"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Answering the Critics...

Answering the Critics...
A clarification and refutation to the recent critics of TradCatKnight & The Resistance.

Over the past few weeks there have been erroneous theological statements concerning the Resistance position. Still further we must refute the Modernist & Pseudo Traditionalist "crowds". 

To start with, this is, by no means a subjective attack, on any particular person or group, however, in defense of the Faith we must call out error. I will highlight 12 recent arguments/points and then either clarify or refute arguments given.

1) You are Sedevacantists- No, TradCatKnight nor the Resistance are sedevacantists. We follow what Archbishop Lefebvre truly taught unlike the Neo-SSPX which has caved into the "Remnant/Pseudo-traditionalist" position. We maintain Vatican II was not Catholic, period; it is the pastoral implementation of the Novus Ordo religion which soon ends in the formal schism (invalid excathedra uniting all humanity/religions) Sedevacantists are wrong in these areas: that the new rites/New Mass are invalid, that we haven't had a true Pope, that a Pope who teaches heresy cannot possibly be Pope (common theological opinion was that Popes teaching heresy do remain materially over the Church; there is a process), many are heretics for denying baptism of desire/blood (basic Council of Trent).  Thus, no we are not sedevacantists but to the theologically obtuse and /or ignorant still many call us such including those from the poisoned pseudo traditionalist circles who CLING to "some hope" Vatican II was "Catholic". Was St. Athanasius a sedevacantist when he taught to stay outside of those heretical Arian buildings which had "Catholic" written on the outside of those doors? We have not started another Church we are essentially what remains "of the Church" because the Conciliar/Vatican II church is a counterfeit NewChurch forewarned even by approved mystics. Catholics MUST separate themselves from heresy let alone a WHOLE NEW RELIGION which is orientated towards man.

2) Vatican II, a new religion? YES! It is a man centered subjectivist religion which is continually "evolving/progressing" doctrines to "suit" the modern world and times. This, of course, is emphatically condemned by the Church. Vatican II taught that man is the center (not God) of all mans undertakings; it unveiled a new "concept" or "idea" of what the Church is and who is composed in it. It taught the Church is a sign or symbol of the WHOLE HUMAN FAMILY (this is FreeMasonry and Universalism)  Can everyone now see that connection between that pastoral teaching and the soon coming FORMAL invalid excathedra which will essentially restate the SAME THING. This, of course, comes from the Jews using the Masonic and Marxist sects (principle of absolute equality). Vatican II Masonic Ecumenism teaches dialogue without conversion. If one is not there to convert and even calls it nonsense, as the Vatican II Popes have, what then is the purpose of dialogue? It is merely a heresy which is prolonging the inevitable by gradually "boiling the frogs" around the world into thinking these false religions and sects are "OK" with God and of course we know they are not "OK" with God. Is Vatican II our gospel? Answer, NO! It is the Modernist/Silonists new social democratic gospel. The new impotent humanitarianism as Pope St. Pius X warned. But still further even our Lord and Lady warned us thru esteemed approved mystic Marie Julie Jahenny. On November 27, 1902 and May 10, 1904, Our Lord and Our Lady announced the conspiracy to invent the "New Mass": "I give you a WARNING. The disciples who are not of My Gospel are now working hard to remake according to their ideas and under the influence of the enemy of souls a MASS that contains words that are ODIOUS in My sight. 

3) Vatican II, a sect? Answer, YES! By definition Vatican II New Church is a sect with virtually a "new" everything. Ok, then how come you are not sedevacantists? Answer: The authorities of the Church believe in their minds they are Catholics, that is, what they are teaching is catholic (under the guise of hermeneutics of continuity) YET in reality it is obvious they are not. One does not simply say they have the authority therefore they can never be wrong. How many times in Church history have prelates and Popes been wrong? Answer; QUITE A FEW! The Arian crisis is just one example. Thus, in reality, we have a dreadful situation where we have Church authorities changing church teachings and calling themselves and IT, "Catholic" when in reality it is not. Vatican II New Church has new doctrines (admitted by JPII) has new rites, new bibles, new code, new mass, new theology, new evangelization, new, new, new, etc. Did not Pope Paul the 6th publicly declare by end of Vatican II that "we have the cult of man". For those ignorant that was a public proclamation they are following FreeMasonry. Catholicism is the cult of God. FreeMasonry is the cult of man. The new or integral humanism being taught by Vatican II New Church is essentially the same principles found in ANY FreeMasonic Lodge (right to religious liberty, separation of church and state, freedom of press, freedom of speech, ecumenism, etc).

