Police State: Police across the country are being equipped with ‘Christian’ facial recognition cameras
Soon, cops across America will be wearing body cameras equipped with facial recognition software.
Watchguard Video (WGV) claims their new “Redactive” software will enable law enforcement to identify anyone. (WGV is really, Enforcement Video LLC)
Redactive quickly scans the entire video clip first, automatically recognizing faces, so the user [officer] spends much less time manually performing the task.
Police cameras automatically identify everyone’s face
Redactive’s advanced facial recognition technology automatically detects and identifies human faces, minimizing the elements of the video which are falsely detected as human, thus reducing the overall time spent manually searching and marking the video for redaction. Users begin the redaction process by instructing the software to auto-detect any face in the video. Once auto-detection is complete, the software allows the user to select and redact the face or faces throughout the video.
6,000 spying law enforcement agencies and growing
WGV boasts that 1/3 of America’s police departments (6,000 law enforcement agencies) use their cameras. Currently, there are more than 18,000 state and local law enforcement agencies in the United States.
“We’ve been a WatchGuard customer for years and we are anxiously awaiting delivery of 110 VISTA WiFi Cameras,” said Don Dixon, Chief of the Lake Charles Police Department.
How long, before every law enforcement agency in America is equipped with facial recognition cameras?
Nearly 1 Million spying cops in America
According to the Skeptical Libertarian there are close to a MILLION cops in the U.S. Think about what’s happening.
Soon, America will have 18,000 law enforcement agencies and a MILLION cops using facial recognition software!
How long before firefighters are equipped with facial recognition cameras?
In Modesto, California firefighters are being equipped with heat-resistant helmet cameras.
Similar in style and technology to the body-worn cameras many police departments use, their function within fire departments is quite different.
Police body cameras can be used for training but initially are utilized as evidence in criminal or internal affairs investigations. Because it is considered evidence, many departments, such as the Modesto Police Department, will not release the footage to the public.
WGV’s ‘Christian’ facial recognition cameras
According to WGV’s company profile, God wants to give cops facial recognition cameras!
WGV is a God-guided company founded on Christian principles.
WGV is a God-guided company that is committed to serving our employees and customers through servant leadership.
Are they listening to God or the cops?
“Our team spends a lot of time listening to the needs of law enforcement as it pertains to video evidence. With VISTA WiFi, I think they’ll find we not only surpassed their needs, we’ve leapfrogged the market’s expectations” Robert Vanman, Founder and CEO of WatchGuard Video said.
WGV works closely with Homeland Security
As the demand for such video increases exponentially over the next several years, police departments and other law enforcement agencies must find a way to fund the implementation of body worn camera (BWC) programs.
Join Grants Office, LLC and WatchGuard Video as we explore various [DHS] grant programs that will fund BWCs, as well as other solutions such as in-car video. In addition to gaining an understanding of the funding available and tips to secure grants, participants will learn about the latest and greatest video technology available to public safety agencies.
WGV helps police get $1.8 Billion in grant money from DHS
WGV published a 2016 Grant Funding Guide that identifies funding sources and helps them write grants that’ll get approved.
Through thorough research, over $1.8 Billion in grant opportunities were identified, all of which provide for law enforcement projects to fund body and in-car camera systems.
…Your [police] agency must urgently find a way to fund the implementation of a body-worn and/or in-car program. Fortunately, there’s a wide variety of tech-friendly grant programs available to you and a national leader in grants intelligence to help guide your way.
Did God tell WGV to publish a ‘Grant Funding Guide’ that would make them millions in police facial recognition cameras?
The future of American policing; Facial recognition cameras everywhere
image credit: Americansecuritytoday
WGV’s Multi-Peer Recording technology allows each police camera to talk with the other, in order to identify everyone.Here’s a list of WGV’s cameras currently in use in police departments across the country:
- Vista Wi-Fi
- Vista, Zero Sightline
- HD Mini zoom
- 4RE Digital HD Panoramic System
- 4REM
- DV-1 Direct-to-DVD System
The Leadership at WGV is committed to operating above reproach, and with our broader mission of serving Godand each other we will not make decisions or take actions that are not clearly honest, honorable, and in-line with this commitment.
At WGV, we enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that our systems help improve relations between communities and police…
Question: How does spying on everyone help improve community relations?
WGV sued for copyright infringement
Digital Ally, Inc., today announced that it filed suit Friday, May 27, 2016 against Enforcement Video, LLC d/b/a WatchGuard Video (WatchGuard), alleging patent infringement based on WatchGuard’s VISTA Wifi and 4RE In-Car product lines.
Did God, tell WGV to use someone else’s product, so they can sell their biometric cameras to law enforcement?
Police Spying Xmas 2016

image credit: thelancastriansuite
Beginning December 1st., police across the country will begin receiving WGV’s ‘Christian’ facial recognition cameras.This is beyond disturbing, Police State America is using God and ‘Christian’ values to justify spying!
Wake up and speak out, before it’s too late.