African nations to either delay pregnancy or halt it forever. Because the injection doesn’t require the women to lift up their dresses, turnout is expected to be high.
According to Science Alert, 6,000 women have already been subjected to the anti-fertility injections.
The results have so far been very positive in Burkina Faso, with Gates Foundation-funded site, Take Part, reporting that nearly 6,000 women have used the contraceptive, and for almost a quarter of them, it’s the first contraceptive they’ve ever taken.
Melinda Gates now plans to roll out the anti-fertility contraception to millions of women, according to the Hindustan Times.
“I’m encouraged that the government of India is finally, really coming back to family planning. They have re-energised it, they are saying they understand it needs to be voluntary and they are starting to offer a basket of choices and options to women,” said Melinda , co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, who arrived in New Delhi on a three-day visit on Friday.
“Because sterilisation is the only method available to so many women, they have their children very, very close together, so they have them young which is extremely dangerous for the mom and for the baby,” she said.
“So India took this decision last year to introduce injectables into the public sector, which is huge. I see it happening this year. They (Indian government) have been talking about it for several years but hadn’t taken the policy decision. They finally took the policy decision, so I think they will start to roll them out this year as part of the government system, They’re (injectable contraceptives) have been in the private sector,” she said.
This is glorified population control on the part of the Gates Foundation. It can’t be interpreted in any other way. Melinda is just off her 7th visit to India which is when she dropped the news about population control meds being issued to young girls country-wide. She’s calling it the “Family Planning Programme” but in the end, it is just an injection that sterilises girls. Many of the girls are from low-education areas and probably don’t understand the gravity of Melinda’s “Family Planning Programme.”
This is nothing short of a nefarious attempt to control the population. We’ve long speculated that the Bill and Melinda Gate’s Foundation has used vaccines to secretly sterilize young mother in Africa and India, now that concept has been lent more authenticity.
Vaccines Suspended at UK School After Up to 15 Students Collapse
At least one child sent to emergency care
An investigation was launched into vaccines used at a UK school for boys after several students fell ill from receiving the jabs.
As many as 15 Year 10 students at the Northampton School for Boys collapsed onto the floor Tuesday following a series of vaccines which resulted in severe adverse side effects.
As one mother who preferred to remain anonymous described: “Several different vaccines were being administered, and around 10 to 15 pupils keeled over and paramedics were called.”
Children were also witnessed “on their backs on the floor with their legs up on chairs,” the mom said.
“The rest of the jabs were cancelled and a letter was sent home to the parents of pupils who had been given the jabs about what to do if they felt nauseous. Rumours say there may have been a duff batch of vaccines,” the woman said, according to the Daily Mail.
At least one child was sent to emergency care as a precaution, but was “later discharged with no further effects,” according to a letter sent home to parents.
The letter blamed “unforeseen circumstances” for the complications, and advised parents to monitor their child’s health, specifically looking for signs of dizziness, nausea or skin rash:

“Dear Parent/Carer, please be advised the immunisation session your child attended today was suspended due to unforeseen circumstances,” the letter reads.
“Some of the vaccinated children have become unwell shortly after vaccination. Your child has received their scheduled vaccination and, while we are not expecting him to become unwell, we are advising if he experiences sensations of dizziness, nausea, skin rash, or breathing difficulties to seek the appropriate medical advice.”
UK public health officials responded that the illnesses which followed administration of the Meningitis ACWY vaccines were an “isolated incident” and not the result of a bad batch, indicating no further investigation is required and that the vaccine program will continue at a later date.
“Public Health England are satisfied this is an isolated incident and is not related to a batch issue of the vaccines,” a message disseminated by the Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust said in a statement. “NHFT School nursing team contacted all parents/carers to inform them of the situation providing assurances of the steps taken and will be rescheduling the vaccination programme in due course.”