4) You are apart of that sect by suggesting the Popes still have authority/jurisdiction over the Church. False, completely absurd and erroneous suggestion/attack by sedevacantists. By saying they are still the lawful owners of the buildings who still have the jurisdiction to command does not mean we follow their erroneous teachings. Another impotent sedevacantist myth. Was St. Athanasius apart of the Arian sect by relaying that the authorities still had the power to command? He still held they had jurisdiction.

5) The Pope is the Pope we must OBEY no matter what! Absolutely false and this is a heresy in and of itself to suggest such. The Pope is only to be followed when what he teaches falls in line with Tradition OR what that Solemn Magesterium has already "bound up".  There are some still sadly  in the Conciliar Church AND SEDEVACANTISTS who believe that if a Pope were to come out and say CHEERIOS is the best cereal that you ought OBEY this. This is utter rubbish the esteemed theologians teach the right and duty to resist a Pope teaching heresy. We have documented cases of numerous Popes "being wrong" even in matters of judgement. We have had even one Pope (Honorius) who was later excommunicated by his third successor at the 3rd Council of Constantinople for teaching/siding with heretics! This is our position that a future Pope/Council will rule the Second Vatican Council as "null and void", remove the New Mass, new code and the Conciliar Popes will be excommunicated/anathametized.  A soon holy Pope has one gigantic mess to clean up (50 years worth)!

6)  You must rejoin the Church and fight! What Church have I left I am Catholic. Did St. Athanasius leave the Church when he CLEARLY separated himself from the heretical hierarchy/buildings where Arianism was taught. This is another pseudo traditionalist impotent argument now being employed by the Neo-SSPX. Where the Faith is NOT a Catholic CANNOT be and is the Catholic Faith in the Vatican II sect? Answer, of course not. The problem is the pseudo traditionalists still clinging to some hope that Vatican II was catholic. We can rejoin the "mainstream Church" only after there is intent of removing Vatican II (which will happen) and thence the Bishops, priests, laymen can obey justly flowing from the top downward. Did not Our Lady at Fatima promise a Triumph? In part, an aspect of this Triumph of her intercession is the victory over the Vatican II Revolution. It is imprudent to throw yourself into the Fire so to speak and thus for those who do (trying to rejoin the Conciliar Church)... should they not expect to get burnt? The best example is Bishop Fellay who continually demonstrates his poison in his new outlook on Vatican II. (accept 95% in light of Tradition)  He has been long rubbing up against these noncatholics for awhile.

7) Why not follow SSPX under Bishop Fellay then they are following what Archbishop Lefebvre taught? They are absolutely not following what Archbishop Lefebvre taught. Why do you think they kick us out of their chapels, deny us communion and try to put copyrights on Lefebvre's work. The Neo-SSPX follows Michael Matt (pseudo traditionalist) and the Remnants position not Archbishop Lefebvre. This argument always brings a smile to my face it simply delusion. What Lefebvre truly taught is only being maintained in the Resistance (minus the cowardly priests in the Society who wont speak up)