As reported by Infowars last April, a nationwide UK meningococcal vaccine program has been launched, specifically targeting infants, despite vaccine inserts warning that “Safety and effectiveness… have not been established in children younger than 10 years of age.”
Additionally, side effects up to and including death have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System regarding meningococcal vaccines produced for serotypes A, C, Y and W-135.
The National Vaccine Information Center reports:
[A]s of September 30, 2015, the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), which includes only a small fraction of the health problems that occur after vaccination in the U.S., had recorded more than 1,846 serious health problems, hospitalizations and injuries following meningococcal shots, including 99 deaths with about 34% of the deaths occurring in children under age six.
British Medical Journal: Vaccines sold by marketing fear of disease
Influenza vaccines are killers, life destroyers, and provide little
or no benefit. The evidence is clear. A report published in the BMJ
clarifies how these facts are ignored by health agencies. To get around
them, they simply push fear of disease well past the point of absurdity.
But the CDC and other health agencies have no other way to sell the
The British Medical Journal (BMJ), one of the world's most
highly revered scientific medical publications, has published an article
that condemns influenza vaccines and their marketing. The last sentence
It's no wonder so many people feel that "flu shots" don't work: for most flus, they can't.[1]Influenza vaccines don't work as advertised. Nonetheless, they're heavily marketed by governmental agencies through one consistent tactic: fear. Dr. Doshi describes how influenza vaccinations are sold:
[I]nfluenza is a serious disease, we are all at risk of complications from influenza, the flu shot is virtually risk free, and vaccination saves lives.In other words, he's saying that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which supposedly exists for the benefit of the people's health, is selling influenza vaccines by trying to scare people into it. It's pure fear mongering and as we'll see later, outright lies, to market flu vaccines. He goes on to state that looking through the CDC's vaccine-marketing lens gives the impression that:
... the lack of influenza vaccine availability for all 315 million US citizens seems to border on the unethical. Yet across the country, mandatory influenza vaccination policies have cropped up, particularly in healthcare facilities, precisely because not everyone wants the vaccination, and compulsion appears the only way to achieve high vaccination rates.Dr. Doshi is telling us that a combination of fear mongering and force are now being used to compel people to accept forced drugging by vaccination. Then, he states:
Closer examination of influenza vaccine policies shows that although proponents employ the rhetoric of science, the studies underlying the policy are often of low quality, and do not substantiate officials' claims.The science supporting influenza vaccines is poor. Surely the CDC must know this. After all, it's their job to know! So, the fact that they use junk science to support a massive program of vaccination clearly demonstrates an utter lack of faith towards the people. There can be no explanation for this dereliction of duty other than having sold out to the manufacturers and the medical system itself.
By the way, those quotes all comes from the first paragraph of Dr. Doshi's report. Because they're all provocative statements, it's imperative that he support them—and that he does, with clarity and force.
Who's at risk?
When the flu vaccine was originally recommended in the United States in 1960, only adults age 65 or older were considered at risk if they got the flu. Now, the CDC calls for everyone age 6 months or more is considered "at risk". If the CDC is believed, then the entire population is now as weak as only those over 65 were about 50 years ago.
Does the influenza vaccine save lives?
The CDC wants us all to believe that flu vaccines save lives. However, as Dr. Doshi points out, the evidence does not support the claim. The so-called evidence cited by the CDC consistently contains flaws so severe that they should be discounted completely. He points out one study that appears to show a huge improvement in the odds of death from influenza. But, the study was done outside the influenza season, a time that he refers to as, "when it is hard to imagine the vaccine could bring any benefit." Even the authors found the results implausible, stating that their result:
... is simply implausible, and likely the product of the "healthy-user effect".Dr. Doshi points out that this same bias is present in many studies. Further, he points out that the CDC itself acknowledges this particular bias in studies. Of course, they buried the admission deep inside a 68 page document:
These studies have been challenged because of concerns that they have not controlled adequately for differences in the propensity for healthier persons to be more likely than less healthy persons to receive vaccination.[2]This point is only one flaw in the studies cited by the CDC. Also significant is that the CDC completely ignores studies that do not support their chosen vaccination program. They do not admit that the evidence simply does not support their claim that lives are saved.