8) Just go wherever there is a valid Mass, you will be ok! No, not at all. If this were the case the Church would let us go to the heretical Orthodox churches (which it does not). They too have valid priesthood and Sacraments.The Vatican II sect NEEDS to be SEEN in the same fashion .In fact I would argue there is more "Catholicity" in those heretical Orthodox churches than in Vatican II New Church. Even the orthodox laugh over the insane new doctrines trying to be passed and that is not saying much. Still further, a catholic must also take into consideration "compromise of the Catholic Faith". We, of course, know (at least most of us) we cant obtain Sacraments nor commune with heretics BUT we also cannot do the same for those compromising the faith because this is considered a  "public act". Is it sufficient to say we are against "ecumenism, collegiality, religious liberty and new mass" and call it a day as some FSSP priests suggest? Absolutely not the crisis is FAR too DEEP than that. To be in "full communion" with Modernist/heretical Rome is NOT a GOOD THING even if you are claiming to be "resisting" a few mistakes/errors here or there. Objectively speaking one cannot be Catholic and follow Vatican II and therefore that is the dilemma.  Appear to be Catholic and turn our backs on Tradition and ultimately God or stand up in TRUE RESISTANCE for Tradition and thus ultimately please God. The Saints of our time do not hang out in the Conciliar Church playing pretend ask Blessed Anna Emmerick who stated the same.  

9) Well then you are a 'practical sedevacantist" in theory then! And? so what? That was Archbishop Lefebvres true position. This is more mindless ad hominem rhetoric coming from the poisoned hierarchy of the Neo-SSPX. This is what YOUR OWN FOUNDER taught which YOU have turned YOUR OWN BACKS On. That is your problem not mine we wont assimilate with your compromise and wound the Sacred Heart of our King any further. Those who resisted Pope Honorius and his heresy (kept their distance) they too were "practical sedevacantists" ;)  What you will find in some poisoned pseudo traditionalist circles is that the sedevacantist position is taught as, in and of itself, heretical, which it is not. If it were heretical then why didn't the Holy See "come down hard" on those theologians (although few) who taught such a thesis? Again it is impractical and can be dangerous but it is certainly not heretical. Just theological ignorance and obtuseness coming form the pseudo traditionalist circles. Lefebvre taught to stay from the poisoned pseudo traditionalist types Bishop Fellay thinks they are healthy and tries to join in with them.

10) In order to be considered in the Church you must accept Vatican II.  YES and that is our problem because Catholics cannot accept Vatican II and thus must remain on the "outside" of those buildings until Modernist Rome converts (which the coming chastisements will do). Those following Vatican II are "Catholic" only in name they do not have the Catholic Apostolic Faith and Gospel which may cost them their souls unfortunately. 

11) Nothing has been ruled upon by the Church therefore you must remain inside until just authority rules! Erroneous, does the man who has a blindfold over his eyes stay in the house which smells of the flames? Does a man stay in the building in which it is heard over the loud speaker EBOLA may just been released onto these premises but it cannot be confirmed. Of course not this follows logic and common sense (true prudence) to leave where the danger is. Nowhere in Catholic teaching do you find that impotent argument (staying in heretical building until it formally proven heretical). Did not St. Athanasius state "they have the buildings we have the Faith" LONG before "just authority" cleared the air formally? Yes, but you dont have authority to say such things! Erroneous again. St. Athanasius didnt have that authority and he did and was right so was and so will be St. Lefebvre. Now how does that sound!  *Pope Honorius was not formally excommunicated until his 3rd successor for example BUT did not those resisting him and this heresy (Monothelitism) KEEP their DISTANCE? Answer, YES!  Remember we are still "under the Pope" in so far as we recognize his authority and right to command however he commands illicitly therefore we resist and KEEP our distance for the sake of our own souls even as precedence (St Athanasius, Doctor/Father of Church) dictates.

12) How can the Holy Ghost propagate confusion, error, heresy and new religion? Answer, The Holy Ghost DOESNT! Therefore why are you still following along in the "cult of man? By the fruits will you know them. The Vatican II heretics are loved by the enemies of the Church and world and how is this not a red flag to the "average laymen". Something to consider and pray about...after all it is only your eternal salvation on the line, Ave Maria! Join the Resistance; join the Counter-Revolution; join this New Crusade!  The fight for Tradition and the Catholic Faith continues on...


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  1. Excellent! Thanks for this blog, really opened my eyes

  2. Thank God for this blog. You're in my daily prayers Eric!