Is the flu vaccine safe?
The CDC claims that the influenza vaccine is safe. The reality has proven to be the complete opposite. The National Institutes for Health (NIH) actively promoted a video by their director, Anthony S. Fauci, in which he claims:
[T]he track record [of the H1N1 vaccine] for serious adverse events is very good. It's very, very, very rare that you ever see anything that's associated with the vaccine that's a serious event.This same swine flu vaccine resulted in these massive adverse effects:
- It was suspended by Australia in children under 5 years because of febrile convulsions. 1 in 110 children were affected.
- It caused narcolepsy, a life-devastating neurological illness, in hundreds of adolescents in Europe. 1 in 55,000 adolescents lost their futures to narcolepsy as a direct result of this vaccine.[3]
- Just recently, the UK has admitted that it caused narcolepsy.[4]
Have influenza vaccines reduced mortality?
Vaccine-choice advocates have been pointing out that vaccination has not affected mortality rates from other diseases. Dr. Doshi makes exactly the same point about influenza vaccines, and provides a graph that clearly illustrates the point.
As you can see, it's obvious that any benefit has been, at best, minimal, making a mockery of the CDC's claims that thousands die from influenza every year.
How much flu is genuine influenza?
Dr. Doshi is particularly troubled by the abuse of terminology. He states:
But perhaps the cleverest aspect of the influenza marketing strategy surrounds the claim that "flu" and "influenza" are the same. The distinction seems subtle, and purely semantic. But general lack of awareness of the difference might be the primary reason few people realize that even the ideal influenza vaccine, matched perfectly to circulating strains of wild influenza and capable of stopping all influenza viruses, can only deal with a small part of the "flu" problem because most "flu" appears to have nothing to do with influenza.He focuses on the distinction between real influenza and influenza-like illness. People often say that they have "the flu", when they really don't. Doctors often diagnose "the flu" when their patients don't have it.
The fact is that most cases of "flu" aren't. They're actually influenza-like diseases, and there are many of them.
This graph documents how few people who've been diagnosed with influenza actually have it. This is one of the sneakiest tricks used by the CDC, NIH, and such agencies all over the world.
They give the impression that influenza is a far more common disease than it is. That, in turn, is used to drum up yet more fear to sell vaccines.
Is this a legitimate review?
With so much junk science being passed off for the purpose of selling products, it's always a fair question to ask if the authors are legit. In this case, of course, the question is a bit different. Why would this author write this paper?
Dr. Peter Doshi is a post-doctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, which is generally considered to be one of the world's finest. His career is ahead of him, but this paper may have derailed it. We've seen what's been done to the career of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who was already a world-renowned researcher with impeccable credentials. Dr. Doshi cannot be unaware of that, so the only conclusion to be drawn is that he feels conscience-bound to tell the truth and to inform people of the fact that influenza vaccines are both dangerous and, if not entirely ineffective, certainly they provide only minuscule benefit.
Dr. Doshi has eviscerated both the claims in support of influenza vaccination and the inherent character of our health regulatory agencies. So, will we see any change in the health regulation agencies' push to vaccinate every human and animal on the face of the earth?
Not a chance. The CDC and virtually all the other so-called health agencies ceased to be protectors of people's health decades ago, and likely never were. They are nothing but a marketing front for Big Pharma and Big Medicine.
- Influenza: marketing vaccine by marketing disease; British Medical Journal; Peter Doshi; 346 doi:
- Prevention and control of influenza with vaccines: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2010.
- Swine Flu Vaccine Caused Narcolepsy in Thousands: BMJ Claim
- U.K. gov makes U-turn on link between GSK vaccine and narcolepsy